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Prog. Reformers

APUSH Progressive Reformers

Howard H. Russell Republican politician part of the temperance movement, founded the Ohio Anti-Saloon League *Led to prohibition laws being passed*
Jane Addams Founder of the Hull house, which gave under privileged people in chicago a chance to have better lives. *Influenced social reform throughout the nation*
Thomas Nast political cartoonist, worked for Harper's weekly was nicknamed the "president maker" *Impacted common opinion with his political cartoons*
Margaret Sanger created the "American Birth control league" and "planned parenthood" Heightened the controversial debate of the Comstock Act of 1873 *made people aware of birth control*
Julia Howe Inspired the creation of Mothers Day, led various women's suffrage associations and women's rights groups, wrote for the "Women's Journal" *changed the way people thought of women's roles in society*
Grace Abbot Passed the "Keating Owen Act (1916)" limiting employment of juveniles, and the "Sheppard-Towner Act (1921)" extending federal aid towards maternal and infant health care. *Focused on Child Labor Legislation*
Samuel Gompers AFL, Transform economic, social, and political status of american workers, focused on economic gains *inspired many labor leaders and unions*
Mary Mother Jones Organized strikes and protests to get workers higher wages and better working conditions. Worked on child labor issues. *public became of child labor issues*
Robert La Follette Spoke out against political corruption, business monopolies, and the unequal distribution of wealth in america, supported citizens' direct involvement in gov't and elections *spread the ideals of democracy, involved people in the new politics of the era
Jacob Riis wrote "How the other half lives" *legacy of exposition through writing, power of mass media*
Upton Sinclair Was a major socialist leader of the time period, wrote "The Jungle", which led to Theodore Roosevelt passing "the pure food and drugs Act" and "The meat inspection act" *influential writer, FDA, change industry*
W.E.B. Du Bois Founded the NAACP, was the father of "Pan-Africanism" *Inspired many African Americans to promote black rights*
Booker T. Washington Was a black educator and a major black spokesperson in the late 19th century and early 20th century. First African American to dine in the white house. *Believed blacks should work their way up for equality*
Ida B. Wells Led an anti-lynching campaign, suffragist leader, prevent segregations of chicago schools helped found NAACP *writer, social researcher, activist, organizer*
Carrie Chapman Catt *Known for her leading role in the passage of the 19th amendment*
Florence Kelly Helped found the NAACP, worked for better work days, stricter labor laws *labor reform and black rights*
Lincoln Steffens specialized in investigating government and political corruption, his articles were published into a book "The shame of the Cities" *The most famous muckraker*
Carrie Nation had a hatchet *Worked endlessly to win reforms that helped pass the 18th amendment*
Louis Dembitz Brandeis *First Jewish member of the Supreme Court and was a Zionist. One of the first justices to use scientific data*
John Dewey *Education and learning should be a social and interactive process. Students thrive in an environment where they are allowed to experience and interact with the curriculum*
John Harvey Kellogg *Nutrition and corn flakes*
Gifford Pinchot *Began the American Forestry Movement,advocated the conservation of the nations reserves by Planned use and renewal*
Joseph Keppler *Political Cartoonist (Puck), shed light on corruption*
William Jennings Bryan *Fierce fighter for the common man, campaigned for free silver*
William Big Bill Hayward *Unions and Strikes*
Eugene Victor Debs Influential American Socialist, led the chicago pullman strike, non violent protests, strive for better working conditions *founded the socialist party of america*
Created by: 1382779339
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