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Amer Insti Ch 1

Amer Insti Ch1 class notes

Where did government come from? people and institutions.
How did government get started? people
In American democracy it's the who that give the government the premision to operate? people
The lowest level of government is called what? City government
There are 2 parts to government what are they? people and institutons
There are 3 types of institutions what are they? local, city, and state government.
What makes up a city government? distriict and cith hall
City hall has elected leaders who are they? Majors and members of city counsil
Members of city counsil operate on behalf of who? the people living in his or her district
Name some laws that city hall pasadena enforce? No parking on street, and curfew.
There are 3 parts to the State Institution what are they? Executive, legislatures, and judiciary.
Executiive Branch constist of what? Governor and leutinent government.
Legislatures Branch constist of what? Assembly and Senate
Assembley represenatives represent who? The State not the United State
What do you call the 2 houses that must agree when passing laws? Assembly and Senate house of Represenatives
Once the Assembly and Senate house of Represenatives agree on passing a new law who makes the final decision? The governor
The judiciary system constist of what? California State Supreme Court.
What is the chief of justice name? Ron George
Ron George and Associates pass laws that only impact who? The State of California Not the United States.
All are cases start at what level? Trial court (judge and jury trial)
What are the 3 level called relating to are court system? Trial court, appelated court and Supreme court.
Under the Executive branch in California we have a law enforcer called what? Attorney General
The Attorney General duties are what? Cheif law enforcer of the judical system of the entire State.
CHP, LAPD, and Sherif report to whom? the chief law enforcer.
The functions of government are what? Establsh justice, enforce laws, domestic traquility, and promotes general welfare.
Types of government what are they? Monarchy, Absolute Monorchy, Democreacy, Oligarchy
What is a Monarchy govenment? A form of government in which power is vested in hereditary kings and queens who govern in the interest of all.
What is a Oligarchy government? A form of government in which the right to parrticipate is conditioned on the possession of wealth, social status, miltary position, or achievement.
Who hass a Democracy government? USA, Mexico, and Canada
Who has a Absolute Monarchy? Saudi Arabia, and Kuwaite,
What is Totalitarianism? The leader exercises unlimited power and individuals have no personal rights or liberties. Generally these systems tend to be ruled in the name of a particular religion or orthodoxy, and ideology, or a personality cult organized around the supreme leader.
What is Democracy? A system of government that give power to the people whether directly or through their elected representatives.
What is Personal Liberty? Initially meaning freedom from governmental interference, today it includes demands for freedom to engage in a variety of practices free from governmental dicrimination.
What is Equality? One person on e vote implies a sense of political equality for all.
What is popular consent? The idea that government must draw their powers from the consent of the governed.
What is politucal culture? Commonly shared attitudes, beliefs,and core values about how government should operate.
What is Majority rule? The central premise of direct democracy in which only policies that collectively garner the support of a majority of voters will be made into law.
What is popular sovereignty? The right of the majority to govern themselves.
What is natural law? A doctrine that society should be governed by certain ethical principles that are part of nature and as such can be understood by reason.
What is Civil Society? Society created when citzens are allowed to organize and express their views publicly as the engage in an open debate about public policy.
What is individualism? All individualism are deemed rational and fair, and endowed, as Thomas Jefferson proclaimed the Declaration of Independence "with certain unalienable rights".
Where did government come? philosphers, scientist, and kings
Whose was responsible for the enlightment period? Isaac Newton
Who was Isaac Newton? a philosopher and a scientist.
Newton wanted people to envolve with what? society
Newton argued what? reasoning, science, religious toleration, and that the world could be improved.
Who was responsible for the reformation period? King Henry VIII
What occured during the reformation period? The chruch of England was created by King Henry VIII
What did King Henry the VIII wanted that the Roman Catholic Chruch would not permit? A divorce
What did the Protestants or Puritans believed in? Ability to speak one on one to God.
What chruch did the Protestants or Puritans belong to? The Chruch of England.
Why did the Protestant leave England? they wanted to talk to God one on one and establish self governing congregations and not be controlled by king Henrey VIII.
What is Social Contract? an agreement between the people and their government signifining the consent to be governed.
Why did the Protestant believe in the Social Contract? Protestants wanted to give the consent to be government.
Who supported the Social Contract theory? Philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
Thomas Hobbes belief were what for the people? Government to save the people from themselves.
Thomas Hobbes beliefs were if man were left alone the would do what? constanly be at war with each other and Single ruler.
John Locke beliefs for the people were what? Government through consent of the people.
John Locke beliefs was to preserve what? private property.
Both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke agreeded on what? in the social contract theory that all ment were equal.
Democracy means what? power to the people.
Direct Democracy means what? We look at the pros and cons and then we all vote on it together.
Indirect Democracy/Representative Democracy occurs in levels what are they? The local, state and federal level.
Local level consist of what? election of officials, majors, and city counsil.
State level consist of what? governor,and legislation
Federal level consist of what? elections of president, U.S. House of representives.
Created by: latina65
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