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Hort. ClassFunctStru


Roots beginning from a stem or a leaf. Adventitous roots
A plant that germinates from seed, grows to maturity, flowers, and produces seed in one growing season. annual
The primary growing point of the stem. apical meristem
A bud wich will produce a new leaf or stem which is located along the side of a plant stem. axillary bud
A plant that completes its life cycle is two growing seasons. biennial
The scientific classification system which identfies kingdom, division or phylum, class, order, family, genus, species,and variety or cultivar. botanical nomenclature
A scientist who studies plants. botanist
Plants that have flattened leavef blades. broadleaf
The outer, usally green, leaf-like parts of a flower. calyx
The thin layer of plant tissue between the xylem and phloem where new plant cells are formed. cambium
A green pigmet, contained in the chloroplast of plant cells, that must be present for photosynthesis to take place. chlorophyll
A flower with all four principal parts (sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil). complete flower
One that has two or more leaflets. compound leaf
Seed leaves attached to a seed embryo. cotyledons
Occours when pollen grains from the flowers on one plant transfer to the stigmas of the flowers on another plant. cross-pollination
A plant variety that is culivated and retains its features when reproduced. cultivar
Lose their leaves during a portion of the year, usually winter. deciduous plant
A pant with two seed leaves. dicot
The phase in the life cycle of a plant when growth is slowed or inactive. dormancy
Specialized tissue in a seed which contains stored food used by the plant in its first stage of growth and development. endosperm
A plant that keeps its leaves year round. evergreen
Occurs when a sperm necleas fuses with an egg cell nucleas, forming a zygote that will become a seed. fertilization
A root system made up of a number of small primary and secondary roots spread out through the soil. fibrous root system
The showy, colorful part of a plant that contains the reproductive organs, which then produce the fruit and the seeds of the plant. flower
A mature ovary of a flowering plant. fruit
The resumption of growth by a seed embryo; occurs when the embryonic root emerges from the seed coat. germination
The ability of a plant to withstand colder temperatures. hardiness
Plants that are less sensitive to temperature extremes. hardy plant
A plant that has a soft, not woody stem that dies back to the ground each year, such as herbs, certain vines,and turfgrasses. herbaceous plant
An improved plant developed by crossing parents of differnt genotype to produce a plant with an improved trait. hybrid
A flower that lacks a stamen or pistil. imperfect flower
A flower that lacks one or more of the major parts: sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil. incomplete flower
The arrangments of flowers on a stem. inflorescence
A plant with one seed leaf. monocot
The classification of plants by form and structure. morphology
Plants that have owl-like, scale-like, or needle-like leaves. narrowleaf
A plant that may be herbaceous or woody and lives for more than two seasons. perennial
The stamen and pistil in the same flower. perfect flower
Vascular tissue that moves food from where it is manufactured to other parts of a plant. phloem
This conversation of light energy into chemical energy by green plants. photosynthesis
The center portion of the plant stem where food and moisture are stored. pith
The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma. pollination
The main root which grows from the seed. primary root
When a plant flowers and produces fruit. reproductive phase
The tip of the primary root that has several layers of cells which protects the root as it grows throught the soil. root cap
Very small roots off of primary and secondary roots that grow between soil particles. root hairs
Created by: aaron.rasberry
Popular Agriculture sets




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