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PT Chapter 6

Body system which contains the largest organ (skin), & accessory organs (hair, fingernails, toenails, sweat glands, & sebaceous glands) Integumentary System
Outer covering for your body, protects tissues, helps regulate body heat, allows you to sense touch, pain, temperature, pressure, produces certain chemicals, like vit. D, first line of defense against bacteria & other germs. Skin
Name the skins 3 layers. epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis
The outermost thin layer of skin. epidermis
The middle layer of skin, where a lot of the actions/operations take place. dermis
Innermost layer main job is temperature control. hypodermis
Tissue located in the hypodermis that provides padding & insurlation. Adipose Tissue (fat)
Small tubular structures that secrete watery sweat. sweat glands
Oily substance secreted that prevents hair & skin from drying out. sebum
Glands that secrete sebum. sebaceous glands
Small muscles that make your body hairs stand on end when you are cold or scared. arrector pili muscles
Skin tissue that dies due to compressed blood vessels which form with little activity or paralysis. pressure ulcers (bedsores)
Appearance of smooth, slightly raised patches that are redder and paler than the surrounding skin. (sign of allergic reaction) urticaria (hive)
Dry/inflamed skin often with oozing and crusting areas. Dermatitis/eczema
A superficial skin infection caused by a bacterium. (sm spots rapidly become lgr & fill w/pus) impetigo
Infection of the dermis & subcutaneous tissues. The skin may become red and swollen & sometimes feels hard to the touch. (serious condition) cellulitis
The virus that causes chicken pox is reactivated & causes tingling, itching and severe pain. (pus filled sores may develop) herpes zoster (shingles)
A chronic disease that causes hardening of the skin. May cause damage to internal organs. scleroderma
Most common form of cancer. Report unusual moles/rashes on skin. skin cancer
Body system that breaks down food you eat into nutrients your body needs. digestive system
Organ where ingestion(eating) and mastication (chewing) occur. mouth
2 organs where deglutition (swallowing) occurs. pharynx & esophagus
Organ that stores food & where the physical breakdown of food occurs. stomach
Organ where most of the digestion (chemical breakdown) & absortion of nutrients occur. small intestines
Organ where the formation of feces occurs. lg. intestines
Organ where defecation occurs. rectum
Pathway by which food enters & leaves the body. alimentary canal
3 organs which are accessory organs of the digestive system. liver, gallbladder, pancreas
Organ where multiple functions related to changing nutrients to forms the body can use. liver
Organ that stores & secretes bile. gallbladder
A chemical which helps digest fats. bile
Organ where the secretion of chemicals called enzymes help digest fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. pancreas
Where the stomach pokes up into the thoracic cavity because of a hole in the diaphragm muscle. hiatal hernia
Disorder where the stomach contents back up into the esophagus causing severe chest pain. (heartburn) gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn)
The inflammation of the stomach lining causing pain & nausea. OTC drugs may cause this. gastritis
Holes in the lining of the stomach. peptic ulcers
An inflammation of the intestines causing rectal bleeding & chronic diarrhea. inflammatory bowel disease
Disorder of the intestines causing diarrhea or constipation, abdominal cramps & pain. irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
The presence of pouches in the intestines that may trap feces causing pain & infection. diverticulitis
Cancer of the large intestine. colon cancer
Body system that rids your body of waste & maintains fluid/salt balance; filters unwanted chemicals out of blood & into urine. urinary system
Urinary system consist of: 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, bladder, urethra
Organs that help regulate your blood pressure, control pH level, control the amt of some chemicals in the body, stimulate making of red blood cells, help maintain water & removes wastes. kidneys
Muscular tubes that propel urine from the kidneys to the bladder. ureters
Organ that holds the urine until it is released from the body. bladder
A tube that transports urine from the bladder for removal from the body. urethra
Machines that artificially filter a persons blood if his kidneys have failed. Dialysis machine
Infection of the bladder. (frequent urination, painful) Lower urinary tract infection
