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Ancient civ. 1-9wks

The Noahs ark model of human evolution postulates that all humans came from only those who survied the biblical flood. False
The dating term A.D. Refers to after death, the death of Lord Jesus Christ. False,
The Cadelabra model of human evolution postulates that Homo sapien emigrated from africa to europe and asia? False, homo erectus emigrated
Moodle is the class website that has e-text, made by the publisher, and has practice quizzes for students. False
Myhistory lab is the class website that has discussion blogs, class documents, and practices quizzes made by mr. Malouf. False
Ochre is a natural mineral based pigment dye used by prehistoric artists to provide reds, browns, or yellows. True
Syntax is the arrangement of words or phrases to form well formed sentences in a language. True
The enuma elish is a creation myth from acient mesopotamia, affirming the authority of the priests. True
The genesis account is a creation myth showing that humans are inferior to many other gods. False
What does transformation mean in reference to note taking? Change the information from one format to another make a visual ffrom words.
Marginal notes might be used to accomplish all of the following when activiely reading a homework assignment in preparation for the next class except.... Including the teachers class notes into home notes
In the time frame of written history prior to the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but not including pre-history. BC and BCD
Dating term used most for paleontogly, very ancient pre-historic finds dated by scientific dating methods. CE
What is an example of a visualization/transformation Picture symbols, venn diagram, timeline w/symbols
In order to reinforce the existing paradigm for human evolution, scientists searvh for all of the following? Geological evidence that shortens the prehistoric timeline.
The changes in toolkit reading was a change over time reading. If youare assigned to create a visual timeline of the reading, what aresome good steps to take in order to complete the task. Find the main idea and summarize in your own words, and make a venn diagram of the main idea.
Assiduous Sowing great care and perseverance
Donald johansen Researcher who discovered "lucy" in ethiopia in 1974
Bipedalism Using only two legs for walking
Paleoanthropology The study of the earliest humans and their enviroments
Mary leaky Reacher who found evidence of hominid bipedalism in laetoli, tanzania in 1978
Candelabra model Model that suggests that homo erectue emigrated from africa and evolved into homo sapien separetely in africa, asia and europe
Australopithecus afarensis Ape-man hominid species reprrsenting the beginning of bipedalism
Homo sapien Represents the earliest evidence of religion spiritual man neanderthal
Homo habilis Represents the beginnings of tool making
Homo sapien sapien Modern humans, we the people, us
Homo erectus This is the species that went worldwide showing that more advanced homminids emigrated from africa and migrated globally
Mr. Malouf is which type of hominid? Homo sapien sapien
Agriculture greatly increased the quantity and quality of the food supply. True
Villagers become skilled at grinding and polishing the stone tools, and new ear is called the Neolithic or New Stone Age True
Slash and burn agriculture And pollen samples Show distinct alternating periods of cultivation and fallow.
Pottery is a useful means of storage for Sedentary people
Egalitarian Beleif in the principal That all people are equal and have equal oppuntinites
Hierarchical Arranged in order of rank, society, king quenn etc.
Sedentary people used Pottery is a useful means of stroage
Systematic practice of agriculture People became less nomadic and begain to stettle down, rather than hunting for food they begain farming.
To survive sedentsry agriculte became a necessity True
In addition to increasing agricultural productivity, villages facilited an increase in activities of all kinds. True
The science that deals with the extraction of metal Metallurgy
The agricultural villages opened new possibiliities for economic, social, political and artistic creativity. True
The first agricultural villages that archaeologist have discovered date to about 10,000 b.c.e., wherer are they located? Fertile crescent
Basic 1st crops Wild grasses, wheat and barley
The natufians Sedentary gathers and cultivation
The natufians were growing fully domesticated cereals True
Domestication Adaptation To Intimate association with human beings
The era in which villages took form is usually called Neolithic Or new stone age
Neolithic or new stone age are named for its tolls rather than its crops True
Obsidian A kind of volcanic glass with very sharp edges
Innnovation The explanation that similar cultural traits, techniques, or objects found amoung different groups of people were invented independently rather than spread from one group to another
Diffusion The spread of ideas, objects, or traights from one culture to another
Due to the technological breakthroughs of skills in metallurgy and craftmanship in copper, tin and alloys this era is knows as? The bronze age
As society and ecomomy became more complex new class of hierarchies emerged True
With growth of the city the early state was also born, with its specialized organization, centralized rule, and powerful armies. True
TO keep track of business transactions and administration orders, rituals of priest, legends of gods and histories of the city, this was developed? Record-keeping
Quipu Knots made in special lengths of string
In Sumer, which is geographicaly equivalent to todays Iraq, created the worlds first? Writing system
Mesopotamia, literally "Between the rivers" Is between the tigris and what other river? Euphrates
The region between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers is approximately what modern city? Iraq
The Sumerians were not the first to inhabit the land between Tigris and Euphrates rivers. True
Archaeological excavations of pottery show ealier presence in Mesopotamia of the Ubaidians. True
The Ubaidians, a people who spoke the what language? Semitic
Supplanting To supersede another espicially by force or treachery
The Sumerians lived in warring city-states Kish, Uruk, Ur, Nippur, Lagash,Umma and dozens of smaller ones. Which warring city-states did Abraham live? Ur
Each city-state included a central city with a temple and the agricultural region surrounding it. True
With the city-states constantly at war with each other, their leaders began to think in terms of conquering others to create large empires. True
"king of Sumer and Akkad" Sargon
Sargon was the first to unite the city-states under a single, power ruler. True
King of "old babylonia" Hammurabi
Over time the larger citites reached populations of 35,000-40,000 True
Blood relatives born in the same family
civic identity shared space
Zigguarts A temple tower of ancient mesopotamia, constructed of square of rectangular terraces of diminishing size, usually with a shrine on top built of blue enamel bricks, the color of the sky
City of Lagash The chief temple, provided daily food and drink
goddess of fertility Inanna
Artisans crafted works of art in terra cotta, copper, clay and colors surpassing village standards in their beauty and technical skill. True
Who established an accurate calendar based on lunar months that enabled them to predict the onset of seasons and to prepare properly for each years planting and harvesting. Astronomers
created and designed and played the lyre and composed and chanted songs, often dedicated to the gods Musicians
Who invented the first wheels, potters wheel for ceramics and wagon wheels for transportation Sumerians
Sumerian traders carried merchandise by land, river and sea, n the worlds first wheeled carts and sailboats as well as by donkey caravan. True
The Sumerians invented writing, thereby altering human history True
Pictograms picture representations of the objects of their writings
Cuneiform Writing systems,key features of the pictures in wedge-shaped signs from the pictograms.
