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Tappan Massage ch. 6

Guidlines for Giving Massage

therapeudic relationship implicit agreement regarding roles of practitioner and client
boundries limit that separates one person from another to protect the intergrity of each person
dual relationship any relationship other than the promary one of practitioner and client
transference when a client responds to practitioners as they might have responded to an important person from their childhood
counter transference when the practitioner transfers feelings from their past onto the client
professional demeanor appropriate appearance and behavoir of the practitioner
primary mode of personal interaction during gmassage touch
touch to come into contact with
informed consent explains what therapist is going to do, tells what the client can expect, client knows he/she can say no at any time, ask permission,
cross gender massage client and therapist are of different sex
same gender massage client and therapist are of same gender
intervention model seven step system to address sexualizing the situation
step 1 (intervention model) stop massage
step 2 (intervention model) describe behavior of concern
step 3 (intervention model) ask client to clarify behavior
step 4 (intervention model) re-state intent and professional boundries
step 5 (intervention model) evaluate response
step 6 (intervention model) continue or discontinue session
step 7 (intervention model) document situation
amount of verbal interaction during a massage depends on purpose of session and needs of receiver. minimal for relaxation, more as needed for deep tissue work
feedback verbal or nonverbal communication from client regarding effectiveness of techniques
emotional release letting go of suppressed emotions during( as a result of) a massage
confidentiality client's right to privacy
exeception to confidentiality emergency, required by law, dicussion with another health care professional to serve the client better
HIPAA requires health care provider to inform clients about privacy rights and how their information can be used
comfortable room temperature for massage 75 degrees F
air quality during massage well ventilated, fresh, pleasant
lighting during massage soft and indirect
sound during massage used to create relaxing or stimulation environments
dressing arrangement during massage convenient with adequate space
liniment topical liquid or semi-liquid used for therapeudic purposes
oils used as lubricants to minimize uncomfortable skin friction
jojoba oil like substance made from jooba seeds used in massage therapy because it is hypoallergenic and healthy for skin also it easily washes out of sheets and towels
lotions semi liquid substance containing agents for moisturizing the skin or for thereapeutic porposes
supine face up
prone face down
side lying lying on side with pillows under head arm and knee
reclining face up with a back rest to prop up torso
semi supine face up with a back rest to prop up torso
draping covery body during massage, for warmth boundries and comfort
tenting technique that allows client to turn conveintly while maintaining boundries
stacking the joints pressure applied along the line of the bones and through the joints
hyperextension joints on a extreme extension
neutral position neither flexion nor extension
bad body mechanics applying pressure with hyperextension of the wrists and abduction of thumb or crouched over the client
good body mechanics keeping wrist in neutral position, thumbs adducted, and changing height by bending at the knee
forward leaning stance front leg is bent more than the rear and pressure is applied as you lean slightly into the techniqui by shifting the weight form one leg to the other
horse stance (side to side stance) facing the table directly working on the area right in front of you. feet shoulder width apart knees bent
appropriate number of massage sessions per week 20. five in a day for four days or four in a day for five days
routines regular sequences of techniques performed in almos the same way each time
direction to massage limbs venous flow, toward the heart, distal to proximal
specificity focusion massage techniques on a specific condifiton and in a small area
pressure related to the force used in appling techniques and to the degree of compaction of tissure as the techniqe is applied
rhythm a recurring patern of movement with a specific cadence, beat, or accent
pacing refers to the speed of performing techniques
Created by: eestrand
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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