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6LA Homophones

Homophones w/ definitions

What does the word "ad" mean? advertisement
What does the word "add" mean? to perform the mathematical operation of addition
What does the word "a11" mean? the whole of
What does the word "awl" mean? a pointed tool for making small tools
What does the word "allowed" mean? to permit
What does the word "aloud" mean? so as to be heard clearly
What does the word "bare" mean? lacking a covering
What does the word "bear" mean? an animal
What does the word "ball" mean? a round object
What does the word "bawl" mean? to shout or cry out
What does the word "band" mean? something that binds or ties
What does the word "banned" mean? to forbid something
What does the word "beat" mean? to hit again and again
What does the word "beet" mean? a root vegetable
What does the word "been" mean? past tense of be
What does the word "bin" mean? an enclosed place for storage
What does the word "berries" mean? several small edible fruit
What does the word "buries" mean? to place in the ground
What does the word "berry" mean? a small edible fruit
What does the word "bury" mean? to place in the ground
What does the word "berth" mean? a safe distance
What does the word "birth" mean? the act of bringing forth young
What does the word "billed" mean? to send a bill to
What does the word "build" mean? to put things together
What does the word "blew" mean? past tense of blow
What does the word "blue" mean? the color
What does the word "board" mean? a long, thin, flat piece of wood
What does the word "bored" mean? to make weary and restless by being dull
What does the word "bolder" mean? willing to take risks
What does the word "boulder" mean? a large rock
What does the word "bough" mean? a branch of a tree
What does the word "bow" mean? to bend the head or body in greeting
What does the word "boy" mean? a male child
What does the word "buoy" mean? a floating object anchored in a body of water
What does the word "brake" mean? a device for slowing or stopping an object
What does the word "break" mean? to separate into parts suddenly
What does the word "bridal" mean? relating to a bride or wedding
What does the word "bridle" mean? a device for controlling a horse
What does the word "brows" mean? the ridge on which the eyebrow grows
What does the word "browse" mean? to read or look over something
What does the word "buy" mean? to purchase
What does the word "by" mean? close to
What does the word "cellar" mean? a room below the surface of the ground
What does the word "seller" mean? a person who sells goods
What does the word "cent" mean? a basic unit of money
What does the word "scent" mean? a particular odor
What does the word "chard" mean? a stalk cooked as a vegetable
What does the word "charred" mean? to change to charcoal or carbon by heat
What does the word "choral" mean? sung by a choir
What does the word "coral" mean? stony deposits that is composed of skeletons found in the water
What does the word "chord" mean? group of 3 or more tones to form a harmony
What does the word "cord" mean? a small, thin rope
What does the word "chute" mean? an inclined plane
What does the word "shoot" mean? to cause a missile to be driven out of
What does the word "cored" mean? to remove a core from
What does the word "cite" mean? to summon to appear before a court
What does the word "sight" mean? something that is seen
What does the word "site" mean? the place or scene of something
What does the word "close" mean? to block against passage
What does the word "clothes" mean? clothing
What does the word "coarse" mean? made up of large parts or particles
What does the word "course" mean? the act of moving in a path from point to point
What does the word "core" mean? the central of most important part
What does the word "corps" mean? an organized branch of the military
What does the word "council" mean? a meeting for consultation
What does the word "counsel" mean? advice given
What does the word "creak" mean? to make a long scraping sound
What does the word "creek" mean? a small narrow inlet
What does the word "crews" mean? a group of people
What does the word "cruise" mean? to travel for enjoyment
What does the word "dear" mean? highly valued
What does the word "deer" mean? a cloven-hoffed mammal
What does the word "dense" mean? crowding together of parts
What does the word "dents" mean? notches made by a blow or pressure
What does the word "desert" mean? dry land with few plants and little rainfall
What does the word "dessert" mean? a course of sweet food
What does the word "dew" mean? moisture
What does the word "do" mean? to cause to happen
What does the word "due" mean? owed as a debt
What does the word "die" mean? to stop living
What does the word "dye" mean? to stain or color
What does the word "dire" mean? extreme
What does the word "dyer" mean? a person who stains or colors items
What does the word "dyeing" mean? to stain or color
What does the word "dying" mean? to stop living
What does the word "fair" mean? beautiful
What does the word "fare" mean? money a person pays to travel
What does the word "feat" mean? act or deed
What does the word "feet" mean? plural of foot
What does the word "fir" mean? evergreen tree
What does the word "fur" mean? the pelt of an animal
What does the word "flee" mean? to run away
What does the word "flea" mean? small, bloodsucking insect
What does the word "flour" mean? a fine, soft powder used in bread
What does the word "flower" mean? a blossom
What does the word "gait" mean? manner of moving on foot
What does the word "gate" mean? an opening in a wall or fence
What does the word "groan" mean? to utter a deep moan
What does the word "grown" mean? mature
What does the word "hair" mean? slender, threadlike growth from the skin of an animal
What does the word "hare" mean? a rabbit
What does the word "hall" mean? a corridor in a building
What does the word "haul" mean? to pull or drag with effort
What does the word "halve" mean? half
What does the word "have" mean? to own
What does the word "hear" mean? to take in through the ear
What does the word "here" mean? at this point
What does the word "heard" mean? to get news
What does the word "herd" mean? a number of one kind of animals kept together
What does the word "heir" mean? a person who inherits property
What does the word "air" mean? odorless, tasteless gas that surrounds the earth
What does the word "him" mean? objective case of he
What does the word "hymn" mean? a religious song
What does the word "hoarse" mean? having a rough voice
What does the word "horse" mean? a large, hoofed mammal
What does the word "hole" mean? an opening into
What does the word "whole" mean? a complete amount or sum
What does the word "hour" mean? 60 minutes
What does the word "our" mean? relating to us
What does the word "in" mean? placing within limits
What does the word "inn" mean? a hotel
What does the word "knew" mean? to have understanding of
What does the word "gnu" mean? an African antelope
What does the word "new" mean? not old
What does the word "knight" mean? a warrior of olden times
What does the word "night" mean? a time when there is no sunlight
What does the word "knot" mean? an interlacing that forms a lump
What does the word "not" mean? used to make a word negative
Created by: masonteach
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