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A &P hybird test #1

anatomy and physiology test #1

Ednocrine System glands, hormones: Hormonal control of the body.
Respiratory System lungsT,trachea, pharynx. larynx: Transfers oxygen from the air to blood.
Popliteal The posterior surface of the knee.
Oblique Plane passes through the body or organ at a diagonal angel.
Plantar the sole of the foot
Patellar sesamoid bone, situated at the front of the knee.
Otic pertaining to the ear
The Brain 3 tissues types: Nervous tissues Connective tissue blood or vascular tissue
Electrons Negative charge: orbits outside of the nucleus.
Valence Electrons The electrons located in an atom's OUTERMOST shell
Octet Rule atoms undergoing reactions end up with 8 valence electrons. 1st circle=only 2 electrons 2nd circle=hold up to 8
Organs combination of various tissue types that form a structural unit.
Mitochondria produces ATP which are the cells energy source. called the POWER HOUSE of the cell
Vertebral Canal (spinal) formed by the bones of the vertebral column, and contains spinal cord.
Thoracic Cavity Contains the lungs, heart, and blood vessels, and adominopelvic cavity.
Sternal pertaining to the sternum.
Deportment The manner in which a person behaves.
Inferior Pertaining to below: towards the feet, or lower part of a structure.
Distal farther away
Unilateral Pertaining to one side
Inorganic Molecules don't contain hydrogen attached to a carbon chain as it's backbone.
Cervical to the neck, or the neck of an organ structure.
Specific Organelles in the Cytoplasm endoplasmic reticulum the golgi complex lysosmes mitchondria
Organic Molecules contains a carbon skeleton and hydrogen atoms.
Anatomy the study(or science) of body structure and their relationships with other body structures.
Lysosmes serves as the cells digestive system contains enzymes that break down molecules recongnizes food valcules from phagocytosis.
Lymphatic & Immune Systems lymph nodes, vessels, spleen thymus. FIGHTS INFECTIONS.
Body Cavities spaces within the body that contain, protect, separate, and support internal organs. 2 principal cavities: Dorsal & Ventral
Organic VS Inorganic Molecules organic: contains a carbon skeleton and hydrogen atoms inorganic: don't contain hydrogen,and is attached to a carbon chain as its backbone.
Superficial towards the body surface
Anatomical Postion Pt. facing the clinician, head level and eyes facing forward. Feet flat on the floor, arms at the sides, palms turned forward STANDING STRAIGHT UP
Pronation palms down or posterior
Nurtrition material acquried from the environment into the body
Basic Requirements of all living things Living things have: Oranization,design,grow and develop.
Organisms individual living being that are composed of many cells
Cardiovascular System heart, lungs, blood vessels: TRANSPORTS OXYGEN
Physiology the study of body functions and how the body works.
Tarsal the ankle bones
Muscular System skeletal muscles, cardiac and smooth. PRODUCES HEAT
Nervous System brain,spinal cord,nerves,sense organs FAST BODY CONTROL
Urinary System kidnesy,urinary bladder, ureter, urethra: REGULATES VOLUMES & CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BLOOD
Digestive System mouth,esophagus,stomach,small & large intestine(colon) rectum,liver,gallbladder,pancreas, salivary glands.
Reproductive System testes, penis,ovaries,uretus,vagina GONDADS
Endocytosis moving material into the cell: Pinocytosis:moves liquid into the cell"cell drinking" Phagocytosis:moves large particle into the cell"cell eating"
Crainal Bone(skull) containg the brain
Disaccharides 2 sugar molecules linked by dehydration synthesis. SUCROSE=glucose+fructose=table sugar LACTOSE=glucose+galactose=milk sugar MALTOSE=glucose+glucose=form in the digestive tract.
Exocytosis moving material out of the cell
Body Regions five major regions of the body: HEAD,NECK,TRUNK,UPPER LIMB, LOWER LIMB
3 Major Categories of Membrane Proteins 1)Transport proteins:regulate movement 2)Receptor Proteins:binds and triggers hormones or nutrients. 3)Recongnition proteins:think WHITE BLOOD CELLS ex: ANTIBODIES.
Caudal pertaining to the tail, inferior end of trunk
D.N.A Dexoyribonucleic Acid: is the molecule of heredity.
Nucleus contains DNA and controls all the functions of the cell
Neutrons have no charge
