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Suzy Buys Root Beer At Dairy Queen stands for? Section, Body system, Root operation, Body part, Approach, Device, Qualifier Structure of codes in the medical/surgical sections of ICD 10 PCS
Approach the way the procedure site is reached (for example: open or percutaneous) Suzy Buys Root Beer At Dairy Queen
Qualifier it carries additional information for that particular procedure Suzy Buys Root Beer At Dairy Queen
Root operation the objective of the procedure; in this section alone there are 31 possible objectives Suzy Buys Root Beer At Dairy Queen
Alteration Definition Modifying the anatomic structure of a body part without affecting the function of the body part
Alteration Explanation Principal purpose is to improve appearance
Alteration Includes/Examples Face lift, breast augmentation
Bypass Definition Altering the route of passage of the contents of a tubular body part
Bypass Explanation Rerouting contents of a body part to a downstream area of the normal route, to a similar route and body part, or to an abnormal route and dissimilar body part. Includes one or more anastomoses, with or without the use of a device
Bypass Includes/Examples Coronary artery bypass, colostomy formation
Change Definition Taking out or off a device from a body part and putting back an identical or similar device in or on the same body part without cutting or puncturing the skin or a mucous membrane
Change Explanation All CHANGE procedures are coded using the approach EXTERNAL
Change Includes/Examples Urinary catheter change, gastrostomy tube change
Control Definition Stopping, or attempting to stop, postprocedural bleeding
Control Explanation The site of the bleeding is coded as an anatomical region and not to a specific body part
Control Includes/Examples Control of post-prostatectomy hemorrhage, control of post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage
Creation Definition Making a new genital structure that does not take over the function of a body part
Creation Explanation Used only for sex change operations
Creation Includes/Examples Creation of vagina in a male, creation of penis in a female
Destruction Definition Physical eradication of all or a portion of a body part by the direct use of energy, force, or a destructive agent
Destruction Explanation None of the body part is physically taken out
Destruction Includes/Examples Fulguration of rectal polyp, cautery of skin lesion
Detachment Definition Cutting off all or a portion of the upper or lower extremities
Detachment Explanation The body part value is the site of the detachment, with a qualifier if applicable to further specify the level where the extremity was detached
Detachment Includes/Examples Below knee amputation, disarticulation of shoulder
Dilation Definition Expanding an orifice or the lumen of a tubular body part
Dilation Explanation The orifice can be a natural orifice or an artificially created orifice. Accomplished by stretching a tubular body part using intraluminal pressure or by cutting part of the orifice or wall of the tubular body part
Dilation Includes/Examples Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, pyloromyotomy
Division Definition Cutting into a body part, without draining fluids and/or gases from the body part, in order to separate or transect a body part
Division Explanation All or a portion of the body part is separated into two or more portions
Division Includes/Examples Spinal cordotomy, osteotomy
Drainage Definition Taking or letting out fluids and/or gases from a body part
Drainage Explanation The qualifier DIAGNOSTIC is used to identify drainage procedures that are biopsies
Drainage Includes/Examples Thoracentesis, incision and drainage
Excision Definition Cutting out or off, without replacement, a portion of a body part
Excision Explanation The qualifier DIAGNOSTIC is used to identify excision procedures that are biopsies
Excision Includes/Examples Partial nephrectomy, liver biopsy
Extirpation Definition Taking or cutting out solid matter from a body part
Extirpation Explanation The solid matter may be an abnormal byproduct of a biological function or a foreign body; it may be imbedded in a body part or in the lumen of a tubular body part. The solid matter may or may not have been previously broken into pieces
