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NeuroDisorders 2

bassich midterm (test two)

Ataxia wide based gait- legs far apart when walking for better balance (ataxia)
Dysmetria finger to nose test: Under or Overshoot (ataxia)
Hypotonia Hypophonia Hypomimia Decreased muscle tone (ataxia,flaccid) reduced phonation - (hypo) masked face, reduced eye blink decreased phonation/soft voice- (hypo)
Intention tremor tremor occurs with intended movement (ataxic)
Nystagmus Involuntary eye-jerk movement (ataxic)
Atrophy muscle shrinkage. Ex:Jaw, tongue (flaccid)
fasciculations wormy tremor at rest Ex:tongue (flaccid)
chorea fast "dance like" uncontrollable/unpredictable movements (hyper)
dystonia very slow movements (hyper)
athetosis slow movements (faster than dystonia) (hyper)
Dyskinesia not slow/not fast (hyper)
Myoclonus quick beating,rhythmic Ex:Velum (hyper)
Tics faster hyperkenetic movements (hyper)
Tremor resting termor, benign essential tremor, (hyper-general tremor) intention tremor
rigidity stiffness, cramping (cogwheel-little jerks) (hypo)
bradykinesia slow movement (latency) (hypo)
resting tremor tremor of muscle/limb while at not (not initiating) (hypo)
akinesia lack of movement, freezing (hypo)
spasticity resistance to stretching (clasp knife-sudden give way) (spastic)
pathological reflexes Jaw jerk snout suck (spastic)
pseudobulbar affect micrographia uninhibited cry or laugh-(spastic) very small writing- (hypo)
Dysarthria Definition Group of MSDs associated w/ disturbed muscular execution or control of the speech mechanism due to cns/pns
Spastic: place of lesion Bilateral chronic UMN
Spastic: Medical conditions/Neurological condition Bilateral cortical stroke cerebral palsy unilateral cortical stroke
Spastic:Speech characteristics/ Auditory perceptual signs harsh or tight/strained-strangled hypernasality slow rate
Spastic:non-speech movement deficits AMRs sound REGULAR, SLOW rate reduced ROM Reduced force
Spastic: Neurological signs/neuro muscular characteristics Hypertonia-spasticity (clasp knife)-Ex:arms,legs,VFS Hyperactive gag Primitive reflexes Pseudo bulbar affect
Spastic:Speaker/Pt Complaint Slow speaking rate increased effort to speak fatigue when speaking chewing/swallowing difficulty poor control of emotional function
UUMN: Place of lesion unilateral acute cerebral hemispheres
UUMN: medical/Neurolofical conditions Broca's Aphasia, Apraxia
UUMN: Speech/Auditory perceptual characteristics Minimal effects imprecise lingual consonants
UUMN:Non-speech movement deficits reduced ROM & Force on side contralateral to lesion for tongue and lower face
UUMN:Neurological signs/neuromuscular characteristics Test for Central Facial Weakness: Facial Droop but CAN wrinkle forehead,raise eyebrow,blink eye
UUMN:Speaker/Pt complaints thick tongue
Hypokinetic: Place of lesion Basal Ganglia: Substantia Nigra
Hypokinetic:Medical/Neurological conditions Parkinsons
Hypokinetic:Speech/Auditory perceptual characteroistics Hypophonia(pt may be unaware of) Breathy(VF bowing-but sometimes compensate by being harsh or high pitch Monopitch Reduced stress Inappropriate silences/delayed initiation (latency) Rate disturbances:increased rate,repeated phonemes,short rushes of s
Hypokinetic: Nonspeech Movement Deficits Very reduced ROM- non speech repetitive Reduced ROM -individual movements
Hypokinetic:Neurologic signs/ Neurmuscular characteristic Hypertonia-Rigidity (cogwheel-jerks) Hypomimia Resting tremor Micrographia Shuffling Gait Loss of Arm swing when walking Bradykinesia Hypokinesia Akinesia Postural Instability TRAP: Tremor[resting],Rigidity,Akinesia,Postural Instability
Hypokinetic:Speaker/Pt Complaints Reduced Loudness (listener complaint) Rapid rate Mumbling or Stuttering Difficulty initiating speech Reports that "people tell them..."- not their perception Stiff lip- also other stiffness and cramps
HYPERkinetic: Place of lesion Basal Ganglia: Striatum
Hyperkinetic:Medical/neurological conditions Dystonia, Huntington's CHorea
Hyperkinetic: CHOREA :Speech/Audiological perceptual characteristics prolonged intervals variable rate inappropriate silences excess loudness variations prolonged phonemes Sudden forced inspiration/expiration (audible inspiration) Voice Stoppages (phonatory breaks)(phonatory instability)
Hyperkinetic: DYSTONIA :Speech/Audiological perceptual characteristics Distorted Vowels Harsh Irregular artic breakdowns Inappropriate silences voice stoppages (phonatory:breaks,instability) Improves w/ sensory trick. Ex. Bite block
Hyperkinetic: Non speech Movement deficits not important clues for dx
Hyperkinetic: Neurological signs/Neuro muscular characteristics Adventitious Movements: Chorea Dystonia Dyskinesia Tics Myoclonus