Mass Number the number of protons adn neutrons in the cells
Intermediate between 2 structures
Transverse Plane divides body into superior & inferior positions.
Digital finger manipulation or imprint
Sagittal Planes divides the body or organ into righ & left
Parasagittal Plane body or organ is divided into UNEQUAL righ or left sides
Deep away from the surface of the body
Homeostasis ability of an organism to maintain a constant internal condition, while the external enviornment may change. TO STAY THE SAME
Inert Atoms Atoms that will not react with other atoms when its outermost election shell is stable.
Free Radicals A chemically unstable and highly reactive molecule that is missing a electrons. Ex: CANCER,CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, ARTHRITIS
Plasma Membrane A thin sheet or membrane that surrounds the cell to separate the inside from the outside tissue
Inversion soles pointing in
Antecubital situated infront of the elbow
Scapular flat triangular bone in the back of the shoulder blade.
Inguinal between abdomen & thigh GROIN
Glabella smooth area on frontal bone, BETWEEN EYEBROWS
Lumbar part of back between, thorax and plevis
Mammary the breast
Occipital posterior,inferior portion of the cranium BACK OF THE HEAD
Orbital bony canvity that contains teh eyeball
Promximal pertaining to near the attachment of a limb to the trunk
Superior pertaining to above TOWARDS THE HEAD
Dorso back
Dorsiflexion bending the foot with toes towards the anterior.
Skeletal System bones,cartilage,joints PRODUCES BLOOD
Integumentary System skin,hair,nails,dermis & epidermis
Abdominiopelvic Quadrants 4 RUQ,LUQ,RLQ,LLQ
Abdominopelvic Regions 9 regions epigastric,righ hypochondriac left hypochondriac, umbilical, right lumbar left lumbar,right iliac,left iliac, hypogastric
Abdominopelvic cavity lies inferior to the diaghramand contains the remaining organs.
The Golgi Complex sorts, chemically alters,packages important molecules,then ships out of the cell. THINK UPS
Femoral the thigh
Organ Systems a group of serveral organs that work together to perform a single function.
Ions when a neutral atom loses or gain an election, it becomes chared. SHARING ELETRONS
Hydrophobic Molecules water-fearing, no attraction to water, don't dissolve in water "OILS"
70%-90% all living organisms are made up of water
PET SCAN Positron Emission Tomography "HOT SPOTS"
Isotopes the number of protons in the atomic nucleus differ with the number of neutrons.
Covalent Bonds sharing of electrons with another atoms.
Ionic Bonds gain or loss of electrons: by transferring one or more electrons.
Dorsal Cavity locatd in the Posterior portion, is subdivided into the cranial cavity
Polysacharides polymers of many monosaccharides STARCH,GLYCOGEN,CELLULOSE
Organelles miniature chemical factories insides the cell that use teh information in teh genes to keep the cell alive and functioning normally
Tissues group of similar cells that perform a particular function
Stimuli reaction to light, sound,chemicals, and other stimuli from their external surrounds.
Eversion soles pointing out
Supination Palms up
Nervous Tissue transmit signals to all parts of the body, to perform a funciton
Ventral Cavtity located in anterior region
Carpal wrist
Calcaneal the heel bone, or achellis tendon
Contralateral pertaining to the other side
Chromosomes threadlike structure that is in every cell nucleus: 46 sex chromosomes,or 22 homologous pairs female: xx male: xy
hydrophilica Molecules waer loving, dissolves in water
PH SCALE Acids=ph below 7 Bases=ph above 7 water=ph of 7 HUMANS=PH OF 7.3-7.4
Antioxidants vitamins: neutralize free radicals by donating electrons HELPING PROTECT THE BODY FROM DAMAGE
Passive Transport moves DOWN gradients and NO ENERGY required
Active Transport moves UPHILL against gradient ENERGY is required
Facilitated Diffusion molecules moves cross the membrane with help of membran TRANSPORT PROTEINS
3 Major Functions of Plasma Membrane Selectively isolates regulates exchange communicates
Monocaccharides one sugar molecule
Proteins consists of chains of amino acids
Lipids & Oils consists of: carbon, hydrogen & oxygen
Function energy storage and structural support.
Vertebral pertaining to 24 bones of the spinalo column
Created by: Jadamom07
Popular Science sets




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