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A&P CH 11

Antibodies serum proteins of the immunoglobulin class that are secreted by plasma cells
Arterioles the smallest arteries
Arteriosclerosis a term meaning "hardening of the arteries"
Artery a blood vessel that transports oxygenated blood from the heart to the body or deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
Atherosclerosis a condition in which fatty plaque is deposited in medium sized and large arteries
Atrium one of the 2 small thin walled upper chambers of the heart
Blood a think red fluid that provides oxygen, nourishment, and protection to the cells and carries away waste products; a form of connective tissue
Blood Pressure the measurement of pressure exerted by the heart on the walls of the blood vessels
Capillary one of the small blood vessels found between arteries and veins
Coronary Arteries arterties that supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscle itself
Dermatitis a general term for acute or chronic skin inflammation characterized by redness, eruptions, edema, scaling and itching
Dermis the inner layer of skin that contains collagen and elastin fibers; thicker than the epidermis
Epidermis outer or top layer of skin; contains no nerves or blood vessels
Heart the pump of the cardiovascular system
Heart Valves 4 sets of valves that keep the blood flowing in the correct direction through the heart
Hemorrhage the passage of blood outside of the cardiovascular system
Immunity resistance to disease provided by the body through specific or nonspecific immunity
Integument the skin & its appendages; hair, sebaceous glands, sweat gladns, nails & breasts
Lymph a clear interstitial tissue fluid that bathes the cells
Lymph Nodes small, round structures distributed along the network of lymph vessels taht provide a filtering system for removing waste products and transferring them to the bloodstream for removal to the splee, intestines, and kidneys for detoxification
Pericardium a double membrane serous sac surrounding the heart
Plasma a thick straw colored fluid that makes up about 55% of blood
Standard Precautions safety measures established by the CDC, instituted to prevent the spread of bacterial & viral infections by setting up specific methods of dealing with human fluids & waste products
Superficial Fascia subcutaneous tissue that comprises the 3rd layer of skin
Tumor or a neoplasm; a growth of new tissues that may be benign or malignant
Veins blood vessels that collect blood from the capillaries and transport it back tot he heart
Ventricles the 2 large lower chambers of the heart
Venules the smallest veins
Created by: AugustaMassage
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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