Hyperkinetic: CHOREA :Speaker/Pt complaint Effortful speech Involuntary oral movements chewing/swallowing difficulty
Hyperkinetic: DYSTONIA :Speaker/Pt complaint Speech may be reported as normal Neck movements and pain Occasional Dysphagia Awareness of sensory tricks that reduce spasm temporarily
Ataxic: Place of Lesion Cerebellum
Ataxic: medical/neurological condition Damage to Cerebellum, TBI ? Unilateral Cortical stroke
Ataxic:Speech/ Auditory Perceptual Characteristics Irregular articulatory breakdowns Scanning Speech: prolonged phonemes& excess/equal stress in ea syllable Excessive loudness variation hyponasality Vowel distortions Voiced for Voiceless errors
Ataxic:Non speech Movement Deficits Irregular AMRs-Uncoordinated (SMR) ROM for individual and repetitive movements can be excessive
Ataxic:Common Neurological Signs/ Neuromuscular characteristics Hypotonia Broad based gait- wide for balance Dysmetria Intention tremor Nystagmus
Ataxic:Speaker/Pt Complaint "Drunk" speech Stumbling over words Biting Tongue or cheek when speaking/eating Deterioration of Speech w/ alcohol Poor coordination of breathing w/ speech
Flaccid: Place of lesion PNS (CNs)
Flaccid: Medical/Neurological Conditions Brain stem Stroke Unilateral Cortical Stroke
Flaccid:Speech/Aud Percept Depends on CN or Nerves involved and if its bilater or unilateral lesion
Flaccid: Stress Testing Speech. WHy? Useful ti ID Myasthenia Gravis
What is Myasthenia Gravis rapid fatigue of muscular contractions over a short period of time. Depletion of acetylcholine
Stress Test:Task and performance? Rapid Counting 1-50 MG- if pt deteriorates after 10, then resumes normal function once rested
Flaccid:Non Speech Movement Deficits Reduced: muscle TONE, RATE of individual movements, RANGE of repetitive movements
Flaccid:Neurological signs/Neurmuscular characteristics Atrophy Fasciculations Hypotonia Decreased gag- if high vagal lesion
Flaccid:Speaker/Pt complaint Variation depending on the specific CN involved. Specific compensation depending on site of weakness Perceptual Features: HYpernasaility, Audible inhalation/exhalation, imprecise vowel/consonant production
Mixed: Medical/Neurological conditions ALS: Spastic-Flaccid MS: Ataxic- Spastic TBI: Spastic-Ataxic or Flaccid-Spastic Stroke: Unilateral cortical
Differentiation between resting tremor associated with PD and Benign Essential Tremor Resting tremor is degenerative. BET does not progress, but tends to improve w/alcohol.
CN V- Trigeminal: Function Jaw elevation General face sensation General tongue sensation (ant 2/3)
CN V- Trigeminal: Tasks Jaw elevation against resistance 6 Light and deep touch to pt face, eyes closed Right/Left light touch to tongue, eyes closed
CN VII- Facial: Function Upper and Lower Face Taste to ant 2/3 tongue
CN VII- Facial: Tasks Facial Movement:Wrinkle forehead,blink,smile,pucker Salt water/ Sugar water: what do you taste
CN IX- Glosspahryngeal: Function General sensation to post 1/3 tongue Taste to Post 1/3 tongue
CN IX- Glosspahryngeal:Tasks Test light touch Test taste of something sour
CN X- Vagus : Function Pharynx- velum Larynx- Vfs no speech sensory
CN X- Vagus : Tasks Velar elevation: ee-ee-ee Phonation:say "ah" for as long as you can Pitch glide: say ah, increase pitch
CN XII - Hypoglossal : Function tongue no sensory
CN XII - Hypoglossal : Tasks tongue at rest lateralization elevation/depression
Primitive Reflexives: those which are present during infancy but tend to disappear during nervous system maturation. as brain degenerates/normal again primitive reflexes return. "release phenomena"
Snout Reflex Test:light tap of finger on philtrum or tip of nose Abnormal:puckering,protrusion/elevation of lower lip, depression of mouth angles
sucking reflex Test:stroke upper lip, from lateral to medial Abnormal: pursing of lips
Jaw refelx Test:pt relaxed lips parted, jaw open. Tap chin Abnormal: quickly close jaw
Test for Central Facial Weakness Observe Facial Droop- ask to wrinkle,blink Upper face DOES function: UMN lesion, contralteral, area 4 (facial region) Upper face DOESNT function: CN VII lesion, same side as droop
why? Because Upper face (eyebrows,eyelids,forehead) are 50:50/bilaterally innervated
AMRs Articulatory agility "pa pa pa "ta" "ka" rapid and precise
SMRs Sequencing /coordination "Pataka" fast suggests ataxia or apraxia
Additional observations to make during tasks rhythm ability to plose articulatory precision regularity/steadiness loudness pitch
High Vagal Lesion Branches 1-3 palatal muscles & Larynx Hypernasality Soft Breathy voice Cant raise pitch
Low vagal lesion (4) Spare palate inability to raise pitch soft breathy voice
Low vagal lesion (5) Spare palatal muscles can raise pitch Breathy Voice
Created by: catbait
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