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American History

Ch. 3, sections 1+2

3 European Influences? 1. Domestic Animals 2. Plants 3. Diseases
2 Native American Influences? 1. Food (corn, tabacoo, squash,etc) 2. Skills taught such as snowshoes, political structures
spanish conquistadors want to settle new __________. land
Conquistadors agree to give ______ of any gold or treasure to Spain. 1/5
Hernando Cortes has _____ soldiers during _____. 600 soldiers;1519
Mocetczuma welcomes ______. Cortes
Cortes takes over _______________________. Tenochtitlan
__________________ help overthrow Mocteczuma. Civilians
________________ pizzaro sailed down the pacific coast of SA. Francisco
What are a few reasons for spanish victory? 1. Superior military equipment 3. guns, armor 2.horses
Where are the spanish borderlands? from florida to california
panfilo narvarez and estavenico escape and ______ to mexico. walk
Coronado tried to find the "________________________________" the seven cities of gold.
Cornodo never found any ______. gold
spain focuses on empires in ________________________________. south america.
when were the vikings here? 1,000 years ago
the vikings left behind some __________. record
vikings had battled with the ________. inuit
King Ferdinand and Queen Isablella funded _________________ voyage. Columbus'
columbus agrees to try and reach the west ___________. the west indies
columbus thought he had reached east asia, but he had actually reach islands in the ____________. carribean
exlpored for ____ months. 3
spain authorizes _______________. colonies.
columbus brings back and describes __________. riches
hispaniola- haiti and _________________ republic. dominican
columbus rules over ________ land and is a ________ ruler. new;harsh
columbus did not discover the ________________. the americas
columbus opened up the "______________________" new world
Created by: pinkcupcake1
Popular U.S. History sets




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