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What attaches to Protubrances? Muscles and Ligaments
What will you find running through grooves in bone? Nerves and Arteries
What is the anatomical location of the nipples on a male? Intercostal Space #4
What two bones fuse to form the Sternal Angle? Manubrium and Sternum
What is the anatomical location of the Sternal Angle? It is 1-2 inches below the Sternal notch, marks the location where the 2nd rib connects with the sternum.
What forms the Apex of the Axilla? Also known as the Cervico-axillary canal, is bound by the 1st rib, clavicle and superior edge of the scapula.
What forms the Base of the Axilla? It is bound by the anterior and posterior fold, the thoracic wall and the medial aspect of the arm. (mainly made up of skin, fascia, and tissue)
What forms the Anterior Wall of the Axilla? It is bound by the Pectoralis Major & Minor and the Pectoral and Clavopectoral Fascia.
What forms the Posterior Wall of the Axilla? It is bound by the Scapula & Subscapularis on the anterior surface. Inferiorly it is bound by the Teres Major and Latissimus Dorsi.
What forms the Medial Wall of the Axilla? It is bound by the Thoracic Wall and the overlaying Serratus Anterior muscles.
What forms the Lateral Wall of the Axilla? It is bound by the Intertubercular Groove in the humerus.
How many parts is the Axillary Artery divided into? How many arteries branch off of each part? Three parts. 1st part has 1 artery, 2nd part has 2 and third part has 3.
What artery branches off of the 1st part of the Axillary Artery? Which muscles does it supply? The Superior Thoracic Artery. Supplies the pectoral muscles, Subclavius muscle, and the Superior Serratus Anterior muscle.
What arteries branch off of the 2nd part of the Axillary Artery? Which muscles do they supply? 1)Thoraco-acromial Artery: 4 Parts a)Acromial: Acromion b)Deltoid: Deltoids and Pect.Major. c)Pectoral: Pect. Major/Minor d)Clavicular: Clavicle. 2)Lateral Thoracic: Pec. Major, Ser. Ant., Lateral aspect of breast.
What arteries branch off of the 3rd part of the Axillary Artery? Which muscles do they supply? 1)Subscapular: Supplies Circumflex arteries. 2)Posterior Circumflex Humeral: Supplies Shoulder. 3)Anterior Circumflex Humeral: Supplies Gleno-humeral joint and Triceps, Teres Major/ Minor, Deltoid.
Name the two arteries that branch off of the Subscapular branch of Axillary Artery. What muscles do they supply? 1)Circumflex Scapular: Supplies muscles along the Dorsum of the Scapula. 2)Thoraco-Dorsal: Supplies the Latissimus Dorsi.
What is the location of the 1st part of the Axillary Artery? It is located between the 1st rib to the medial border of the Pectoralis Minor.
What is the location of the 2nd part of the Axillary Artery? It is located between the Medial Border of the Pectoralis Minor to the Lateral Border of the Pectoralis Minor.
What is the location of the 3rd part of the Axillary Artery? It is located between the Lateral border of the Pectoralis Minor to the inferior border of the Teres Major.
What are the three ways you can injur a nerve and what is the recovery like? 1)Crushed-(compressed) Good Recovery 2)Lacerated-more likely if superficial, ok recovery. 3)Avulsed-(stretched) least recovery
What is Erb's Palsy? AKA waiters tip(wrist flexed backward). Caused by an Avulsion to the superior Plexus (C5,C6). Caused by Motorcycle accident or falling off a horse where overstretching of the neck occurs.
What is Klumpke's? AKA Claw hand. It is an Avulsion injury to the lower trunk. Caused by excessive stretching of the upper limb.
What is Winged Scapula? The scapula wings outward. It is an injury to the Long Thoracic Nerve. Caused by carying a heavy backpack on one side.
What is the External Occipital Protuberance? It's a bony protuberance found above the foramen magnum.
What is the Superior Nuchal Line? It is a line found above the foramen magnum that extends laterally where the Trapezius muscle inserts.
What is the Mastoid Process? It is a large protuberance found on the lateral sides of the Skull, it is connected to the Temporal bones.
How many Cervical Vertabrae are there? There are 7 Cervical Vertabrae.
How many Thoracic Vertabrae are there? There are 12 Thoracic Vertabrae.
How many Lumbar Vertabrae are there? There are 5 Lumbar Vertabrae.
How many bones fuse to form the Sacrum? The Sacrum is formed by the fusion of 5 bones.
How many bones fuse to form the Coccyx? The Coccyx is formed by the fusion of 4 bones.
What is the Vertebra Prominens? Cervical 7 vertabrae, named for its long spinous process, which is not Bifid.
What is the anatomical position of the Inferior Angle of the Scapula? It is located superior to the 8th rib. Even with the 7th rib.
What is the anatomical position of the Iliac Crest? It is located on the superior edge of the hip bone, equivalent to the level of the L4 vertabrae. This is also the location of the belly button.
What are the Venus Dimples and what is their anatomical location? They are symmetrical to the location where the sacrum attaches to the Iliac Crest. (PSIS) Also where you find S2.
What is the Median Furrow? Midline longitudinal depression in the surface of the back, begins in the cervical region and goes to the gluteal cleft.
What is the Ligamentum Nuchae? It is a fibrous membrane extending from the Occipital Protuberance and Median Nuchal Line to the spinous process of C7.
What is the purpose of a ligament? It attaches bone to bone.
