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Chapter 2 Brain & Behavior

What are the four basic parts of the neuron? Dendrites, soma, axon, and axon terminals.
What is the electrical charge of an inactive neuron called? Resting potential.
What are ions? Electrically charged molecules.
Bulb-shaped structures at the ends of axons that form synapses with the dendrites and somas of other neurons. Axon Terminals.
What is a neuron? An individual nerve cell.
What are neuron fibers that receive incoming messages called? Dendrites.
What is the main body of a neuron or other cell. Soma.
What is the fiber that carries information away from the cell body of a neuron called? Axon
What is the action potential called? Nerve impulse
What are neuropeptides and what do they do? They are brain chemicals which regulate the activity of other neurons.
What does the Central Nervous System (CNS) consist of? The brain and spinal cord.
What does the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)consist of? The Somatic system and Autonomic System.
What does the Autonomic System consist of? Sympathetic system and parasympathetic system.
What does the somatic nervous system do? It carries messages to and from the sense organs and skeletal muscles. Generally, it controls voluntary behavior.
What does the autonomic nervous system (ANS) do? It serves the internal organs and glands. They are automatic activities.
How do the parasympathetic and the sympathetic branches differ? The sympathetic branch is an emergency system. It prepares the body for "fight" or "flight" during times of danger or high emotion. The parasympathetic branch quiets the body and returns it to a lower level of arousal.
What is biopsychology? The study of how biological processes relate to behavior.
What is a CT scan? Computed tomographic is a computerized enhanced X-ray image of the brain or body.
What is an MRI scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)? An imaging technique that results in a three-dimensional image of the brain or body, based on its response to a magnetic field.
What is an electrode? Any device (such as a wire, needle, or metal plate) used to electrically stimulate or destroy nerve tissue or to record its activity.
What is (ESB) Electrical stimulation of the brain? Direct electrical stimulation and activation of brain tissue.
What is ablation? Surgical removal of parts of the brain.
What is deep lesioning? The removal of structures below the surface of the brain.
What does an EEG do? (Electroencephalography) It measures the waves of electrical activity produced near the surface of the brain.
What does a PET scan do? (Positron emission tomography) It provides more detailed images of activity both near and below the surface of the brain.
What connects the cerebral hemispheres? The corpus callosum is a thick band of fibers.
Why would a doctor perform a "split brain" operation? It is a surgery in which the corpus callosum is cut to control severe epilepsy.
What does the left hemisphere of the brain do generally? It is involved mainly with analysis. It also processes information sequentially.
What does the right hemisphere of the brain do? It appears to process information simultaneously and holistically (all at once).
What is the area of the brain associated with movement, the sense of self, and higher mental functions? The frontal lobes.
What is the brain area associated with control of movement? The primary motor area (primary motor cortex).
What is a speech disturbance resulting from brain damage called? Aphasia.
Where do bodily sensations register and what is that area called? Parietal lobes are located just above the occipital lobes.
What are the areas that include the sites where hearing registers in the brain called? Temporal lobes.
What do the occipital lobes do? The portion of the cerebral cortex where vision registers in the brain.
What does the subcortex consist of? Brainstem (hindbrain), the midbrain and the forebrain.
What does the brainstem consist of? Medulla, the cerebellum and the pons.
What makes up the limbic system? Hypothalamus, parts of the thalamus, the amygdala, and the hippocampus.
What does the hypothalamus do? It is a small area of the brain that regulates emotional behaviors and motives.
What does the limbic system do? It is a system in the forebrain that is closely linked with emotional response.
What is the endocrine system made up of? Glands that secrete chemicals directly into the bloodstream of lymph system. Pineal Gland, Pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, testes, and ovaries.
What does the pituitary gland do? It influences other endocrine glands. It is often called the master gland, but it is directed by the hypothalamus.
What is the function of the pineal gland? It releases a hormone called melotonin in response to daily variations in light. Melotonin increases at dusk, peak around midnight and fall again as morning approaches.
What is the function of the thyroid gland? It is located in the neck and regulates metabolism.
What is hypothyroidism? (overactive thyroid) It causes a person to tend to be thin, tense, excitable, and nervous.
What is hyperthyroidism? (underactive thyroid) It causes a person to be inactive, tend towards sleepiness, slowness, obesity, and depression.
What is epinephrine? It is a chemical which is associated with fear, tends to arouse the body.
What is norapinephrine? It also tends to arouse the body, but is associated with anger.
Created by: 1592245141
Popular Science sets




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