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nms question-answer

NMS QuestionNMS Answer
Characteristics of cerebellar ds Dysmetria, diadochokinesia, bal/coord impaired, intention tremor, ataxic gait, strength unaffected
Common ds that affect cerebellar MS, alcoholism
Tests for Cerebellar Dysfunction (blank)
Tests for Cerebellar Dysfunction rapid alt of pron/supin.; finger to nose; heel to shin; Romberg
Finger to nose sign intention tremor will be evident
heel to shin sign pt overshoots knee (dysmetria)
Romberg sign Pt is equally unsteady with eyes open or closed
damaged area with eyes open unsteadiness in Rombergs cerebellar
area damaged with eyes closed in Rombergs post. column
Charac of posterior column ds two pt discrim., vibration, position sense, deep touch and pressure all affected
Ds affecting post col MS, Tabes Dorsalis, Leprosy
Tests for post col Tuning fork, alt 2 pt touch with 1 pt touch, push great toe into dorsiflexion then plantar, Romberg Test
Tuning fork sign for post col dec vibratory sense
Alt 2 pt touch with 1 pt for post col can't discriminate betw the two
Great toe test for post col unable to perceive the difference
Romberg test for post col min sway with eyes open, exaggerated with them closed (ddx from cerebellar ds)
Wexler Scale 0 no reflex
Wexler Scale 1 hyporeflexic
Wexler scale 2 normal
Wexler scale 3 hyperreflexic w/o clonus
Wexler scale 4 hyperreflexic w/ transient clonus
Wexler scale 5 hyperreflexic w/ sustained clonus
muscle grade 0 no evidence of contraction
muscle grade 1 evidence of contraction but no mvmt
muscle grade 2 mvmt w/o gravity
muscle grade 3 mvmt w/ gravity
muscle grade 4 slight resistance
muscle grade 5 full resistance
Main ascending pathways spinothalamic
spinothalamic fibers c, a delta, pain & temp
where do spinothalamic fibers decussate w/in 1-2 levels of entry into spinal cord
px/temp ipsi or contralateral in spino contralateral
Dorsal col function proprioception, fine touch, 2 pt, vibration, graphesthesia
LMN location n. to muscle-ventral horn/ant horn
lmn type alpha motor neuron
lmn pathway location final common pathway
UMN location corticospinal tract
corticospinal tract decussates in pyramidal tract (90%)
umn mvmt type voluntary
what is the effect of most descending pathways primitive-reflexive
effect of umn lesion inhibitory effect from corticospinal path will be dampened by inc in dtr
signs of umn lesion inc dtr, spastic paralysis, inc mm. tone, pathological reflexes, absent superficial reflexes
signs of lmn lesion dec dtr, flaccid paralysis, dec mm tone, no pathological reflexes, diminished superficial reflexes
ds with waddling gait MD, polio, dislocated hip
steppage gait toe/foot drop (paralysis of foot dorsiflexors) as in damage to peroneal n.
ds with steppage gait Charcot Marie Tooth syndrome-weak tib ant mm.
Scissors gait spastic paraplegia, knees scrape together
type of lesion with scissors gait umn-seen w/ cerebral palsy
stroke affects which side in circumduction gait same side-hemiparesis
Trendelenburg gait lift leg weak contralateral glut medius-weight shifts over weak G-med, acetabulum and femur support weight
Festinating or propulsion gait forward leaning posture, small shuffling steps seen with Parkinson's, mask like facies
Ataxic/tabetic gait wide, watches feet, slap foot on ground to help fire proprioceptors-dorsal col ds seen with tabes dorsalis
Motor ataxia gait cerebellar dysfunction-irreg. unsteady reeling vertigo wide based steps
Brown sequard syndrome hemisection of spinal cord with neuro changes
neuro changes with brown sequard corticospinal ipsi below lesion-spastic paralysis; spinothalamic-contra w/in 1-2 leves below site-dec in px/temp; dorsal col-ataxia, proprio, 2pt, vib discrim ipsi below lesion
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis motor neuron ds causing LMN signs in upper ext and umn sign in lower ext
Myasthenia gravis sporadic muscular weakness d/t defect at myoneural junction, dec acetylcholine
are cranial nn. involved w/myasthenia gravis yes
Tabes dorsalis ataxia d/t loss of proprioceptive paths
Wallenberg thormbosis of post inf cerebellar artery causing vertigo, nausea, contra hemiparesis, hemianesthesia, loss of hearing, tinnitus & ataxia
Barre Lieou vertigo, tinnitus, nausea assoc w/ vertebral a. disturbance
Guillian Barre acute polyneuropathy w/ muscular weakness and some sensory loss, preceded by nonspecific febrile (usually viral) illness 1-3 wks prior
Syringomyelia chronic progressive ds of the spinal cord, loss of px & temp. Touch and pressure ok; loss of sensation with shawl like distrib.
