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Nervous System IMI

Astrocytes, monitoring the substances that enter and leave the brain to prevent sudden changes in environment around the CNS is known as? Blood-brain barrier
Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins are all examples of? Neurotransmitters
When stimulus is applied over a prolonged period of time, the frequency of action potentials begins to decline. This phenomenon is known as? Adaptation
The collection of nuclei and tracts involved with the creation of emotions, sexual behavior, fear, rage, and memory process is known as? The limbic system
The nerves that carry impulses from receptors to the CNS are known as? Sensory (afferent) nerves
The brain and spinal cord together are known as? The central nervous system
Efferents are also known as? Motor nerves
The nerves that carry impulses directly to and from the brain are known as? Cranial nerves
What is the multi-layered membranous wrapping around the axon known as? Myelin
What is the largest nerve in the body? Sciatic
What is the largest Cranial Nerve? Vagus
What neurons are responsible for muscle tone? Muscle spindle
A rapid automatic response to a specific sensory signal is known as? Reflexes
What type of nerve is Vagus an example of? Cranial
If damage occurred to the left C5 spinal nerve root, what would happen? Sensory change to the anterior deltoid region of left shoulder (as seen on dermatone map)
Would pupil dilation be considered a sympathetic or parasympathetic response? Sympathetic
What is the optic disk? Blind spot
What is located deep on the lateral sides of the papilla, floor of the mouth, and cheeks? Taste buds
Where does the peripheral nervous system begin? Distal to the intervertebral foramina
Which is the first cranial nerve? Olfactory
What is space between two or more neurons that may contain neurotransmitters? Synaptic cleft
What division of the nervous system is known for its relation to 'fight or flight'? Sympathetic
What portion of the neuron stores neurotransmitters for release? Teleodendria
What is the portion of the brain responsible for basic vital functions? Brainstem (Medulla Oblongata)
Created by: 1542628260
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