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Speech Test #3

Kilgore Speech

Plagiarism Process of passing off work of others as your own, or without acknowledging them.
Communication Apprehension Fear of anxiety over communicating, regardless of specific situation. Appears in small groups, conversations, and public speaking.
Systematic Desensitization You reduce fear through a process of gradually adapting to lessen and then successively greater versions of what you fear.
Brain Storming Method of generating a topic in a relatively short time. Record all ideas.
Supporting Materials used in public speaking, enlarging a concept or principle through examples
Testimony Form of support using opinions of others to clarify or support assertions.
Spatial Origination Patterns or examples Front matter contains preface Text proper contains chapters Back matter contains glossary, bibliography, & index
Example A relatively brief specific instance
Statistics Summary figures that help you communicate the important characteristics of a complex set of numbers such as mean and mode.
Transitions Words, phrases, or sentences that help your listeners follow the development of your thoughts and arguments and get an idea of where you are in your speech
Extemporaneous Delivery Recommended for classroom speeches, no commitment to exact wording but thorough preparation.
Impromptu Delivery You talk without preparation. You hear topic for first time then start speech. Interview
Thesis Central Idea allow one and only one idea. "and" ";" mean there is two
Cliche Phrases that have lost their novelty and part of their meaning through overuse
Tips reducing Apprehension 1. Gain experience 2. Reduce Self focus visualize casual conversation 3. Emphasize similarities between audience and yourself 4. Moving about and breathing deeply 5. Avoid chemicals and tension relievers.
Chemicals that relieve Tranquilizers, marijuana, and artificial stimulants
Criteria for selecting topics Substantive (is it relevant), Appropriate, and culturally sensitive.
Informative Speech Rely on examples, illustrations, definitions, testimony, and visual aids. Seek understandings
4 Sociological Barriers 1. Cultural Factors 2. Age 3. Gender 4. Affectional Orientation 5. Religion
Oral Festnote Informational conversation as apposed to formal style of writing.
Primary Effect First hand written of spoken by someone who had direct experience or witnessed.
Motivated Sequence Pattern 1. Attention Step 2. Need Step 3. Satisfaction Step 4. Visualization Step 5. Action Step
Functions of conclusion audience remembers the most and is the image you leave. 3 major functions; Summarize, motivate, and provide closure.
how long should introduction be? 1-1:30
Tips to effective delivery -Natural -presentation style -dress appropriately -vary presentation -be conversational -be expressive -avoid common mistakes -use notes appropriately
Dimensions of Voice volume, rate, and pitch
each main point should be 1 minute at least
cant identify source dont use it
speaker make eye contact 95%
1st step to analyzing a speech Select topic, purposes, and thesis
2nd Step to analyzing a speech Analyze your audience
3rd step to analyzing a speech Research your topic
5th Step to analyzing a speech Develop main points
4th Step to analyzing a speech Collect supporting materials
6th step to analyzing a speech Organize speech materials
7th step to analyzing a speech construct Introduction, conclusion, and transitions
8th step to analyzing a speech word your speech
9th step to analyzing a speech rehearse your speech
10th step to analyzing a speech present your speech
Created by: logandianne
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