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EIC chapter 1

Experiencing Intercultural Communication -- Chapter 1

assimilable the degree of participation in a type of culture adaptation in which an individual gives up his/her own cultural heritage & adopts the mainstream cultural identity
class structure the economic organization of income levels in a society
demographics the characteristic of a population, especially as classified by age, sex, & income
diversity variety of people of different ethnicities, race, politics, social groups, lifestyles, ways of thinking, age, gender, etc. – p.13
enclaves regions that are surrounded by another country’s territory; cultural minority groups that live within a larger cultural group’s territory
ethics principles of conduct that help govern behavior of individuals & groups
global village refers to a world in which communication technology links people from remote parts of the world
globalization the increasing tendency toward international connections in media, business, & culture
heterogeneity consisting of different or dissimilar elements; diverse
immigration movement to a new country, region, or environment to settle more or less permanently
maquiladoras a Mexican term indicating assembly plants or factories (mainly US companies) established on the US-Mexico border & using mainly Mexican labor
melting pot metaphor a metaphor that assumes immigrants & cultural minorities will be assimilated into the US majority culture, losing their original cultures
mobility the state of moving place to place
relativist position “any cultural behavior can be judged only within the cultural context in which it occurs” -- the view that the particular language we speak (especially the structure of the language) shapes our perception of reality & cultural patterns
self-awareness the quality of knowing how you are perceived as a communicator, as well as your strengths & weaknesses
self-reflexivity a process of learning to understand ourselves & our own position in society – “looking in the mirror” – p.22
universalist position “cultural differences are only superficial… fundamental notions of right and wrong are universal” – an ethical approach that emphasizes the similarity of beliefs across cultures (ie. killing or treason)
6 Imperatives peace, economic, technological, demographic, self-awareness, ethical
Created by: jteich
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