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Empiriscm? The premise that knowledge should be acquired through observation
3goals of research 1.Description 2.prediction 3.Explanation/Understanding
What are the four lobes of the cortrex? 1.Frontal Lobe 2.Parietal Lobe 3.Temporal Lobe 4. Occipital Lobe
What is Brain plasticity? Changing of neurons, organization of their networks, and their function via new experiences
What is the purpose of the Frontal Lobe? Reasoning, motor skills, higher lvl cognition, and expressive language
What is the purpose of the Parietal Lobe? Tactile sensory info such as pressure, touch and pain.
Why doesnt Correlation cause causation? Just because it correlates doesnt mean it caused the stress
Subliminal perception is? registration of sensory input w/o conscious awareness
Is perception subjective? Why? Yes Because it's your point of view so only you alone have all the options of influencing and/or being influenced in a given situation
Why is perception selective? because we only pay attention to what we care to hear or see
What is sleep deprivation? the condition of not having enough sleep (can either be chronic or acute)
Complete- Sleep Deprivation? w/p sleep for a period of days (can have negative effects on mood, performance on cognitive and perceptual-motor task)
Partial-Sleep Deprivation? (a.k.a Sleep Restriction) When people make do with substantially less sleep than normal over a period of time {The effects from this depends on the amount of sleep lost and on the nature of the task at hand)
Selective Sleep Deprivation? where you usually got a decent amount of sleep in NREM stages, but then you were selectively deprived of REM sleep
What is the 3 main theories on why we sleep? Repair & Restoration Theory of Sleep, Evolutionary Theory of Sleep, and Information Consolidation Theory
What are narcotics? Pain relievers (Morphine ,Heroin, Codeine): It causes euphoria, relation, anxiety reduction,and pain relief)
What are sedatives? Sleeping pills (Barbiturates and Non-barbiturates):causes Euphoria, relaxation, anxiety reduction, reduced inhibitions
What are Stimulants? Treatment of hyperactivity and narcolepsy, local anesthetic (Amphetamines, Cocaine): Elation, excitement, increased alertness, increased energy, reduced fatigue
What are Hallucinogens? None(LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin): Increasing sensory awareness euphoria, altered perceptions, hallucinations, insightful experiences)
What is Cannabis? Treatment of glaucoma and chemotherapy- induced nausea and vomiting(Marijuana, Hashish,THC)Mild euphoria, relation, altered perceptions, enhanced awareness)
3 main types of Treatment Insight therapies, Behavioral Therapies, Biomedical Therapies
Freud's techniques for Insight Therapies Free Association, Dream Analysis, Transference, Concept of Resistance
Continuous Reinforcement Schedule Every response produces a reinforcer
Partial or Intermittent Schedules of Reinforcement General class of schedules in which response are only occasionally reinforced.
Ratio Schedules arrange a certain ratio of responses to reinforcement
Fixed Ratio Every nth response produces a reinforcement
Variable Ratio Like the fixed ratio schedule, except that the ratio requirement changes unsystematically following each reinforce delivery
Interval Schedule Arrange an interval of time, beginning with each reinforce delivery, during which response will not produce another reinforcer
Fixed interval the interval is the same after each reinforcement
Variable Interval a new interval is selected (more or less at random) after each reinforcement
Created by: 508449991
Popular Science sets




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