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HEENT Nose, Mouth

HEENT Examination

First segment of the respiratory system Nose
Warms, moistens and filters inhaled air Nose
Sensory organ for smell nose
Resonance of laryngeal sound nose
Divides nasal cavity in two Nasal Septum
a vascular network located superficially on the anterior superior portion of the septum Kiesselbach plexus
site of most anterior nosebleeds Kiesselbach plexus
air-filled paired extensions of the nasal cavities within the bones of the skull Paranasal sinuses
lined with mucous membranes and cilia that move secretions along excretory pathways Paranasal Sinuses
drained into the medial meatus paranasal sinus
Serve as resonators for sound Provide mucous for the nasal cavity paranasal sinuses
Only sinuses available to examination Frontal and maxillary
nasal breathing should be noiseless and easy thru the open nares True
Nasal Mucosa should appear deep pink ( pinker than the buccal mucosa) & glistening
In normal adult, the nasal septum is seldom precisely a midline structure True
a film of clear discharge is often apparent on the nasal septum Nasal Septum
only the inferior and middle turbinates will be visible True
lesion of CN 1 or nasal obstruction - commonly due to closed head trauma - invariably accompanied by a perceived change in taste of food ( bland & unpalatable Loss of smell ( anosmia
this is a common complaint in patients who have loss of smell Abnormal smell/ taste ( dysgeusia
if it is paroxysmal and associated with behavioral symptoms, it suggests complex partial seizures Abnormal smell/ taste ( dysgeusia
Describe as to its character ( watery, mucoid, purulent , bloody Nasal Discharge
Unilateral nasal discharge indicative of this Choanal atresia Head injury or surgery
Bilateral nasal discharge indicative of this Allergies Infection
most common site posteriorly Back 3rd of the Inferior Meatus
most common site of bleeding anteriorly Kiesselbach plexus
Causes of generalized epistaxis Congenital :hereditary telangiectasia Inflammatory/immune : Wegener granulomatosis Infectious : typhoid fever, dengue, diphtheria Metabolic/toxic :aspirin, scurvy
Causes of generalized Epistaxis Mechanical : change in atmospheric pressure ( mountain climbing, flying), exertion Neoplastic : nasopharyngeal Ca, leukemia Vascular: hemophilia, thrombocytopenia
Causes of generalized Epistaxis Trauma: nasal and maxillary fracture Elevated venous pressure: Cor pulmonale Congestive Heart failure Elevated arterial pressure : HPN,coarctation of aorta
causes of a hole in the nasal septum chronic infection, nasal surgery, repeated trauma in picking off crusts ,cocaine abuse Sy, TB
Acute Rhinitis Rhinoviruses infect the mucous membranes of the nose & sinuses causing inflammation and inc. nasal secretions
Vasomotor Rhinitis nonallergic mucosal edema and rhinorrhea ass. with vasodilatation of the nasal vessels, mucosal edema & inc. mucous production
Suppurative Paranasal Sinusitis due to Strep. pneumonia, H. influenza severe pain in the face occuring 7-14 days after signs & symptoms of an acute URTI pain & pressure without fever suggest sinus obstruction requiring decongestants
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis This is the most feared complication of nasal infections. It can cause blindness or death Infection spreads from the nose>angular veins> cavernous sinus> septic thrombosis
Symptoms of Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis patient complains of pain deep in the eyes - Both eyes are involved, immobilization of the globes, periorbital edema, chemosis May involve CN 3,4, &6 Sudden chills, high fever, prostated, comatose, death within 2-3 days
First segment of the digestive system Mouth
Airway for the respiratory system Nose, Mouth
largest of the glands, located in the cheeks, front of the ear. Stenson’s duct opens in buccal mucosa Parotid Gland
walnut size, beneath the mandible at the angle of the jaw. Wharton’s duct either side of the frenulum Submandibular Gland
smallest, almond shape, under tongue Sublingual gland
continues from the oropharynx but it is above it and behind the nasal cavity Nasopharynx
Examination of the mouth Hold the tongue blade in the left hand and penlight in the right hand
Lip examination should be pink , smooth surface, free of lesions. - distinct border between the lips and facial skin should not be interrupted by lesions - Vertical and horizontal symmetry both at rest and with movements
Teeth examination ask patient to clench his/her teeth , smile and observe the occlusion of the teeth. - facial nerve is also tested Make sure teeth are firmly anchored, probing each with a tongue blade Generally ivory white in color with 32 permanent teeth in adults
Examining the buccal mucosa with mouth open, using a tongue blade,inspect for color, pigmentation, nodules,white patches- normally pinkish red, smooth, moist- orifice of the stensen duct should appear as a whitish yellow or whitish pink
in normal adult, tonsils seldom protrude beyond the faucial pillars true
surface of the tonsils have crypts where cellular debris and food collect true
examining the pharynx It should be smooth and glistening pink mucosa with some irregular spots of lymphatic tissue and small blood vessels Test CN 9 and 10 touch the posterior wall of the pharynx on each side (+) gag reflex
dry cracked lips due to dehydration from wind chapping, dentures , braces, or excessive lip licking chelitis
cause of angular cheilitis due to candidiasis
Cheilosis ( angular stomatitis ulcerations of skin at the corners of the mouth due to crusting 2ndary to riboflavin deficiency or ill fitting dentures
due to incomplete fusion of the frontonasal process with the 2 maxillary processes cleft lip
congenital failure of the fusion of the maxillary process cleft palate
Grade size 1+ visible …………….2+ ½ way b/t tonsillar pillars and uvula …………….3+ touching the uvula …………….4+ touching each other tonsil grading
Acute viral pharyngitis mucosa of oropharynx shows lymphoid tissue are elevated but noo edema - sore throat, rhinorrhea, malaise, myalgia
Streptococal or staphylococcal pharyngitis Pharyngeal mucosa is bright red, swollen, edematous studded with white or yellow follicles Tonsils maybe enlarged
Pharyngeal diptheria patch of white membrane in the tonsils. - pharyngeal mucosa bleeds on surface, reddened , reddened, swollen ,edematous
Candidiasis shining raised white patches on posterior pharynx, buccal mucosa and tongue
causes of bleeding gums traumatic – toothbrush, laceration, dental caries, tartar on the teeth infection – pyorrhea alveolaris, stomatitis neoplasm – epulis, papilloma of gums Scurvy, syphilis Metal poisoning :phosporous, lead, mercury
scurvy effect on gums tender , swollen, spongy and easily bleeds - due to scurvy ( ascorbic acid deficiency)
Periodontitis ( Pyorrhea Alveolaris) lower teeth are involved - with purulent and retracted gums
Epulis fibrous tumor arising from periosteum and emerges from between the teeth
most common cause of hoarseness acute laryngitis
laryngeal edema signs of obstruction – hoarseness, dyspnea and stridor
Laryngeal spasm acute obstruction of the upper airways accompanied by hoarse brassy cough, dyspnea in children - due to allergy, infection, FB, neoplasm
Created by: betahelix
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