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Unix Commands

Unix commands

Terminates the current Shell exit
informs the shell you want to end the login session logout
changes the working directory to Dir cd Dir
Changes the current directory to the user's home directory cd
Lists the contents of the current directory ls
Creates a directory named Dir mkdir Dir
Displays the full pathname of current directory pwd
Outputs a list of previously entered command lines history
Re executes the most recent command line !!
Re executes the most recent command number ## !##
Re executes the last command that begins with xxx !xxx
tells the shell to interpret newname as command alias newname command
advance one screen spacebar
advance one line ENTER
Go back to top of the file one screen b
go forward to the first target /xxx
Go to the next target n
outputs file1 from beg to end cat file1
outputs the first 10 lines or the last 10 lines head filename or tail filename
counts the lines words and chars in a filename wc filename
copies file1 to file2 cp file1 file2
renames file1 as file2 mv file1 file2
deletes filename rm filename
Asks you if you want to delete filename rm -i filename
checks the spelling in filename spell filename
displays users currently on who
print filename on the line printer lp filename
sends the output of the utility to the file filename utility > filename
appends the output of the utility to the end of the file filename utility >> filename
Displays manual man
displays a lines in the table of contents containing any word listed in words man -k words
Changes the users passwd passwd
lists all the contents of the current directory ls
lists a long listing of all te contents of current directory ls -l
concatenates file1 and file2 outputs 1 then 2 cat file1 file2
searches for lines containing a certain word in filename grep word filename
counts the line, words, and chars in filename wc filename
prints the #th field of file awk '{print $#}' file
displays lines in a file in sorted order sort filename
checks spelling in a filename spell filename
removes permission to read file chmod -r filename
Gives permission to read file chmod +r filename
grants execute permission on the file chmod +x filename
removes execute permission on the file chmod -x filename
executes a variable $var
matches all filename * splatt
interprets the next char as an ordinary char without speical meaning \
Turns off interpretation of all characters between the single quotes . seen as ordinary char ' '
Lists processes ps
clears terminal screen clear
location of utility name which utitliyname
ypcat network database files the way cat does local
reads arguments and writes them to output echo
Moves cursor back ?
moves cursor forward /word
Created by: Fufuberrybunny
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