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chap21 u.s.

chap. 21

progressivism a reform movement including a number of groups & individuals with a common desire to improve life and the industrial age, to biuld on society, make political changes and social improvements through govt action
pragmatism practical approach to morals, ideals, and knowledge, experimenting with ideas and laws for the better ordering of society
william james & john dewey two leading american advocates of pragmatism
ida tarbell the history of the standard oil company, 1902, in Mcclures magazine, successful by such muckraking articles
frederick w taylor used a stopwatch to time the output of factory workers, discovered ways of organizing people in the efficient manner
scientific management ways of organizing poeple in the most efficient manner
muckrakers writers specializing in stories about underhanded schemes in politics
henry demarest lloyd a chicago reporter, in 1881 wrote a series of articles for the Atlantic Monthly, attcked the practices of the Standard oil company and th err's, Wealth Against Commonwealth exposed the corruption
standard oil company greed and corruption was exposed by lloyd, oil monopoly
lincoln steffans wrote muckraking articles in Mcclures Magazine, 1893, tweed days in st loius, 1892
Jacob riis on eof the first photojournalists, How The Other Half Lives, 1890, on tenement life
theodore drieser wrote muckraker novels, The Financier, The Titan, portrayed the avarice and ruthlessness of an industrialist
australian ballot adapted first by MA, 1888, issuing ballots printed by the state, requiring voters to mark choices within private booths, all states adopted by 1910
direct primary system for bypassing politicians by letting voters nominate party candidates by a majority
robert la folette 1903, gov. of wisconsin, introduces placing the nominating process directly in the hands of the voters
direct election of senators, seventeenth amendment navade first adopted, 1899, to prevent from the senate being dominated by a millionaires club, by 1912, 30 states adopted
initiative, referendum, recall voters could compel legislators to consider a bill, allowed citizens to vote on proposed laws on their own ballots, to remove a corrupt or unsatisfactory politician from office
social welfare meeting the needs of immigrants and the working class, lobbying vigorously for better schools, juvenile courts, liberalized divorce laws, safety regulations; settlement houses, fought for limits on the death penalty
municipal reform for free kindergartens, night schools, public playgrounds, tax reform, public operation of utilities
samuel m jones mayor of Toledo, ohio, republican, adopted the golden rule, selfmade millionaire, introduced a program of municipal reform
Tom L johnson ohio, devoted to tax reform and three-cent trolley fares for cleveland, as mayor, fought for public ownershio of utilities and services
charles evan hughes NY, battled fraudulent insurance companies
hiram johnson CA, fought economic and political power of the southern pacific rr
theodore roosevelt; square deal demonstrated he favored neither business or labor
anthracite coal miners strike (1902) caused many americans to fear they would freeze to death in the winter without coal
trust-busting breaking up bad trusts which harmed the public and sitfled competition, and regulating good trusts which thru efficiency and low prices dominated a market
elkins act (1903) the Interstate Commerce Commission had greater authority to stop rr's from granting rebates to favored costumers
hepurn act (1906) commission could fix just and reasonable rates for rr's
upton sinclair, the jungle wrote muckraking book that described conditions in the chicago stockyards and meatpacking industry
pure food and drug act (1906) forbade the manufacture, sale, and transportation of adulterated or muslabeled food and drugs
Meat Inspection Act (1906) federal inspectors visit meatpacking plants to ensure they had met minimum standars of sanitation
conservation roosevelt had efforts to protect the nations natural resources, Forest Reserve Act, Newlands, National conservation commission
Newlands Reclamation Act (1902) providing money from the sale of public land for irrigation projects in western states
Gifford Pinchot PA, first director of the US forest service, controlled NCC
William Howard Taft sec of war, elected in 1908
Mann-Elkis Act (1910) gave ICC the power to suspend new rr rates and oversee telephone, telegraph, and cable companies
sixteenth amendment 1913, authorized govt to collect an income tax
payne-aldrich tariff (1909) raised the tariff on most imports
joseph cannon house speaker, progressives wanted taft to reduce his dictatorial powers
socialist party of america once the socialist labor party, dedicated to the welfare of the working class, called for more radical reforms
Eugene v debs one of the founders of the socialist party, candidate for 5 elections, former rr union leader, adopted socialism while jailed 4 the pullman strike, critc of business, champion of labor
bull moose party new progressive party, candidate- roosevelt
new nationalism roosevelts plan, more govt regulation of business and unions, women suffrage, more social welfare programs
new freedom wilson, to limit big business and big govt, bring about reform by ending corruption, revive competition by supporting small business
underwood tariff 1913, lowered tariffs for the 1st time in over 50 yrs, included a graduated income tax from 1 to 6 %
federal reserve act 1914, created a federal reserve board that regulated the baning system and issued bills
federal reserve board supervised the national banking system with 12 district banks
clayton antitrust act strengthened provisions of the sherman antitrust act for breaking monopolies
federal trade commission regulatory agency for investigating unfair trade practices in most industries
federal farm loan act (1916) 12 regional federal farm loan banks established, provided low interest rates
urban migration 1910-1930 about a million people travelled north seeking jobs in the cities
niagra movement w e b du bois met with a group of black intellectuals in niagra falls, canada, discussed actions for securing equal rights for blacks, later joined this movement
booker t washington stressed blacks needs for education, economic progress, industrial skills
w e b du bois demanded equal rights, Souls of the Black Folk, scholar, writer, college educated
natl assoc for the advancement of colored people du bois and white progressives founded, to abolish segregation, increase economic opporunities for af am children, largest civil rights organization
natl urban league to help those migrating from the south
carrie chapman catt iowa reformer, president of the NAWSA, argued for right to vote
19th amendment 1920, guaranteed womens rights to vote
alice paul NJ, leader of National Womens Party, for the suffrage amendment
Created by: emmamalo
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