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TEST 1 Review


WBC 5-10
RBC 4.2-6.0
HGB (F) 12-15.5
HGB (M) 12.5-17.5
HCT (F) 37-45
HCT (M) 40-50
MCV 80-99
MCH 26-32
MCHC 31-36
Sodium 135-148 meq/l
Potassium 3.4-5.3 meq/l
Chloride 95-108 meq/l
Gluc 80-115 mg/dl
Uric Acid 2.5-7.7 mg/dl
BUN 7-27 mg/dl
Creatinine 0.5-1.5 mg/dl
Total Bilirubin 0.2-1.2 mg/dl
Calcium 8.1-10.7 mg/dl
Phosphorus 2.7-5.0 mg/dl
Confirmation of Clinical Impression Fasting Glucose for Diabetes Mellitus RF for RA Urine culture for UTI HbsAg for Hepatitis B Virus Infection Troponin for MI
Reduction of Diff Dx Serum Amylase test to Diff from Appendicitus,Cholecystitis, or Pancreatitis Plasma ACTH test to Diff from Cushing's Synd. and Cushing's Disease
Disease Exclusion Testing glucose for Hypo/Hyperglycemia Testing hemoglobin for anemia Testing ALT/AST for necrosis
Indication of Specific Therapy Test indicate need tx with Iron, Folate, B12, or need blood transfusion or surgery
Monitor Therapy Effectiveness 1. Serum Albumin/Protein for Malnutrition 2. Serum Electrolytes for Dehydration 3. Hemoglobin for anemia 4. Serum cholesterol for Hypercholesterolemia
Disclose Occult Disease Stool occult Blood for colon cancer
Determination of Baseline Values 1. Patient's own normal values 2. Point in time values (when was lower or higher 3. Severity of Disease (how bad is value now vs patients normal value
Staging of Disease 1. Prodromal (early stage of disease) 2. Acute (rapid onset and following a short but severe course 3. Chronic (lasting for a long period of time or marged by frequent recurrence) 4. convalescence (stage marking return to health and strength after ill)
Defensive Chiropractic Malpractice Negligence Patient Responsibility
Positive Preg Test Preg Test. Tumor Hydatiform mole
Positive urine glucose Diabetes Mellitus Renal Glycosuria Xray Contrast material
Elevated WBC count Infection Inflammation shock Leukemia Variant
Elevated Serum CPK MI Muscular Dys Tooth ache Post Surgery Exercise
Positive Rheumatoid Factor RA Subacute Bact. Endocarditis Leprosy Sarcoidosis Hepatitis Normal Ageing
Normal Ranges Dependant On: Population Demographics Environment Analytical Method
Population Demographics Gender Age Ethnicity
Environment Cultural aspects Geographic locations
Analytical Methods Reagents Procedures Temp Analytical Variables
Diagnostic Sensitivity frequency of abnormal or positive test results in individuals who have a selected disease
Specificity frequency with which a normal or negative test result is observed in individuals free of disease
predictive value is a measure of whether an abnormal test result really indicates that the patient has a particular disease or whether a normal test result correctly excludes the existance of a disease in the patient
Efficiency of test described as the probability that a test reslt, whether positive or negative, correctly classifies the presence or absence of disease
%Sensitivity = TP / (TP+FN)
%Specificity = TN / (FP+TN)
%Positve Predictive value = TP / (TP+FP)
%Negative Predictive Value = TN / (TN+FN)
% Efficiency = (TP+TN) / (TP+FP+FN+TN)
Created by: Birdgsx
Popular Chiropractic sets




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