Extirpation Includes/Examples Thrombectomy, choledocholithotomy
Extraction Definition Pulling or stripping out or off all or a portion of a body part by the use of force
Extraction Explanation The qualifier DIAGNOSTIC is used to identify extraction procedures that are biopsies
Extraction Includes/Examples Dilation and curettage, vein stripping
Fragmentation Definition Breaking solid matter in a body part into pieces
Fragmentation Explanation Physical force (e.g., manual, ultrasonic) applied directly or indirectly is used to break the solid matter into pieces. The solid matter may be an abnormal byproduct of a biological function or a foreign body. The pieces of solid matter are not taken out
Fragmentation Includes/Examples Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, transurethral lithotripsy
Fusion Definition Joining together portions of an articular body part rendering the articular body part immobile
Fusion Explanation The body part is joined together by fixation device, bone graft, or other means
Fusion Includes/Examples Spinal fusion, ankle arthrodesis
Insertion Definition Putting in a nonbiological appliance that monitors, assists, performs, or prevents a physiological function but does not physically take the place of a body part
Insertion Includes/Examples Insertion of radioactive implant, insertion of central venous catheter
Inspection Definition Visually and/or manually exploring a body part
Inspection Explanation Visual exploration may be performed with or without optical instrumentation. Manual exploration may be performed directly or through intervening body layers
Inspection Includes/Examples Diagnostic arthroscopy, exploratory laparotomy
Map Definition Locating the route of passage of electrical impulses and/or locating functional areas in a body part
Map Explanation Applicable only to the cardiac conduction mechanism and the central nervous system
Map Includes/Examples Cardiac mapping, cortical mapping
Occlusion Definition Completely closing an orifice or the lumen of a tubular body part
Occlusion Explanation The orifice can be a natural orifice or an artificially created orifice
Occlusion Includes/Examples Fallopian tube ligation, ligation of inferior vena cava
Reattachment Definition Putting back in or on all or a portion of a separated body part to its normal location or other suitable location
Reattachment Explanation Vascular circulation and nervous pathways may or may not be reestablished
Reattachment Includes/Examples Reattachment of hand, reattachment of avulsed kidney
Release Definition Freeing a body part from an abnormal physical constraint
Release Explanation Some of the restraining tissue may be taken out but none of the body part is taken out
Release Includes/Examples Adhesiolysis, carpal tunnel release
Removal Definition Taking out or off a device from a body part
Removal Explanation If a device is taken out and a similar device put in without cutting or puncturing the skin or mucous membrane, the procedure is coded to the root operation CHANGE. Otherwise, the procedure for taking out a device is coded to the root operation REMOVAL
Removal Includes/Examples Drainage tube removal, cardiac pacemaker removal
Repair Definition Restoring, to the extent possible, a body part to its normal anatomic structure and function
Repair Explanation Used only when the method to accomplish the repair is not one of the other root operations
Repair Includes/Examples Colostomy takedown, suture of laceration
Replacement Definition Putting in or on biological or synthetic material that physically takes the place and/or function of all or a portion of a body part
Replacement Explanation The body part may have been taken out or replaced, or may be taken out, physically eradicated, or rendered nonfunctional during the Replacement procedure. A Removal procedure is coded for taking out the device used in a previous replacement procedure
Replacement Includes/Examples Total hip replacement, bone graft, free skin graft
Reposition Definition Moving to its normal location, or other suitable location, all or a portion of a body part
Reposition Explanation The body part is moved to a new location from an abnormal location, or from a normal location where it is not functioning correctly. The body part may or may not be cut out or off to be moved to the new location