Infection of the kidneys. (fever, chills, headache, back pain that is fairly consistant. upper urinary tract infection
Chemicals crystallize into stones that can block the kidneys or ureters; when trapped extremely painful in the back & upper abdomen that comes & goes. renal calculi (kidney stones)
Diseased kidneys that no longer can filter urine. (dialysis, kidney transplant) chronic renal failure
Problems with the nerves to the bladder, it won't empty properly, increasing the risk of urinary infections. neurogenic bladder disorders
An involuntary loss of urine that can be caused by a variety of reasons. urinary incontinance
Body system that allows you to breathe. respiratory system
Molecules produced by oxygen that store the energy your cells need to do their jobs. ATP molecules
4 different breathing processes make up.... respiration
The process that moves air into & out of your lungs, you can see & feel this process. ventilation
The gas exchange where oxygen moves from the air in the lungs into the blood & at the same time carbon dioxide moves from the blood into the air in the lungs. external respiration
The gas exchange where there is a switch between cells in the blood & cells throughout the body. oxygen moves into the body's cells & carbon dioxide moved out. internal respiration
The process where individual cells use oxygen, carried to them by the bloodstream to perform their functions. cellular respiration
Inflammation of the tissue in the lobes of the lungs, caused by a virus, bacterium, or some sort of chemial irritation. pneumonia
Inflammation of the bronchioles due to the same causes as pneumonia. bronchitis
Destruction of the alveoli in the lungs, preventing adequate air exchange. (normally caused by smoking) emphysema
Inflammation & constriction of the bronchioles causing a characteristic wheezing sound. (severe attacks can be life threatening) asthma
Death of lung tissue due to infection by a specific bacterium. tuberculosis
An inherited disease that causes excessive mucus in the lungs, leading to frequent infections & progressive loss of lung function. cystic fibrosis
Body system that promotes sexual maturation during adolescence, keeping our sex hormones in balance & working together to create new life. reproductive system
Cells responsible for fertilizing female eggs. sperm
Male hormone essential for sexual maturation. testosterone
Male reproductive organ that produce sperm & testosterone. testes
Sac where testes are located. scrotum
Fluid secreted by the penis during sexual intercourse; where sperm live. semen
Semen comes out of the penis during ejaculation by way of the ..... urethra
Inflammation of the prostate gland, infection may or may not be present. prostatitis
Non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, sometimes causing difficulties w/urination & sex drive. benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate gland)
The most common cancer in American men. prostate cancer
Inflammation of the testes due to infection usually treated w/antibiotics. orchitis
An abnormal twisting of the cord that holds the testes. testicular torsion
The female reproductive organs that dispense female hormones & realease an egg each month in fertile menstruating women. ovaries
Tubes where the eggs travel down & may be fertilized if sperm is present. fallopian tubes
Home for a developing baby. uterus
The opening where the baby leaves the uterus. cervix
Passageway from the uterus to the outside world. vagina
Female external reproductive organs: clitoris, mons pubris, labia minora, labia majora
Uterine tissue travels to other sites in the body; swelling & bleeding during the menstrual cycle, sometimes causing considerable pain. endometriosis
Implantation of the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus, as the embryo grows, the tube can rupture. ectopic pregnancy
Ovarian cysts (non-cancerous)grow on the ovaries, causing hormonal & menstrual problems. ovarian cystic disease
The most lethal female cancer as its often not diagnosed until it has spread to other organs. ovarian cancer
Weakness of the muscles supporting these three organs, causing them to drop out of position. prolapse of the uterus, bladder & rectum
The most common cancer in females in the US breast cancer
Organ systems work together to keep many different body variables close to a certain set poin, no matter the environment. homeostasis
Diameter of blood vessels get larger. vasodilation
Diameter of blood vessels get smaller. vasoconstriction
Created by: sabrinaharbour
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