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Brinkley APUSH ch.3

Ch. 3 us history Identifications

Seasoning New England settlers; the development of an immunity to the local diseases in New England during the mid eighteenth century. It meant that the settlers wanted to stay there and they would suffer to live where they were.
Middle passage A name for the trip on a boat from Africa to America, they only started sailing directly to America in the 1670's. It increased the labor force and allowed for bigger plantations for agriculture
Royal African Company The group that maintained a monopoly on slave trade in the mainland colonies in the 1670's. It slowed the flow of African slaves and delayed the mass shipping of slaves into America
Slave codes These were created in America in the early eighteenth century. They limited the rights of blacks and ensured the white male masters dominance and authority. It made segregation between blacks and whites absolute.
Scotch-Irish Scottish Presbyterians;economy suffer=can't export to England+Presbyterian religion outlawed+many of their leases ended—so they moved to America; settled in N. Ireland originally; 1710 many emigrated to America;
Eliza Lucas A young Antiguan woman; experimented with growing indigo on the mainland; good in the high ground of SC; 1740s; Indigo was in popular demand in England and became as important as rice.
Saugus Mills Iron ore mills; Saugus Massachusetts; 1640s; first effort to establish significant metal industry in the colonies after iron ore was found in the area.
Peter Hasenclever German iron master; Northern NJ; 1764 founded largest industrial enterprise in English NA; employed hundreds of workers to make ironworks
Charles Carroll of Carrollton Wealthiest man in the colonies; Plantation in Maryland; 40,000 acres 285 slaves
Gullah Early slaves in SC; hybrid of languages—English and African; to stay connected with African heritage and to talk so their slave masters couldn’t understand.
Town meeting Puritan community; adult resident males attended the yearly town meeting to chose the group of men who would govern for that year(until the next meeting)
Visible saints Puritan residents who could prove grace and being elect and being confident that you would receive salvation due to an experience that cause your conversion, were called visible saints; they were the only ones admitted to full membership in a town meeting
Primogeniture Fathers passed on their land to all of their sons(divided up); Males stayed on the family property for generations until they ran out of land to divide up among the sons—the population was too great for the amount of land they had so they moved elsewhere.
Salem Massachusetts The most famous outbreak of witch trials—though not the only one; teenage girls started a hysteria by accusing several West Indian servants who were involved in voodoo of witchcraft; 19 residents were put to death before the end of the trials in 1692
George Whitefield Powerful open-air preacher; traveled throughout the colonies drawing tremendous crowds; 1730sih?; Preacher during the Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards New England Congregationalist,deeply orthodox Puritan-also highly original theologian;attacked the new doctrine of easy salvation for all;preached absolute sovereignty of god,predestination;salvation by God’s grace.Terrified listeners by describing hell
New lights/old lights The people that belong to the “New Light” are revivalists, the people that belong to the “Old Light” are the traditionalists. Also in the 1730's, it brought back ideas from older times and created a lot of religious diversity.
Dame schools Conducted by widows or unmarried women that held classes privately in their own home. This started in America in 1647 and encouraged the idea that women should be educated and started equalizing women and men.
Cotton Mather A Puritan Theologian who heard of an abstract way to immunize colonists against the disease during the 1720's. This included making colonists get mild cases of the diseases so that they would be immune to a critical case.
John Peter Zenger A New York publisher that was accused of criticizing the government. A case that started in 1734 in New York and ended up with the government putting restrictions on freedom of speech.
Created by: 6smartees
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