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SOC Holocaust Quiz

Brock Sociology Holocaust Quiz

Anti-Semitism hostility toward or discrimination against Jews
Aryan in Nazi Germany, non-Jewish and non-Gypsy Caucasians.
Auschwitz Largest Nazi death camp, located in Poland.
concentration camp Areas establised to detain and if necessary, kill, enemies of the state.
crematory am establishment containing a furnace for reducing dead bodies to ashes by burning
emaciate to cause to lose flesh so as to become very thin
genocide The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
Gestapo The German Secret State Police
ghetto A confined area of a city in which members of a minority group are compelled to live. The Jews were forced to live here during the beginning of the Holocaust.
Heinrich Himmler Head of SS and Chief of German Police. In charge of the Gestapo, concentration camps.
Adolf Hitler Fuhrer of Nazi movement; 1889-1945
Kristallnacht Night of Broken Glass; German police invaded Jew's homes and businesses and stole their belongings.
Dr. Josef Mengele SS physician assigned to Auschzwitz; notorious for "medical experiments" on inmates, especially twins and dwarves.
Swastika Nazi symbol; used to mean "good luck."
Talmud Jewish book of laws.
Torah Jewish holy book. Contains the first five books of the Christian Bible. Aka the Five Books of Moses.
yellow star Used by the Nazis during the Holocaust as a method of identifying Jews. The Jews were forced to wear these on their jackets and shirts.
What "Holocaust" means. Sacrafice by fire
Nazi A member of the National Socialist German Worker's Party during World War II
Jews First monotheistic religion. Founded by Abraham.
Roma Another word for gypsys.
Collaborators Someone who helps someone else. In the Holocaust, these were people who helped the Nazis.
Final Solution At the end of World War II, this was the plan to try to eleminate all of the Jews from the entire world.
Euthanasia Program Literally means "assisted suicide". The Nazis used this program to kill people that they did not feel were fit to live such as the handicapped and homosexuals.
Tyranny Unfair rule.
Persecute To treat someone unfairly or to annoy them persistently.
Incarcerate To put someone in jail.
Einsatzgruppen Nazi mobile killing units. Soldiers would go from town to town killing all the Jews in each down.
Incinerate To burn into ashes.
Liberate To set free.
Blood Libel An allegation, recurring during the thirteenth through sixteenth centuries, that Jews were killing Christian children to use their blood for the ritual of making unleavened bread. A red mold which occasionally appeared on the bread started this myth.
Death marches Forced marches of prisoners over long distances and under intolerable conditions was another way victims of the Third Reich were killed.
Diaspora a mass movement of a group of people from one place to another.
Fuhrer German for leader
Joseph Goebbels Nazi Propaganda Director
Kippa Hebrew name for the skullcap Jews wear
Yamulka Yiddish name for the skullcap Jews wear
Madagascar Plan A Nazi policy that was seriously considered during the late 1930s and 1940s which would have sent Jews to an island off the southeast coast of Africa
Mitzvah Hebrew word meaning "a good deed."
Nuremberg Trials Trials of twenty-two major Nazi figures in Germany in 1945 and 1946 before the International Military Tribunal.
Nuremberg Laws Deprived all Jews of their civil rights, and the "Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor" made marriages and extra-marital sexual relationships between Jews and Germans punishable by imprisonment.
Perpetrators Those who do something that is morally wrong or criminal
Rabbi Leader of a Jewish congregation, similar to the role of a priest or minister.
Righteous Gentiles Non-Jewish people who, during the Holocaust, risked their lives to save Jewish people from Nazi persecution.
Scapegoat Person or group of people blamed for crimes committed by others.
Shoah /sho a/ The Hebrew word meaning "catastrophe," denoting the catastrophic destruction of European Jews during World War II.
Social Darwinism A concept based on the idea of "survival of the fittest" applied to people. It states that some races are more fit to survive than others.
Synagogue /sin a gog/ Jewish house of worship, similar to a church.
Yiddish A language that combines elements of German and Hebrew.
Zionism Political and cultural movement calling for the return of the Jewish people to their Biblical home.
Zyklon B (Hydrogen cyanide) Pesticide used in some of the gas chambers at the death camps.
Created by: pikeville1
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