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Chap. 7 II Rca

Chap. 7 II Asia and Africa

Who influenced Japan? China
Japan adopted the Chinese writing system of__________? characters
What became the state religion of Japan in the 7th century? Buddhism
What else did Japan adopt from China? units of weight and measurement, and building methods
Who was credited with bringing Buddhism to Japan? Prince Shotoku
Who helped create a central government for Japan? Prince Shotoku
What document, authorized by Prince Shotoku, established laws and was more about governing the conduct of those in the government? Seventeen Article Constitution
What year was the Seventeen Article Constitution made? 720 A.D.
What kind of document was the Seventeen Article Constitution? Buddhist
What reform is known as the "great change"? Taiku Reform
What was the process of removing power from the local clans and extend the power of the empire? Taiku Reform
What is the "great general" that rules a military state? Shogun
What years did the position of the Shogun hold the real power? 1192-1868
What is another name for Samurai? Bushi
What is the middle and upper warrior class made up of about 10%? Samurai
What described the Samurai? "those who serve in close attendence to the nobility"
What is the set of strict rules followed by the Samurai? Bushido
What does Bushido mean? "the way of the warrior"
What 7 virtues does Bushido stress? rectitude(strong moral integrity), courage, benevolence(showing kindnessof goodwill), respect, honesty, honor, loyalty
What 3 religions was Samurai culture influenced by? Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shinto
What is a distictly Japanese way of life derived from various other practices and folk life? Shinto
What is Shinto most commonly referenced to today? various shrines and temples constructed with a certain architecture
What was the earliest African Kingdom? When was it? Kush; around 1000B.C.
Kush, by what year took over what? 700 B.C.; Egypt
What was a subset of ancient Egypt? Kush
What kingdom overthrew the kingdom of Kush? When? Aksum; 330 A.D.
What was the religion of the Aksumite Empire? christian
What empire was Christian Aksumite
Who was the Syrian christian who brought the faith to the Aksumites? Frumentius
When did the muslime conquer Egypt? 642
What did the muslims improve(in Egypt)? infrastructure
How did the muslims improve infrastructure? by rebuiling dams and canals; crop production increased
What kingdom dominated Central Western Africa? When? Kingdom of Mali; 1200 to 1500
Who was the most famous Mali ruler? Mansa Musa
What year did Mansa Musa impress the world? 1324
Where was Mansa going when he impressed the world? Mecca
How did Mansa impress the world? with his large amount of money and 60,000 men
What was the center for learning for traveling scholars? Timbuktu
What is the generalized term for the Bantu speaking people of southern Africa? Bantu
What is the largest ethnic group of South Africa?(Bantu) Zulu
How many Zulu exist today? 11 million
What is the critical expansion of Bantu peoples? Bantu expansion (multiple migrations over thousands of years)
Created by: cobbweb
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