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ch 9 SubSaharan Africa unit

term or namedetails
Great Rift Valley largest valley in world, from Red Sea through Mozambique
Sahara Desert world's largest takes up 1/3 of Africa
Nile River world's longest with many civilizations developing along it
Niger River Valley most fertile area in West Africa where lots of civilizations developed
Congo old name for tropical rainforest in center of African continent
Nubia early civilization near to the source of the Nile River
Kush conquered Nubia, larger trading empire south of Egypt
Axum took over after Kush, largest empire of south of Egypt area first Christian kingdom
Ezana famous Axumite king who made Christianity official religion of his empire
iron Steel :Pittsburg as ___:Kush
Egypt large African civilization located at the mouth of the Nile River
Trans-Sahara Gold Salt Trade Route super highway of ancient world of trade routes across the Sahara Desert
gold most common and valuable resource of the Western kingdom
salt important product needed by world to preserve food and as first antibiotic worth its weight in gold back then
ghana means king
Ghana earliest and small kingdom in West Africa
mansa another African word meaning king
Mansa Musa one of the greatest kings in the world in terms of wealth, wisdom, military and vision for hiring the world's best scholars and architects
Timbuktu major world center of learning and trade under Mali and where Mrs. Spallone's dad threatened to send her for most of her teen years
Sundiata Keita Lion King crippled but still defeated Ghana and became a great warrior king and savior with religious tolerance
Islam main monontheistic religion of Western Africa coming through trade relations with the Middle East
Koran name of holy book of Islam
Quran another spelling of name of holy book of Islam
FivePillarsofFaith main beliefs of Islam
hajj optional pillar of faith of Islam to travel to holy city of Mecca to pray
Mecca holy city of Islam where pilgrims on hajj go
mosque place of worship of Muslims
Ramadan holy month of prayer and fasting to recommit to Islam
Muslim term for follower or believer of Islam
polytheism worship of many gods usually nature based
animism term for native African religion-polytheistic, nature based
Christianity first kingdom on earth to be this was Axum in present day Ethiopia
bible holy book of Christians
church place of worship of Christians
Muhammad Ture set up dynasty of Songhai
camel most important animal to West Africa trade wealth
Monomatapa ancient civ in Southern Africa
stateless meant civ's in southern Africa were independant of each other
Zimbabwe great southern African civ huge walls around compound ruins today leave little detail
KilwaMombasa urban centers on the East Coast of Africa
Swahili culture term to descibe African mixed with Arab
urban means city
middleman traded goods from one location with people from another
polyrhythmic unique African music style with multiple beats and or chorus
talking drums large drums used to convey simple messages
jambo means hello all over Africa
ivory product in demand in world from elephant tusks and rhino
extended family type with more than one generation living together
matrilineal mother's name passed down to kid and property
patrilineal father's name passed down to kids and property
griot storyteller, entertainer, keeper of history
savanna grassy plains with large herds and climate of two seasons
Created by: corides
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