Reposition Includes/Examples Reposition of undescended testicle, fracture reduction
Resection Definition Cutting out or off, without replacement, all of a body part
Resection Includes/Examples Total nephrectomy, total lobectomy of lung
Restriction Definition Partially closing an orifice or the lumen of a tubular body part
Restriction Explanation The orifice can be a natural orifice or an artificially created orifice
Restriction Includes/Examples Esophagogastric fundoplication, cervical cerclage
Revision Definition Correcting, to the extent possible, a portion of a malfunctioning device or the position of a displaced device
Revision Explanation Revision can include correcting a malfunctioning or displaced device by taking out and/or putting in part of the device
Revision Includes/Examples Adjustment of position of pacemaker lead, recementing of hip prosthesis
Supplement Definition Putting in or on biological or synthetic material that physically reinforces and/or augments the function of a portion of a body part
Supplement Explanation The biological material is non-living, or is living and from the same individual. The body part may have been previously replaced, and the Supplement procedure is performed to physically reinforce and/or augment the function of the replaced body part
Includes/Examples Herniorrhaphy using mesh, free nerve graft, mitral valve ring annuloplasty, put a new acetabular liner in a previous hip replacement
Transfer Definition Moving, without taking out, all or a portion of a body part to another location to take over the function of all or a portion of a body part
Transfer Explanation The body part transferred remains connected to its vascular and nervous supply
Transfer Includes/Examples Tendon transfer, skin pedicle flap transfer
Transplantation Definition Putting in or on all or a portion of a living body part taken from another individual or animal to physically take the place and/or function of all or a portion of a similar body part
Transplantation Explanation The native body part may or may not be taken out, and the transplanted body part may take over all or a portion of its function
Transplantation Includes/Examples Kidney transplant, heart transplant
External Definition Procedures performed directly on the skin or mucous membrane and procedures performed indirectly by the application of external force through the skin or mucous membrane
Open Definition Cutting through the skin or mucous membrane and any other body layers necessary to expose the site of the procedure
Percutaneous Definition Entry, by puncture or minor incision, of instrumentation through the skin or mucous membrane and any other body layers necessary to reach the site of the procedure
Percutaneous Endoscopic Definition Entry, by puncture or minor incision, of instrumentation through the skin or mucous membrane and any other body layers necessary to reach and visualize the site of the procedure
Via Natural or Artificial Opening Definition Entry of instrumentation through a natural or artificial external opening to reach the site of the procedure
Via Natural or Artificial Opening Endoscopic Definition Entry of instrumentation through a natural or artificial external opening to reach and visualize the site of the procedure
Via Natural or Artificial Opening With Percutaneous Endoscopic Assistance Definition Entry of instrumentation through a natural or artificial external opening and entry, by puncture or minor incision, of instrumentation through the skin or mucous membrane and any other body layers necessary to aid in the performance of the procedure
1st Toe, Left 1st Toe, Right Hallux
Abdomen Muscle, Left Abdomen Muscle, Right External oblique muscle, Internal oblique muscle, Pyramidalis muscle, Rectus abdominis muscle, Transversus abdominis muscle
Abdominal Aorta Inferior phrenic artery, Lumbar artery, Median sacral artery, Middle suprarenal artery, Ovarian artery, Testicular artery
Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve Abdominal aortic plexus, Auerbach's (myenteric) plexus, Celiac (solar) plexus, Celiac ganglion, Gastric plexus, Hepatic plexus, Inferior hypogastric plexus, Inferior mesenteric ganglion, Inferior mesenteric plexus, Meissner's (submucous) plexus
Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve Myenteric (Auerbach's) plexus, Pancreatic plexus, Pelvic splanchnic nerve, Renal plexus, Solar (celiac) plexus, Splenic plexus, Submucous (Meissner's) plexus, Superior hypogastric plexus, Superior mesenteric ganglion, Superior mesenteric plexus
Abdominal Sympathetic Nerve Suprarenal plexus
Abducens Nerve Sixth cranial nerve
Accessory Nerve Eleventh cranial nerve
Acoustic Nerve Cochlear nerve, Eighth cranial nerve, Scarpa's (vestibular) ganglion, Spiral ganglion, Vestibular (Scarpa's) ganglion, Vestibular nerve, Vestibulocochlear nerve
Adenoids Pharyngeal tonsil
Adrenal Gland (Left, Right or Bilateral) Suprarenal gland
Ampulla of Vater Duodenal ampulla, Hepatopancreatic ampulla
Anal Sphincter External anal sphincter, Internal anal sphincter
Ankle Bursa and Ligament (Left & Right) Calcaneofibular ligament, Deltoid ligament, Ligament of the lateral malleolus, Talofibular ligament
Ankle Joint (Left & Right) Inferior tibiofibular joint, Talocrural joint
Anterior Chamber (Left & Right) Aqueous humour
Anterior Tibial Artery (Left & Right) Anterior lateral malleolar artery, Anterior medial malleolar artery, Anterior tibial recurrent artery, Dorsalis pedis artery, Posterior tibial recurrent artery
Anus Anal orifice
Aortic Valve Aortic annulus
Appendix Vermiform appendix
Ascending Colon Hepatic flexure
Atrial Septum Interatrial septum
Atrium, Left Atrium pulmonale, Left auricular appendix
Atrium, Right Atrium dextrum cordis, Right auricular appendix, Sinus venosus
Auditory Ossicle (Left & Right) Incus, Malleus, Ossicular chain, Stapes
Axillary Artery (Left & Right) Anterior circumflex humeral artery, Lateral thoracic artery, Posterior circumflex humeral artery, Subscapular artery, Superior thoracic artery, Thoracoacromial artery
Azygos Vein Right ascending lumbar vein, Right subcostal vein
Basal Ganglia Basal nuclei, Claustrum, Corpus striatum, Globus pallidus, Substantia nigra, Subthalamic nucleus
Basilic Vein (Left & Right) Median antebrachial vein, Median cubital vein
Bladder Trigone of bladder
Brachial Artery (Left & Right) Inferior ulnar collateral artery, Profunda brachii, Superior ulnar collateral artery
Brachial Plexus Axillary nerve, Dorsal scapular nerve, First intercostal nerve, Long thoracic nerve, Musculocutaneous nerve, Subclavius nerve, Suprascapular nerve
Brachial Vein (Left & Right) Radial vein, Ulnar vein
Brain Cerebrum, Corpus callosum, Encephalon
Breast (Left, Right & Bilateral) Mammary duct, Mammary gland
Buccal Mucosa Buccal gland, Labial gland, Molar gland, Palatine gland
Carotid Bodies (Left, Right & Bilateral) Carotid glomus
Carpal Joint (Left & Right) Intercarpal joint, Midcarpal joint, Capitate bone, Hamate bone, Lunate bone, Pisiform bone, Scaphoid bone, Trapezium bone, Trapezoid bone, Triquetral bone
Celiac Artery Celiac trunk
Cephalic Vein (Left & Right) Accessory cephalic vein
Cerebellum Culmen
Cerebral Hemisphere Frontal lobe, Occipital lobe, Parietal lobe, Temporal lobe
Cerebral Meninges Arachnoid mater, Leptomeninges, Pia mater
Cerebral Ventricle Aqueduct of Sylvius, Cerebral aqueduct (Sylvius), Choroid plexus, Ependyma, Foramen of Monro (intraventricular), Fourth ventricle, Interventricular foramen (Monro), Left lateral ventricle, Right lateral ventricle, Third ventricle
Cervical Nerve Greater occipital nerve, Suboccipital nerve, Third occipital nerve
Cervical Plexus Ansa cervicalis, Cutaneous (transverse) cervical nerve, Great auricular nerve, Lesser occipital nerve, Supraclavicular nerve, Transverse (cutaneous) cervical nerve
Cervical Vertebra Spinous process, Vertebral arch, Vertebral foramen, Vertebral lamina, Vertebral pedicle
Cervical Vertebral Joint Atlantoaxial joint, Cervical facet joint
Cervical Vertebral Joints, 2 or more Cervical facet joint
Cervicothoracic Vertebral Joint Cervicothoracic facet joint
Cisterna Chyli Intestinal lymphatic trunk, Lumbar lymphatic trunk
Coccygeal Glomus Coccygeal body
Colic Vein Ileocolic vein, Left colic vein, Middle colic vein, Right colic vein
Conduction Mechanism Atrioventricular node, Bundle of His, Bundle of Kent, Sinoatrial node
Conjunctiva (Left & Right) Plica semilunaris
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