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Bielitz--6th Grade World History

The study of people and events of the past History
A record of events in the order in which they happened Chronology
Proof Evidence
Accounts told by people who did not have a written language or who did not write down what happened Oral History
A certain Point of view Perspective
The Understanding of the actions and feelings of people from past times and other places Historical Empathy
To break something down into its parts to see how those parts connect Analyze
A record made by people who saw or took part in an event Primary Source
A record of an event made by someone who was not there at the time Secondary Source
The study of Earth's physical and human features Geography
Where a place is in relation to other places Relative Location
Exact location on Earth Absolute Location
A feature such as a landform, a body of water, or a resource that has been formed by nature Physical Feature
An area on Earth whose features make it different from other areas Region
To make a change in Modify
To change in order to make more useful Adapt
An event or an action that makes something else happen Cause
The result of an event or action Effect
A unique way of life that sets a group of people apart from others Culture
An organized group of people living and working under a set of rules and traditions Society
The elements of culture that have been passed down from one generation to another Heritage
An organized system that groups of people use to make laws and decisions Government
The study of the rights and duties of citizens Civics
Concern with and involvement in one's community, state, nation, or world Civic Participation
The way people use resources to meet their needs Economy
The study of the way that goods and wealth are produced, distributed, and used Economics
Created by: jennifer.bielitz
Popular World History sets




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