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Boards Orthos C/T

Bakody’s Sign? Patient presents with neck and arm pain radicular pain—test—ask the patient to place their hand on their head. If it goes away when hand is on the head, then it is indicative of a posterolateral disk herniation or nerve root compromise
O’Donaoghues Maneuver? Perform cervical ROM, pain with passive is ligamentus, and pain with resisted is muscle
Soto-Hall Test? Cervical spine is passively flexed while sternum is stable. Place patient’s arms overhead, and chin towards sternum. A positive test would be pain during testing indicating a neck fracture
Valsalva’s Maneuver? have patient place thumb in mouth and blow, radiating pain could be indicative of a SOL
Adson’s Test? TOS test-while taking the radial pulse of the patient with arm hanging down by their side, they turn their head and look to the same should of the palpation, and then have them breathe in. Decrease in strength of pulse indicates compression between ant a
Costoclavicular Manuever? Patient flexes head while the doctor palpates the radial pulse and extends shoulder—reductions in strength of pulse indicates compression between clavicle and first rib
Wright’s Test-Also known as Hyperabduction test? Radial pulse palpated and then abduct the arm 180 degress—reduction in pulse indicates neurovascular compression under the pec minor
Roo’s Test? Hold arms like goal posts, and open and close fists for 3 min or until symptoms appear…indicates neurovascular compression, but does not indicate the source
Allen’s Test? Do this TOS test first. Patient lays hands open on lap facing upwards and they rapidly open and close fists, and then the radial and ulnar arteries are occulded—once opened if there is a delay then it is indicative that TOS test may not be accurate
Forminal Compression Test? Rotate patient’s head and press downwards—generalized –facet capsulities or foraminal encroachment—radicular is nerve root compromise
Cervical Compression Test? Patients head in a neutral position and doctor presses straight down on patient’s head—generalized increase in discomfort, facet capsuilites or foraminal encroachment—radiating—nerve root encroachment
Jackson Compression Test? Axial compression with patient’s head tilted—localized-foraminal encroachment and radicular is nerve root compromise
Maximal Foraminal Compression? rotates head and hyperextends (closing the facets)—local pain on side of flexed =facet involvement; radicular main on concave side=nerve root involvement, Local pain convex side is tissue involvement, and radicular pain on convex side is adhesions
Cervical Distraction Test? doctor applies gentle upward axial stretch, generalized=muscle spasm and relief=may indicate intervertebral formainal encroachment, or facet capsulitis
Schepelmann’s Sign? Seated patient laterally flexes side to side—side of concave is intercostals neuralgia, side of convex is intercostals myofascitis
Beevor’s Sign? Supine patient flexes head—when ab muscles contract their umbilicus should stay in the same place. If it doesn’t, it is indicative of T10 cord compression
Shoulder Depression Test? Patient laterally flexes away from the shoulder that the doctor presses down—production of pain=dural sleeve adhesions, or foraminal encroachment, and local pain =local tissue irritation
Chest (Thoracic) Expansion Test? measures the circumference of inhaled chest around the 4th rib, also measure symmetry by the width on their back—Diminishing Chest Expansion=Ankylosing spondylitis, intercostals neuralgia, pulmonary pathology, rib pathology Unequal expansion=atelectasis
Modified Spurlings? Head is gradually rotated, and extended while adding an axial compression, generalized increase-facet capsulitis and radicular-formainal encroachment to nerve compromise
Libman's Sign Doctor applies pressure to the patient's mastoid--indication of patient's pain threshold
Spinal percussion? spinous processes are percussed with a reflex hammer—pain is a nonspecific finding
Costovertebral stress (seated)? stress is applied to the angle of the ribs—px indicates costovertebral or costosternal irritation; loss of movement indicates fixation of the costotransverse and/or costovertebral articulation in the posterior to anterior translation (Caliper)
Rib compression test (Seated)? examiner compresses the rib cage while the patient takes a deep breath—relief indicates intercostals neuralgia with hypomobile costotransverse articulation; localized pain indicates lesion at the location of the pain
Lateral chest (Rib) compression? side to side compression of the rib cage is applied; tenderness at the costosternal jx indicates inflammatory reaction of the articulation; pain in the back indicates costotransverse lesions; localized pain on the side of the rib indicates frx
Sternal AP compression test? AP sterna compression is applied; tenderness at costosternal junction indicates inflammation of that joint; pain in the back indicates posterior rib articulations irritated; localized pain may indicate frx
Rib springing test (prone)? double thenar contacts over rib cage. examiner applies body force gently springing the ribs and stressing the costovertebral joints; lack of spring or pain indicates loss of caliper or bucket handle motion or intercostals muscle strain
Created by: maddie427
Popular Chiropractic sets




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