Rotator Cuff muscles SITS-supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
TFL pt. externally rotates and abducts leg
Perthes test checks competence of the venous valves of 2 extremities
L4/L5 facet syndrome flank, groin and medial knee px
milwaukee brace scoliosis brace, use indicated if curve is 20 degrees w/rot.
what can cause upper teeth px maxillary sinus
what n. is involved in post. compartment tibial
syndromes involving br. of common peroneal n. superficial peroneal n. lateral compartment-foot eversion; deep peroneal n. ant. compartment-foot dorsiflexion (dermatome betw. 1st/2nd toes); peroneal n. palsy-aka charcot marie tooth syndrome
what does shoulder depression test dural sleeve adhesions
what is closed pack in full ext
what is open pack in full flexion
m. involved in tennis elbow carpi radialis brevis-aka lat. epicondylitis
klippel feil syndrome short web neck, low hairline, dec # of c/s vert with fusion, cns affected
signs of cervical rib symptoms at 4th and 5th metacarpal and medial forearm
osteoid osteoma rare benign bone tumor composed of sheets of osteoid tissue, px relieved by aspirin
what n. involves adduction of thumb ulnar (froment's paper sign)
Scheuerman's ds kyphotic curve unilateral rib curve, schmorl's nodes
Acetabula protrusio femur heads protruding into the pelvic bowl, complication of RA, fracture, Pagets
Diabetes mellitus hip jt changes-most common seen is avascular necrosis
Myasthenia gravis eyelid ptosis, severe facial weakness, recurring ocular fatigue, sx dec with rest
Multiple sclerosis charcot's triad=SIN (scanning speech, intention tremor, nystagmus). Shock like sensation throughout spine (Lhermitte's). Transient blindness with optic disc neuritis
Olecranon bursitis MC associated with gout
['0 (blank)
sx of tarsal tunnel syndrome numbness in toes
cause of ankle pronation plantar fascitis
most common dyscrasia in elderly multiple myeloma
is retinitis pigmentosis assoc w/ sudden vision loss no
amaurosis fugax sudden transient loss of vision in one eye secondary to optic artery compression
subarachnoid hemorrhage sudden onset like a blow to the head with fevar and nuchal rigidity
rhabdomyosarcoma malignant tumor of skeletal muscle
myelopathy cord problem
greatest tension in cervical spine flexion-soto hall, lindner's, lhermitte's sign
sjorgren's disease xeropthalmia, xerostomia and RA
MC location for lower ext bruit popliteal a.
thromboangitis obliterans young males, increased w/ smokers
patellar tendonitis aka jumper's knee
athetoid motion slow, writhing, worm like motion
choreiform motion jerky dance like mvmt (Huntington's-congenital, Syndeham's-strep acquired)
MC cause of avascular necrosis of the femoral head Sickle cell anemia
pes planus flat feet, normal posture in one year old
Strabismus Optic axes can not be directed to the same object
what n. serves brachioradialis m. radial n., C6
what n. goes to nucleus ambiguous vagus n.
subluxation location causing cardiac problems upper c/s, can influence vagus n. flow to the heart
Cervical spine tests Valsalvas, Dejarines, Milgrams, Naffzigers
Test for meningitis Brudzinski's-leg flexion=meningitis
Sheppleman's ipsi vs. contra ipsi=intercostal neuritis, contra=pleurisy
Chest expansion measure males=2" females=1.5"
When is chest exp dec with AS
Beevors indicator deviation of umbilicus, indicates side and general level of lesion
Lhermites finding shooting px into extremities=MS
Where does rib fx px go lateralizes to side of fx
Forrestiere bowstring indicates ipsi mm. contracts with AS
aka for SLR Leseagues
SLR findings 0-30=hip, 30-60=SI, 60>=n. root; indicates lateral disc bulge
WLR aka Fazjerstsan's
WLR findings indicates medial disc bulge
Kemp's findings Ipsi facet, contra is n. root
Ely's finding lateral fem n. irritation
Thomas finding iliopsoas tension
Hibbs finding SI or hip, depending on site of px
Nachlas finding SI lesion, tight quads, ant thigh px
Yeoman finding ant SI lesion
Gaenslen's finding SI or hip involvement
Neri bowing finding hamstring thightness, not n. root traction
Calloway's finding disloc of humerus
Dugas finding disloc of humerus
Apprehension finding disloc of humerus
Codman's finding rotator cuff tear usually supraspinatus
Yergason's finding bicipital tendonitis or transverse humeral ligament
Describe Weber's test 512 hz tuning fork placed on vertex of skull
Weber's test findings Lateralization indicates air conduction loss on same side or sensorneural loss on side opposite lateralization
Describe Rinne's test 512 hz tuning fork placed on mastoid process, held until pt no longer hears then fork held in air beside ear.
Rinne's test findings neg if air conduction 2x longer than bone; pos if bone conduction longer than air conduction
Describe Schwabach's test after pt can no longer hear air conduction with Rinne's Dr listens to tuning fork for comparison
Barany test labyrinthine test, whirling or calorimetric test
Muscle tension HA sx unvarying dull HA, band like pattern
Classic migraine HA sx aura, throbbing phase, mood change
Brain tumor sx can present as weak lateral rectus m., HA and elevated optic disc
Posterolateral sclerosis aka combined systems ds
Posterolateral sclerosis sx stocking glove distrib, B12 down, complication secondary to pernicious anemia
Duchenne's MD sx 50-100X inc in CPK, mm. wasting, waddling gait
Sudeck's atrophy sx RSDS w/ osteoporosis
Hegar's sign softening of the cervix
Best test for polymyositis tissue biopsy
Osteochondritis dessicans sx jt. mice lateral aspect of the medial compartment of the knee MC site
Pelligrini Stieda sx partial avulsion of the MCL with resultant calcification
Order of shoulder dysfunction tendonitis to bursitis to capsulitis
Neurotrophic jt sx hx, jt effusion, inc sensitivity, inc with DM, not a shooting type px
Where is hematogenous osteomyelitis most often located metaphyseal bone
Created by: pcelvfrdm
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