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MSC Causative Agents

MSC 112 - Diseases and their Causative Agents

Skin Abscesses Staphylococcus Aureus most common form of straph spreading factor mouth and nose direct contact
Lobar Pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae capsule prevents phagocytosis fluid in alveolar sacs nose and mouth direct or indirect
Scarlet Fever Streptococcus Pyogenes Erythrogenic Toxin Dick Test Shultz-Charlton - determine toxin mouth or skin direct or indirect
Gonorrhea Neisseria Gonorrhoeae associated with PID STD direct sexual contact
Epidemic Meningitis Neisseria Meningitidis strict human parasite brain and spinal cord dura mater, pia mater, arachnoids
Tetanus Clostridium Tetanii puncture wound with infected objectDPT vaccine
Gas Gangrene Clostridium Perfringens Gas Ganrene in living Tissue Gas in Dead contaminated instruments Infectious BU NOT communicable
Diptheria Corynebacterim Diptheriae Most common in low socioeconomic groups communicable, mostly children
Typhoid Fever Salmonella Typhi
Tularemia (Rabbit Fever) Francisella Tularenis
Tuberculosis in AIDS Mycobacterium Avium Complex slow growing opportunist Blood test
Tuberculosis Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Tuberculin Skin Test - shows on skin Chest X-ray - shows concentration Septum Culture - shows if active
Syphillis Treponema Pallidium Three stages: entry point, 6 wks later, 4 yrs later sexual contact
Lyme Disease Borrelia Burgdorferi ticks
Primary Atypical Pneumonia Mycoplasma Pneumonia have no cell wall can pass through biological filters droplet spray or direct contact uncommon in ages 50+
Epidemic Typhus Rickettsia Prowazekii louse borne host to host
Endemic Typhus Rickettsia Typhi flea borne zoonosis bite of flea of infected rat
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Rickettsia Rickettsii 1873 Eastern US tick bites
Q-Fever Coxiella Burnetii ingestion of raw milk tick bite
Psittacosis Chlamydia Psittaci upper respiratory tract infection
Trachoma Chlamydia Trachomatis eye and urogenital tract
Q-Fever Asiatic Fever
Psittacosis Yersinia Pestis
Trachoma Klebsiella pneumoniae in intestines but translocates to lungs Nosocomial
Botulism Clostridium Botulinum inadequate heating of food produces flaccid paralysis diaphram and intercostal muscles contract causing asphyxiation
Anthrax Bacillus anthracis zoonosis accidently by contact with animals rare in humans breathed in or eaten aerobic
Influenzal Meningitis Hemophilis Influenzae droplet spray nasal secretions
Secondary Infection (Burns) Proteus sp. feces, sewage, soil opportunist swarming colonies
Secondary Infection (Burns) Pseudomonas sp. free living bacteria soil and water opportunistic causes infections OUTSIDE intestines
Shigella Bacillus Dysentery
Leptospirosis Leptosira Interrogans Zoonosis exposure to infect animal urine associated with jaundice
Enteritis Escherichia Coli common intestinal flora suppresses growth of pathogens cause of UTIs
Bacteriogastroenteritis Campylobacter Jejuni normal intestinal flora poorly prepared food
Legionnaire's Disease Legionella Pneumophilia
Histoplasmosis Histoplasma Capsulatum primary deal with lungs secondary is systemic
Candidiasis Candida Albicans mouth flora oral thrush Monilia (old name)
Cryptococcus Cryptococcus Neoformans goes from lungs to CNS bird droppings cerebral or pulmonary
PCP Pneumocystis Carnii exclusive to people with suppressed immunes Terminal Infection
Entamoeba Histolytica Amoebiasis (Amebic Dysentery) through nouth as a cyst can kill if untreated water and raw vegetables
Malaria Plasmodium Malariae bite of mosquito tropics and subtropics
Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasmi Gondii hosted by cats, warm blooded animals through mouth vertical from mother to child
Creutzfeld-Jakob Syndrome Prion degenerative brain disorder slow virus
Septic Sore Throat most common of the streptococcus infections
Neisseria Normal flora of mucus membranes
Salmonella Species acquired through food gastroenteritis contaminated food and drink indirect, arthropod mechanical vectors
Shigella Species humans extremely susceptible cause shedding of blood, mucous and cells through feces danger of dehydration
Acute Coryza common cold
Created by: coqui5049
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