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Preterite type 5

Preterite-cargarzar-irregular-basement-regular, you name it

he had recieved tuvo
he found out supo
i went fui
they could pudieron
I took saque
You went Fuiste
They want quisieron
I ate Comi
You said Dijiste
He played Jugo
I wrote escribio
I gave di
we played Juguemos
they played Jugaron
You and him played Jugaron/Jugasteis
Yo Jugar Jugue
he talked Hablo
they talked hablaron
He ate Comio
They ate comieron
we ate comemos
y'all ate comesteis
I talked hable
we talked hablamos
Y'all talked halbasteis
i had recieved tuvi
they had recieved tuvieron
we had recieved tuvimos
y'all had recieved tuvisteis
you had recieved tuviste
We went fuimos
Y'all went fuisteis
They went fueron
he went fue
we wanted quisimos
I wanted quisi
you wanted quisiste
y'all wanted quisisteis
he wanted quiso
I was (located/feeling) estabe
He was (located/feeling) estaba
we were (located feeling) estabamos
they were (located/feeling) estabaron
y'all were (located/feeling) estabais
I danced Baile
you danced bailaste
y'all danced bailasteis
we danced bailamos
he danced bailo
they danced bailaron
I read (past tense) lei
You read (past tense) leiste
They read (past tense) leyeron
he read (past tense) leyo
y'all read (past tense) leisteis
I heard oi
you heard oiste
he heard oyo
they heard oyeron
we read (past tense) leimos
we heard oimos
y'all heard oisteis
I believed crei
You believed Creiste
S/He believed creyo
they believed creyeron
we believed creimos
Y'all believed creisteis
I could pudi
You could pudiste
I walked Camine
You walked Caminaste
He/She walked Camino
They walked Caminaron
We walked Caminamos
Y'all walked Caminasteis
I sang Cante
You sang Cantaste
he/she sang Canto
They sang Cantaron
We sang Cantamos
Y'all sang Cantasteis
I answered Conteste
You answered Contestaste
He answered Contesto
They answered Contestaron
We answered Contestamos
Y'all answered contestasteis
I walked/rode Anduvi
You walked/rode anduviste
He walked/rode anduvio
They walked/rode anduvieron
Y'all walked/rode anduvisteis
We walked/rode anduvimos
i studied estudie
you studied estudiste
he studied estudio
they studied estudiaron
we studied estudimos
Y'all studied estudisteis
You walked/rode anduviste
He walked/rode anduvio
They walked/rode anduvieron
Y'all walked/rode anduvisteis
We walked/rode anduvimos
i studied estudie
you studied estudiste
he studied estudio
They studied estudiaron
we studied estudimos
Y'all studied estudisteis
You walked/rode anduviste
He walked/rode anduvio
They walked/rode anduvieron
Y'all walked/rode anduvisteis
We walked/rode anduvimos
i studied estudie
you studied estudiste
he studied estudio
they studied estudiaron
we studied estudimos
Y'all studied estudisteis
You walked/rode anduviste
He walked/rode anduvio
They walked/rode anduvieron
Y'all walked/rode anduvisteis
We walked/rode anduvimos
i studied estudie
you studied estudiste
he studied estudio
they studied estudiaron
we studied estudimos
Y'all studied estudisteis
Created by: dmarrocco
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