Ideograms A character or figure in a writing system in which the idea of a things is represented rather than its name.
this languages uses ideograms Chinese
The Epic of Gilgamesh, is the most famous of the remaining literature, weaves together a series of talles about the helo Gilgamesh True
Epic of Gilgamesh recounts the deeds of a larger-than-life hero. The Sumerian epic introduces the first hero in written literature True
The gift of the Nile Egypt
Egypt has been called the gift of the Nile because outside of the valley of that great river the country is a desert. True
The river provides natural irrigation along its banks and invites further man-made, irrigation to extend its waters to the east and west. True
The vital significance of the Nile appears in a 4,000year old Egyptian Poem True
Hieroglyps The characters in a writing system based on the use of pictograms or ideograms.
The desert flanking the Nile valley protected Egypt from external invasion from the east and west. True
Flanking to be situated on both sides of
Monumental structures, like pyramids and Sphinx, temples and pharaohs tombs make clear the wealth, skills and organizational capacity of ancient Egypt. True
The Nile has washed away many ancient structures and eroded their foundations, so we know less about the physical form of Egypt's ancient cities than about those of Mesophtamia. True
Egypt and lower or northern Eqypt derived their names from the flow of the Nile River. True
The River rises south of Egypt and flows north to the Mediterranean Sea. True
To the west of the Nile, the Sahara was becoming drier and some of its inhabitants many have moved to the Nile valley, brining with them more advanced methods of cultivation. True
By 3600 b.c.e. a string of villages lined the Nile River, at intervals of every 20 miles. True
The villages, in Egypt, economies were based on what agriculture? Cereal
Gradually, the population increased along the Nile River and the first walled towns appeared in the upper Nile at Nagada and Hierakonpolis True
Hieroglyphs Egyptians developed their own script based on tiny pictographs, this word is based on the Greek word for "sacred carvings"
Hieratic shorthand transcriptions of hierogllyphs
nomes administrative districts suggesting the geographical organization of the Egyptian state and king list
Paintings of ancient Egyptians show them sometimes pales in color, sometimes black, very often red, perhaps reflecting their mixed ethnicity. true
As Egypt became unified, the kings grew more powerful, finally gaining a positions as gods, who lived on earth are were responsible for maintaining the ma'at, justice and order. True
They were responsible for keeping the forces of nature balanced and for inviting the annual flooding of the Nile River that made Egyptian agriculture possible The kings
Early Dynastic period A more or less unified artistic style in both pottery and architecture after that time mirrors the unification of Egyptian politics
Unification union
Horus the patron god of the Egyptian kings, the first Egyptian god to be worshiped nationally.
Mastabas tombs of the most prominent Egyptians
Nagada II In the early dynastic Egypt, The consolidation of villages into towns and towns into cites
What precipitated the population growth, occupational specialization and social hierarchy, along the upper Nile? introducing the irrigation system
Hierakonpolis This city housed a temple and pro minent tombs as well as a rulers palace.
A selection from these mortuary texts has been collected by modern scholars, a segment of these texts present the "negative confession" of a deceased person in the court of judgment of the dead protesting his innocence of evil and crime. The Egyptian Book of the Dead
KIng Djoser's architect Imhotep
Imhotep elaborated the rather simple mastaba into a series of stepped stone slabs, one on top of the next, built to house the king's remains at death. True
Mastaba an ancient Egyptian tomb made of mud brick, rectangular in plan with sloping sides and a flat roof.
The Middle Kingdom ended in part because the Nubians drove out their Egyptian conquerors, but more importantly because of the of the Hykos. True
Hykos Princes of the foreign lands who spoke Semitic language and probably came from the north and east of the sinai desert
Nubians a Nubian or black slave, a member of any of the various peoples inhabiting Naubia
Aten god of the solar disk or sun
King Amenhotep IV known as Akhenaten, ruler owed its entire existence to the idiosyncratic vision of one ruler, the sun.
Created by: kmccreary
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