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MCHS AP Human Geo4

Unit 4: Political Organization of Space

Annexation Incorporation of a territory into another geo-political entity
Apartheid The segregation of blacks in South Africa from 1948 to 1994.
Balkanization The fragmentation or breakup of a region or country into smaller regions or countries. *Term comes from Balkan wars when Yugoslavia was broken up into 6 countries from 1989 and 1992.
Exclusionary Border Landscape Keep people out of a country
Inclusionary Border Landscape Meant to facilitate trade and movement
Boundary Disputes Conflicts over the location, size, and extent of borders between nations
Boundary Origin Boundaries often oringated from old tribal lands and lands won in ward.
Boundary Type Natural: rives, mountains Political: Formed through wars and compromises Cultural: seperated by different cultures
Buffer State A country lying between two powerful countries that are hostile towards each other. (Mongolia is the buffer state between Russia and China)
Capital Principle city in a state or country
Centrifugal Religious, political, economic, conflict, that causes disunity in a state
Centripetal An attitude that unifies people and enhances support for the state
City-state A region controlled by a city and also has sovereignty.
Colonialism The attempt by a country to establish settlements and impose political and economic control.
Confederation Association of sovereign states by a treaty or agreement
Berlin Conference Regulated trade and colonization in Africa. Formalized the scramble to gain colonies in Africa and set up boundaries fro each country's colonies
Decolonization The movement of American/Eurpoean conlinies gaining independence.
Devolution Both the decentralization of a government from a unitary to a federal system or a fracturing of a government (balkanization)
Domino Theory The idea that if one land in region become Communist, more would follow
Exclusive Economic Zone EEZ. Sea zone over which a state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources. Has the rights to the raw material recources.
Electoral Regions Different voting districts that make up local, state, and national regions
Ethinc Conflict War between ethnic groups often as a result of ethnic nationalism or natural resources.
European Union Supranational union of 27 democratic member states of Europe. Cover areas of public policy, economic policy, formal affairs, defense, agriculture, and trade. Largest political and economic entity on the European continent
Federal A political philosophy in which a group of memebers are ound togehter with a governing representitive head. Power is shared between the national and state level
Forward Capital Symbolically relocated captial city, usually because of either economic or stategic reasons
Frontier A zone where no state exercises complete political control
Geopolitics Study that analyzes geography, history, and social science with reference to international politics. Examines the political and strategic significance of geography
Gerrymandering Process of redrawing legistlative boundaries for the purpose of benefiting the politcal part in power.
Heartland the central region of a country or continent; especially a region that is important to a country or culture
Rimland the maritime fringe of a country or continent
Immigrant State A type of receiving state which is the target of many immigrants. Populare because of their economy, political freedom, and opportunity.
Created by: hayhay543
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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