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toothbrushing and dental floss

Explain the rationale for daily plaque removal by the patient. -Applying dentifrice (toothpaste) -Removal of plaque/biofilm -Removal of food/stain -Stimulate the gingiva
Bass Method Indications - Biofilm removal adjacent and directly beneath the gingival margin - Open interproximal areas - Exposed root surfaces - Abutments - Periodontal surgical patients
Bass Method Contraindictions - Difficult for children
Bass Method Technique - Focus on the sulcus - Intrasulcular position 45 degree angle - strokes: - 10 strokes each area - press lightly without flexing - vibrate the brush - reposition and repeat
Modified Bass Technique same as Bass method plus a sweeping motion following the vibratory strokes in each section
Stillman's Method Indications Message and stimulation as well as cleaning the cervical areas of the teeth
Stillman's Method Contraindictions Excessive pressure can lead to tissue blanching
Stillman's Method Technique - Brush located partly on the gingival and partly on the cervical area of the tooth directed apically. - Circular motion is given to the brush
Modified Stillman Method Indications - Minimize gingival trauma - Massage gingival tissue - Increase biofilm removal effects - Cervical areas and exposed proximal surfaces
Modified Stillman Method Technique - Combination of the Rolling Stroke and Bass Methods - Great for someone with a lot of inflammation
Rolling Stroke Method Indications - Emphasis not on gingival sulcus - children with healthy gingiva - Sulcular technique too difficult - General cleaning
Rolling Stroke Method Contraindicitons - brushing too high during initial placement can lacerate the alveolar mucosa
Rolling Stroke Method Technique - Brush is rolled from cervical third to incisal third
Circular (Fones) Method Indications - Easy to learn for young children
Circular (Fones) Method contraindicitons - Can be detrimental if paired with vigorous brushing
Circular (Fones) Method Technique - Teeth closed - Circular Motion - Fast wide sweeping from maz to mand finfiva - Light pressure - Anterior teeth: edge to edge - Lingual and palatal - In and out stroke
Charters Method Indications - Orthodontic appliances - Loosen debris and biofilm - Abutments - Post-perio surgery - Stimulate marginal and interdental gingiva
Charters Method Technique - Accomplish rolling stroke method first - Press lightly - Vibrate brush - Use rotary motion of handle - Bristles toward - occlusal plane - Incisal plane - 45 degree angle
Horizontal Method Contraindicitons - Considered detrimental - with use of abrasive dentifrice, such brushing may produce tooth abrasion - dental biofilm can remain undisturbed on proximal surfaces
Horizontal Method Technique - Unlimited sweep with a horizontal scrubbing motion
Powered toothbrushes Indications - More effective than manual - Many improve compliance - Useful for patients - in orthodontic-prosthodontic-restorative treatment - with dental implants - who are aggressive brushers - with disabilities - Variety of motion, speeds
Methods for removing plaque from occlusal surfaces - Handle parallel - Filaments in pits - Toe covers most posterior tooth - Procedure - vibrate slightly circular - Maintain tips on surface OR - Sharp quick strokes - lift off, repeat 10x
Methods for removing plaque from the tongue -Toothbrush is inferior to tongue cleaners in removing debris and microorganisms - Start posterior, handle 90 degrees - Roll filaments towards anterior - at least 2x daily to control halitosis and anaerobes
Proximal Cleaning Aid Indications - Unwaxed vs Waxed Floss - Waxed: tight proximal contacts - Unwaxed: normal tooth contacts - Dental tape - preferred if surface area is large - PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) ex. Glide - no fraying -Braided - implants - Tufted
Spool Method Flossing Technique - Arm length floss - wrap around middle fingers - Use index fingers and thumbs to control movement between teeth - floss wrapped c-shaped around proximal tooth surface
Loop Method Flossing Techinque - Great for children and patients with limited dexterity - 2 ends tied together in a knot - same technique as spool method
Trauma caused by improper flossing - Too long a piece between fingers when inserting between teeth - Snapping floss - no c-shape - failure to use finger rest for control - shoeshine motion
Patient Education " My gums bleed when I floss" - Gingival bleeding during flossing - indicative of inflammation - Ulcerations in the sulcular lining - Will subside with daily removal of biofilm - Flossing shouldn't be avoided -Active disease needs to be controlled by more frequent flo
Proximal Distal or Mesial surfaces
Occlusal Chewing surface of posterior teeth
Facial Includes labial and buccal surfaces
Lingual surfaces towards the tongue
Buccal Posterior teeth surface toward the cheek
Labial Anterior teeth surface toward the lip
Embrasure spaces a space continuous with an interproximal space, produced by curvatures of teeth in contact in the same arch; it provides a passage through which food escapes from the occlusal surfaces during mastication.
Furcation The region of a multirooted tooth at which the root divides
Abrasion (tooth) The pathological wearing away of tooth substance by mechanical means; grinding
Abrasion (Gingival) The wearing down or rubbing away or removal of the superficial layers of skin or mucous membrane in a limited area
Tuft part of the toothbrush head, refers to the small, individual clusters of bristles that proceed from a single opening.
Created by: jjelinek4790
Popular Dentistry sets




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