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Stip - 11.2.5

CA 11.2.5 Review

Corporation a type of business organization created when a group of individuals apply for a license or charter from a state legislature
State law treated the corporation as an ______. Individual
How did corporations merge? Corporations usually accomplished a merger by buying out the stock of another corporation
trust agreements companies turned over their stock to a group of trustees who run the company as one large company
Mergers and trusts led to __________. monopolies
one company controlled and entire industry monopolies
a formal (explicit) agreement among competing firms. It is a formal organization of producers and manufacturers that agree to fix prices, marketing, and production. Cartel
two of the most prominent industrial leaders of the late 19th century Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller
Made his money in steel. Andrew Carnegie
Sold his steel company and became one of the richest men in America Andrew Carnegie
__________________________allowed a business to acquire the resources it needed to produce and market a product from start to finish. Vertical Integration
When you control everything from the ground up in producing your product Vertical Integration
Who started Standard Oil Company? John D. Rockefeller
Purpose of a trust? eliminate competition and drive up the profits of the trust
Eliminating your competition by either joining together in trusts or buying them out is called ________________________. Horizontal Integration
how was Standard Oil organized? Trust
insult term used to describe a class of enormously rich businessmen that emerged in the post civil war era Robber Baron
Name for people who admired Carnegie and Rockefeller Captain of Industry
Idea that the economic market should run freely without government interference Laissez-faire
Governmetn keeps its "hands off" the economy laissez-faire
The 1890 act that made it illegal for companies to create trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries Sherman AntiTrust Act
Outlaws monopolies, prevent price fixing, prevent anti-competive business practices Sherman Antitrust Act
Strategy Carnegie used to limit competition/build his business vertical integration
Created by: stipteacher
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