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stuff on cells

cells and stuff

what are some things that make something living? it reprodues, reacts, it grows, and it moves
are trees living? yes
robots are living? no
what is a eukaryoyic cell? a plant or animal cell that has a membrane around the nucleus and their organelles
what are prokaryotic cells? they are cells that have no membrane around their DNA
what is the cell theory? 1. the cell is the basic unit of life. 2. all organisims are composed of one or more cells. 3. all cells come from previosly existing cells
what is the cell membrane? a thin porous layer that surounds and seperate the inside of a cell from its suroundings. it also controls the flow of materials in and out of the cell
what is the cytoplasm? a jelly like substance that contains organelles, water, and life suporting materials
what is the nucleus? it is the most inportant organelle because it contains the DNA. it also controls all activities in the cell
metabolism is... the total of all chemical reactions that take inside of a cell
ribosomes are... a very tiny structres attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and their function is to asemble protiens
what is the ER? a network of conected chanells that look like folds in a acordien. it stores and delivers protiens in a cell
what is the lysosome? a small structure that breaks down cemicly worn out organelle. lysosome contains digestive chemicals to help the decomposition of a organelle
what is the cell wall? it is a tough rigid outer layer that supports and protects the plant cell it also gives it shape
what is the choroplast? it is a part of a plant cell. it traps the sun's energy and changes into chemical energy in the form of food
what are golgi bodies? they look like flattend pancakes. they usually are not attached to the nucleus. the golgi bodies put protiens (that comes from the ER)into a membrane covered packages called vesicles
what are vesicles? they carry protien and water in, out, and around the cell. they are smaller than vacuoles and function like the mail sevice
what are vacuoles? they are a tempory conpartments that store water(especialy in plants)or waste. vacuoles are larger in plant cells than animal cells
how many red blood cells can fit in a leter "o"? 4,000,000 red blood cells
a dot is as big as how many cells? 500 cells
what is a cell you can see without a microscope? a egg
what cell is never replaced? a nerve cell (neuron)
how long would a piece of DNA be if it was 5mm wide? it would be 2500km long
what does "membrane" mean? thin skin
what are the two kinds of cells? eukaryotes and prokaryotes cells
what is the cell membrane sometimes called? the "gatekeeper"
what can you compare a cell to? a school
what are the four groups that all cells are classifyed into? free-living plant cells, free-living animal cells, associated plant cells, and associated animal cells
what part of a plant cell is usually bigger than in a animal cell and why? the vacuoles because it has more water
what is diffusion? the movement of particals from a area of high constracen to a area of low constrashen.
what is osmosis? the movment of water particals from a area of high constracen to area of loww consrashen.
Created by: maxdabbs
Popular Science sets




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