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nms question-answer

nms questionnms answer
49 yoa female presents with an acute complaint of paresthesia over palmar aspect of her R thumb and first 2 fingers. Dx? Pronator teres syndrome or carpal tunnel-median n.
Inability to recognize familiar aspects of the environment such as shapes, symbols, sounds geometric forms: agnosia
aphasia difficulty articulation
aphagia difficulty swallowing
Cause of transient structural scoliosis: nerve root irritation-antalgic lean
Cause of transient scoliosis? refers to disc herniation or n. compression
Gait assoc. with 60yoa female presenting with stiff posture and absence of facial expression: propulsion (festinating, rigid)
Tremor with MS intentional
Purpose of Jendrassik maneuver: distract someone when doing a reflex
What is indicated by L iliac crest posterior to R? anterior superior rotation of R ilium
What scoliosis is most apt to be problematic at the lowest degree of curvature? thoracic-d/t pressure on heart
Muscles involved when neck ext with R rotation during deep inspiration causes neurovascular compression on the R scalene muscles
Weakness of wrist flexion is d/t a lesion at the [blank] n. C7
What is the ds with calcification of the tibial collateral liganment along the medial condyle of the femur? Pellegrini Steida's ds
Pellegrini Steida's ds shows as what on x-ray wisp of smoke
Reflex most efficiently tests the C6 N. root: brachioradialis
A pt experiences episodic px in the lower ext which increases with walking, relieved by a few minutes of rest and not influenced by a stooped posture: vascular insufficiency
aka for vascular insufficiency neurogenic claudication and vascular claudication
neurogenic claudication d/t n.; px occurs at different distances, comes from the spinal cord (both legs affected)so pressure off cord causes relief
vascular claudication d/t vessels-always get to the same spot when px occurs, posture does NOT help
Dx for pt that presents with severe HA, morning stiffness, depression, weight loss and fever: polymyalgia rheumetica-severe stiffness and shoulder px
giant cell arteritis aka temporal arteritis
Condition characterized by hair loss, shiny atrophic skin and cyanosis, a cool pale foot with deficient pulses: arterial insufficiency
Action tremors and past pointing are signs of a lesion in: cerebellum
Signs of problem with vestibular nuclei CN8-equilibrium, vertigo
Problem with cerebral motor cortex crude motion
What does an L5 disc herniation likely to produce weakness of hip [blank] and numbness of [blank] extension; posterolateral aspect of leg-S1 nerve
Cause of 50yoa patient presenting with transient episodes of slurred speech which lasts no longer than 120 min. Carotid artery auscultation
Dx for local tenderness with referral from sclerotomal px elicited by digital pressure on the upper border of the posterior shoulder: infraspinatus tendinitis-insertion at upper border of the posterior shoulder
tzeitze syndrome costchondritis
Intensified when there is a problem with the pancreas, intestine and colon as a cause of LBP increased intra abdominal pressure
A pt who has the mouth closed tightly has a lesion of which cranial n. trigeminal-muscles of mastication
Often accompanies an upper motor neuron lesion increased muscle spindle activity
Signs of LMN lesion increased muscle fasciculation and muscle flaccidity
Superficial reflex that is the test choice for cauda equina syndrome: anal wink reflex-S2,S3
Sign of cauda equina syndrome loss of bowel and bladder
Sternal compression test is useful in determining the presence of: rib fracture-px at the lateral border
In a pt with scoliosis, which is not changed with early bending: structural
Pt presents with a recent hx of decreased abdominal m. tone; examination reveals that the umbilicus migrates to the left and down, when the pt performs a sit-up. Which level is denervated? T6 to T10 on the R-Beevor's sign; umbilicus migrates to the strong side
What reflex is modulated by the ANS? ciliospinal-pinch neck and eyes dilate
Costochondritis Px at the costosternal articulation during lateral chest cmpression
With pt prone the knee is flexed and the hip passively extended. If px is intensifed by this mvmt, where is the lesion? SI-Yeoman's test
Weakness of which of the following mm. is noted if the pt. lifts the R foot and the ipsilateral buttock drops: L glut medius-Trendelenburg test
In a pt w/ bilateral sciatic, exacerbation of px occurs with the pt prone and heels approximated to the buttocks: spinal stenosis
Px elicited during strength testing in flexion with ext leg rotation indicates: iliopsoas strain
In pt w/ central lumbar stenosis px is relieved in which position: flexion
A posterolateral disc herniation at which of the following levels affects the L5 n. root: L4, L5
Structures must be evaluated to verify a shoulder separation: AC-dislocation is glenohumeral
The direct pupillary light reflex tests the integrity of the afferent fibers of the [blank] cranial n. and efferent fibers of the [blank] cranial n. II and ipsilateral III
A pt presentws with a recent hx of episodes of severe vertigo, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss and tinnitus provoked by fatigue, the attacks last two hours: Meniere's ds-vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss (deafness) aka endolymphatic hydrops
Created by: pcelvfrdm
Popular Chiropractic sets




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