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Diseases of the Nervous System for Massage

Neuralgia nerve pain
Neuritis Inflammation of a nerve
Neuropathy weakness in a distal area of a peripheral nerve as a result of trauma or degeneration.
Dementia overall deficiency in memory storage, time and space orientation, language processing, problem solving & planning, and executing voluntary movements.
Referred pain pain felt in a region of the body distant from the site of tissue damage or injury
Hydrocephalus increased CS fluid surrounding the brain
Meningitis inflammation of the meniges, resulting blockages cause increase in intracranial pressure; Do not touch client
Encephalitis inflammation of the brain, usually infected by mosquito or tick bite, contraindicated
Seizures sudden, involuntary, possibly violent contractions of skeletal muscles and loss of consciousness. deep tissue or painful massage is contraindicated.
Stroke (Cardiovascular accident) brain damage resulting from ischemia to an area of the brain
Poliomyelitis inflammation of grey matter of spinal cord, can cause paralysis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig disease) loss of motor neurons in the spinal cord and lower cranial nerves causing skeletal muscle weakness and eventually death
Multiple sclerosis progressive demyelination of neurons in CNS. Faulty nerve conduction causes weakness & uncoordination
Huntington disease progressive genetic, characterized by rapid writhing contortions or rigidity of muscles in hands, arms trunk & face
Spina Bifida failure of vertebral arch to close during fetal development
Thoracic outlet syndrome compression of brachial plexus or subclavian artery by scalene muscles or extra rib
Carpal tunnel syndrome compression on median nerve from tenosynovitis of the flexor retinaculum in the wrist leads to pain, parasthesia, anesthesia, or diminished sensation in the hand.
Epilepsy characterized by long term disturbances in the brain that lead to seizures, cause by increased activity in the brain.
Alzheimer disease genetic, progressive, characterized by dementia and loss of memory, character fragmentation
Sciatica neuritis of the sciatic nerve, caused by muscle impingement or infection
Bell palsy neuritis of the facial nerve, causing paralysis of on side of face, can be temporary
Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) degeneration or compression of the trigeminal nerve with neuralgia or pain, avoid facial region, massage nerve root area
Cerebral palsy permanent nonprogressive motor disabilities, lesions affect motor areas of the brain resulting in impairment of motor movement or mental impairment
Headache pain in the head or upper neck
Tension headache compression of blood vessels and nerves because of sustain contraction of muscles of neck and scalp.
Migraine (vascular headache) vasoconstriction followed by vasodialation of cerebral blood vessels, intense throbbing pain, flashing lights, blind spots, double vision, light sensitivity
Parkinson disease degenerative disorder effects motor neurons in the substantia nigra in the midbrain, tremors, bradykinesia, tiredness, weakness, poor balance, mask-like face, slow speech, shuffling gait
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy chronic severe burning pain, pathologic changes in skin and bone, excessive sweating, swelling, extreme sensitivity to touch, often result of high impact injury.
Created by: mmajorow
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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