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Foundations of Measurement and Evaluation

Examples of Subjective Assessment Essay Answers
Define Objective Assessment Objective assessment is a form of questioning which has a single correct answer.
Validity Evidence There are different types of validity. Face, content, construct, and criterion related.
Criterion Related Validity Validity that is determined by gauging a test resently created to a standard (which can be in the form of another similar test). The standard could be in existance presently or in the future.
Examples of Assesment Achievement tests, aptitude test, and effective tests.
Evaluation Evaluations focus on Internal situations. An ex. is collecting data on a specific program
Threats to validity Unclear test items, unknown vocabulary, items not covered in instruction, inconsistent testing procedures, confusing test directions.
Types of Formative Eval Questions Questions should not be answered with yes or no. Answers should be towards making the instruction better. The answers should give informative info for improvements.
Define Reliability A degree to which a test is consistently measures whatever it is measuring. A test maybe reliable without being valid but it cannot be valid without being reliable. A test must have stability, equivalence, and internal consistency to be reliable.
Validity Assessment validity is when a test measures what it is intended to measure.
Define Formative Evaluation Is used to improve instruction or informs the person of revisions to instruction. These evals are performed during the development of instruction. Ex. You want to know if the instructional goal was accomplished and any revisions that the product needs.
Split-Half reliability Scores are seperated into two groups and the group results are compared to determine the simularities.
Two types of Criterion Related Validity Concurrent and predictive. Concurrent means the standard used to gauge validity is something in existance in the present (another test concurrently being used). Predictive uses future performance as the standard to gauge validity.Ex. SAT
Examples of Formative Evaluation SME, One on One interviews, small group or focus group, field trial in the location where the instruction is intended to take place.
Reliability Coefficients Statistical means of estimating and interpreting the reliability of assessments.
Examples of summ eval Did it work, was it successfull, should we countinue funding.
Constructed Response Tests Performance tasks such as essay, and or profolios.
Content Validity The test only includes items that are from a specific content area.
Examples of Objective Assessment Multiple choice, true false,multiple-response and matching questions
Types of Reliability Internal reliability, Rater reliability, Equivalence reliability, and Stability reliability.
Examples of Authentic Assesment performance of the skills, or demonstrating use of a particular knowledge simulations and role plays studio portfolios, strategically selecting items exhibitions and displays
Define Authentic Assessment Measurement of "intellectual accomplishments
Face Validity Does the face of the test appear to be valid.
Program eval or summative eval The program itself is being evaluated. An evaluation can be a product, project, or process. The purpose is to make a decision from the results of the eval. Decisions can include discountinuing a program, starting a new one, or comparing programs.
Define Subjective Assessment Subjective assessment is a form of questioning which may have more than one correct answer (or more than one way of expressing the correct answer
Types of Assesments Tests are the only type of Assesment.
Definition of Assesment Assesment means collecting information on an individual student's competence, ability, or improvement. Basicaly gathering data on a student ability to learn or what they have already learned.
Selected Response Tests Mutiple choice, true or false, matching. Students have to choose answers provided by the test maker.
Two Phases of Prog or summ eval Expert Judgement Phase and Field Trial Phase. Judge if it works and fiels is actually putting it to the test.
Inter-Rater Reliability Determine the simularities of the graders who score tests.There needs to be a high degree of consistancy.
Diffences and simularities in eval and research Both use same tools and methods Research generalizes while evals particularizes The difference is in the purpose.
Who are stakeholders Stakeholders are people that will be impacted by the results of the evaluation. Sometimes it may be the developer of the program and other times it may be groups. Ex. parents, teachers, students.
Construct Valdility The experimental demonstration that a test is measuring the construct it claims to be measuring. Construct vadility is not observable. Ex. honesty and intelligence.
Test and Retest Test and Retests Reliability determines if the same test will give simular results when administered to the same people two different times. A relationship between the scores must be detremined.
Differences between summ and forma eval Formative eval is used to make improvements to the exsisting program. Summ is used to make a decision on the program NOT to make improvements.
Research Research is conducted to generalize your findings from a sample to a larger population.
Evaluation tip With evaluations you do not want to generaluze the data for a larger population. The point of the evaluation is to determine if the program was successful.
Reliability tests Test Retest (Tests stability), split half test (tests internal reliability), and Equivalent form (tests equivalence reliability.
Importance of reliability Reliability is important because it indicates that a test will consistently measure what it says it will measure.
Importance of validity Validity is important becaue it dicates that a test will consistently measure what it purports to measure over time.
Created by: kasuao1
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