What is the purpose of tendons? They attach muscle to bone.
What is the Supraspinous Ligament? It is a strong fibrous cord which connects the apices of the spinous process from C7-Sacrum. Resists excessive flexion.
Trapezius (O,I,A,N) O:Nuchal Ligament, Spinous process of C7-T12, Superior Nuchal Line, Exterior Occipital Protuberance. I: Clavicle, Acromion, Spine of Scapula A: Elevates, Depresses & retracts Scapula N: Accessory N. (CNXI)
Latissimus Dorsi (O,I,A,N) O: Spinous Process of Inferior 6 Thoracic Vertabrae, Iliac Crest, ribs 4-6 I: Intertubecular Groove A: adduction & Medial rotation of the arm. N: Thoracodorsal N.
Levator Scapulae (O,I,A,N) O: transverse process C1-C4 I: Superior angle of scapula A: Elevates Scapula N: Dorsal Scapular N.
Rhomboid Major (O,I,A,N) O: Spinous process of T2-T5 I: Medial Border of Scapula A: Retracts Scapula N: Dorsal Scapular N.
Rhomboid Minor (O,I,A,N) O: Spinous Process of C7-T1 I: Medial border of Scapula A: Retracts Scapula N: Dorsal Scapular N.
What is the Triangle of Auscultation? Triangle formed by the Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius and Medial border of the Scapula. This is the location where it is easiest to auscultate the lungs.
What muscle does the dorsal Scapular Nerve Supply? The Rhomboid Major/Minor and the Levator Scapulae.
What muscle does the CNXI supply? The Trapezius muscle.
Serratus Anterior (O,I,A,N) O: 1st-8th rib I: Medial border of Scapula A: Protracts and medially rotates the Scapula N: Long Thoracic N.
Pectoralis Major (O,I,A,N) O: Clavicle and Sternum I: Intertubecular Groove of Humerus A: Adducts and Internally rotates the Humerus N: Medial & Lateral Pectoral N.
Pectoralis Minor (O,I,A,N) O: Ribs 3-5 I: Coracoid Process of the Scapula A: Stabilizes the Scapula N: Medial Pectoral N.
Deltoid (O,I,A,N) O: Lateral 1/3 of Clavicle, Acromion and Spine of Scapula. I: Deltoid Tuberosity A: (Ant)Flexes and Internally rotates Humerus (Mid)Abducts Humerus (Post)Extends and Externally rotates Humerus N: Axillary N.
What are the Borders of the Triangle of Auscultation? Clinical Significance? Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius, Medial Spine of Scapula. Used to hear Lungs, since this area has very little muscle, tissue or fascia.
What are the Boundaries of the Triangular Space? What Vessel Passes through it? Teres Major, Teres Minor, Long head of Triceps. Scapular Circumfelx Artery passes through it.
What are the boundaries of the Quadrangular Space? What 2 structures pass through it? Subscapularis, Teres Major/Minor, Long head Triceps, Surgical neck of humerus. Axillary N & Posterior Circumflex Humeral A.
What is the clinical significance of the Quadrangular space in regards to a broken Humerus? Fractures of the humerus, posterior dislocation of the shoulder.
Teres Major (O,I,A,N) O: Posterior Surface of Inferior angle of Scapula I: Intertubercular Surface of Humerus A: Adducts and Medially rotates the arm N: Lower Scapular N.
Teres Minor (O,I,A,N) O: Middle part of the lateral border of the scapula I: Inferior facet of the greater Tubercle A: Laterally rotates the arm N: Axillary N.
How do you test the Deltoid? The arm is abducted against resistance starting at 15 degrees.
What are the muscles that make up the Rotator Cuff? Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Subscapularis.
On which side does the Rotator Cuff provide the least amount of support? Anteriorly and Inferiorly.
Infraspinatus (O,I,A,N) O: Infraspinous Fossa of the Scapula I: Middle Facet of greater tubercle A: Strongest Lateral rotator of the arm N: Suprascapular N.
Supraspinatus (O,I,A,N) O: Supraspinous Fossa of scapula I: Superior facet of the greater tubercle A: Assists deltoid in Abduction of arm N: Suprascapular N.
Subscapularis (O,I,A,N) O: Subscapular Fossa I: Lesser tubercle of the Humerus A: Medially rotates arm N: Upper/Lower Subscapular N.
Biceps Brachii (O,I,A,N) O: (SH)Coracoid Process, (LH)Supraglenoid Tubercle I: Radial Tuberosity A: Supination, Flexion of forearm N: Musculocutaneous N.
Brachialis (O,I,A,N) O: Distal half of anterior surface of humerus I: Coronoid process & Ulnar tuberosity A: Flexes forearm (primarily) N: Musculocutaneous N.
Coracobrachialis (O,I,A,N) O: Coracoid Process I: Middle third of medial surface of humerus A: Flexes and adducts arm N: Musculocutaneous N.
Anconeus (O,I,A,N) O: Lateral epicondyle of humerus I: Lateral side of Olecranon, Superior part of posterior surface of Ulna A: Extends forearm, Stabilizes elbow joint N: Radial N.
Triceps Brachii (O,I,A,N) O: (LH)Infraglenoid tubercle, (M-LH)Posterior surface of humerus I: Proximal end of Olecranon of Ulna A: Chief extensor, resists dislocation of humerus during adduction N: Radial N.
Created by: vnatividad
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