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chapter 6 vocab


Pathogen an organism that causes disease
Infectious Disease a disease that can pass from one organism to another
Toxin a poison that is prodused by bacterial pathogen and that damgages cells
Inflammatory Response part of the body's defense against pathogens, in which flurid and white blood cells leak from blood vessels into tissues
Phagocyte a white blood cell that destroy's pathogens by engulfing then and breaking them down
Immune Response part of the body's defense against pathogens in which cells of the immune system
Lymphocyte white blood cell that reacts to each kind of pathogen with a defense targeted specifically at that pathogen
T Cell a lymphocyte that identifies pathogen and distinguisnes one pathogen from the other
Antigen a molecule on a cell that the immune system can recognize either as part of the body or as coming from outside the body
B Cell a lymphocyte that produce that help destroy a speafic kind of pathoge
Antibody a chemical produced by a B cell of the immune system that destroy a speaific kind of pathogen
AIDS a disase caused by a virus that attacks the immune system
Immunity the ability of the immune system to destroy pathogens before they can cause disase
Active Immunity immunity that occors when a person's own immunity system produce antibodies to resones
Vaccination the process by which harmles antigen are deilberaty introduced into a person's body to produce active immunity
Vaccine a substance use to kill virus's in the immune system
Antibiotic a chemical that kills bacteria of slow them down
Norlinfectious disease a disease that is not spread from person to person
Insulin a chemical produced in the panceas that enables that body's cell to take in glucose from blood to use for energy
Allergy a disorder in which the immune system is overly sensitive to a forerign substance
Diabetes a condition in which either the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the bodys cell can't use it properly
Allergen a subsance that causes an allergy
Histamine a chemical that is responsible for the symptoms of an allergy
Asthma a disorder in which the respiratory passages narrow significantly
Tumor an abnormal tissue mass that results from the rapid division of cancerous cells
carcinogen a substance or a factor in the environment that can cause cancer
passive immunity immunity in which the antibodies that fight a pathogen come from another organism rather than from the person's own body
Created by: CJ WYATT
Popular Science sets




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