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T4-Methods-Lower Ort

Bechterew’s? Patient is seated and actively raises each leg sep, doc presses downwards on femur, POS=radiating leg px, IND=Lumbar disc issue
Bowstring sign? Patient lies supine, doctor raise leg up, first pushes on hamstrings, and if hamstrings don’t elicit a response, then popliteal fossa POS=px in lumbar region or radiculopathy IND=nerve root compression
Braggards? Same as Fajersztajn’s-If px during SLR or Lasegue test, leg lowered below pt of discomfort and foot sharpely dorsiflexed POS=px is increased IND=sciatic neuritis, spinal cord tumors, IVD lesion, and spinal nerve irritations
Double Leg Raise? Both of patients legs are raised simultaneously and if px is produced earlier than single leg raise, usually indicates that there is disc disease and instability
Femoral nerve traction? Patient lies on their side with affected side up, doc flexes and extends knee POS=radicular px on anterior thigh IND=femoral nerve irritation
Kemps test? sitting or standing, rotate patient away, and then obliquely, extended, and medially, POS=px that radietss down the lower extremities; Indicates=facet encroachment, fx or disc involvement, local px is sprain/strain-standing=facets, and seated =disc
Linder’s Test? Patient is either seated or supine and head is flexed forward POS=px in lumbar region or along the sciatic nerve distribution IND=nerve root lesion, or SOL
Milgram’s Test? patient lays supine and lifts both legs 6 inches off of the table and holds for as long as possible POS=low back pain IND=herniated disc, and rule out a pathological condition of intrathecal origin.
Neri’s Sign? As the patient bends forward, the patient bends knee of affected side. Positive=if the knee bends, or if the bending causes px in the leg; Indicates=lower disc problems, as well as ls and si strain subluxations
Sicards? If SLR is positive, lower leg so that pain goes away, and then dorsiflex the big toe. POS=If it reproduces radicular symptoms IND=sciatic neuritis, nerve root problem, SOL
SLR test? doc raises leg off of the table using their heal, and hand on knee POS=limited ROM due to px, then pos IND=sciantic from LS or SI, disc lesion, spondylolisthesis, adhesions, IVF occlusion, exacerbated px indicates sensitized nerve root, SOL
Iliac compression test? Patient lies on side and doc places pressure L to M POS=Px in SI joint IND=SI lesion
Thomas test? patient lies supine and raises the unaffected knee into their chest POS=affected knee or leg lifts off of the table IND=contracture of the iliopsoas
Gaenslen’s? Patient lies supine, and flexes knee into chest, doctor applies pressure to knee and extended (affected femur) POS=px in SI joint or referred down thigh IND=SI dysfunction; if no px could mean ls lesion
Ely’s? Patient prone. Doc flexes heel to opposite ass cheek, and then knee hyper extended POS=not being able to perform this test IND=femoral radiation from lower, upper lumbar nerve root irritation, iliopsoas sleeve if hyper extension can’t be performed
Nachlas? patient lies prone, doc flexes heel to ipsliateral buttocks POS=px in SI joint, LS area, or if px radiates down the thigh or leg IND=SI or LS disorder, or femoral traction
Adams/Belt? first the patient (with back px) bends over, and doc notes how much dorsoflex is needed produce px, doc stabilizes pelvis and patients bends forward-if symptoms reproduced you can determine it lumbar in nature rather than pelvic
Hibb’s test? patient lays prone, and doc flexes knee to 90, and then internally rotates femur (heel outside of buttocks) POS=pelvic px IND=sacralilliac px
Yeoman’s? Patient lies prone, doc places hand on affected SI, flexes knee to 90 degress, and then picks up knee hyperextending hip POS=SI px IND=SI lesion
Patricks? FABRE, Patient lies supine and doc cross ankle over opposite knee (Figure 4), and applies pressure to knee and opposite iliac crest POS=Px in the hip IND=coxa pathologic condition
Smith-Peterson? Patient supine and doc palpates lumbar spinous, as the leg is raised if px is experienced before spinous move=SI issue, if after they move it is more likely a LS issue. If one can be raised way more than the other it is more likely to be an SI issue.
Well Leg Raise? Patient lies supine, and their unaffected leg is raised. If pain occurs in other leg, it is indicative of a disc herniations
Laguerre’s? Same as Patricks, but you put your forearm under their leg
Kernig/Brudzinski? Patient lies supine, and as their head is flexed forward, if their knees flex this is positive, then knees are raised to 90/90 and leg is extended. If opposite knee flexes it is positive also. Indicative of meningitis
Created by: maddie427
Popular Chiropractic sets




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