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A&P Overview

ASHA A&P Overview of the Body Page 9-14

anatomy study of structure
physiology study of function
superior (cranial) above, toward the head
inferior (caudal) below, toward the feet
superficial toward the surface
deep away from the surface
anterior (ventral) in front of
posterior (dorsal) in back of
medial toward the midline
lateral away from the midline
proximal closer to point of origin
distal away from point of origin
anatomical position body is standing, head facing forward, arms down, palms facing forward, feet parallel, toes facing forward
cephalic region the head
cervical region the neck
upper extremities from shoulders to fingers
lower extremities from hips to toes
trunk region between shoulders and hips
transverse section (cross section) divides the body into superior and inferior parts
midsagittal section (median section) divides the body into equal left and right halves
coronal section (frontal section) divides the body into front and back portions
dorsal cavity cranial cavity & spinal canal
ventral cavity thoracic cavity & abdominopelvic cavity
cranial cavity contains brain
spinal canal contains spinal cord
thoracic cavity contains heart & lungs
abdominopelvic cavity contains liver, large intestine, gall bladder, stomach, uterus, pancreas, ovaries, spleen, kidneys, & small intestine
viscera; visceral organs; internal organs organs within the ventral cavity
alive, 8 indications that something is alive excretion, growth, homeostasis, metabolism, movement, reproduction, respiration, responsiveness
homeostasis constant internal environment
metabolism all the chemical activity that maintains life
reproduction replication of an organism
growth increase in mass
excretion removal of waste products
respiration exchange of gases with the environment
responsiveness irritability - the ability to respond to environmental changes
atoms elements, matter making up the physical universe
96 number of different atoms making up the universe
oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, & nitrogen the most abundant atoms making up the body
molecules consists of two or more atoms bonded together
percentage of molecules that make up body that are: water 65%
percentage of molecules that make up body that are: proteins 20%
percentage of molecules that make up body that are: lipids 5%
percentage of molecules that make up body that are: carbohydrates 1%
percentage of molecules that make up body that are: others 4%
cells (definition) the smallest unit of life
cells - structurally enormously complex mixture of atoms and molecules
cells - functionally "alive"
cells' characteristics that indicate "life" breathe, excrete, grow, and reproduce
nucleus each cell has a nucleus, which is said to be the "brain" of the cell
tissue (definition) a cluster of similar cells
tissue categories epithelial, connective, muscle, and nerve
connective tissue consists of: a loose scattering of cells in a non-living substance called the matrix
fibrous connective tissue has a matrix that is rich in a tough, stringy protein called collagen
ligaments cords that link bones together
tendons cords that link muscles to bone
deep fascia a sheet of fibrous tissue that covers muscles
organ composed of two or more different tissues grouped together to carry out a common function
system an association of various organs whose activities are coordinated to carry out a common purpose
10 systems of the body skeletal system, muscular system, integumentary system, nervous system, circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, endocrine system
masseter jaw muscle
sternocleidomastoid muscle that runs from behind the ear to the sternum
trapezius flat muscle that runs from the posterior base of skull down AND upward from around T12 to connect at outer shoulder
latissimus dorsi large flat muscle on side of body that runs from spine around to the underarm
rhomboideus major lower of the two rhomboideus muscles, deeper than the trapezuius muscle and runs from spine (approximately T1-T5) to underarm
rhomboideus minor upper of the two rhomboideus muscles, deeper than the trapezuius muscle and runs from spine (approximately T1-T5) to underarm
levator scapulae muscle deeper to trapezius, runs from base of neck to top of scapula
erector spinae group of long muscles that runs from the sacrum up the back to the base of the neck
pectoralis major "pects" - flat muscle from sternum to underarm
rectus abdominus long muscle that runs vertically anterior, the "six pack abs" muscle
external oblique flat muscle that runs from the anterior midline laterally around to the side back "waist"
deltoid outer shoulder muscle
biceps brachii anterior upper arm muscle
triceps brachii posterior upper arm muscle
brachioradialis anterior forearm muscle that runs from elbow to thumb
psoas major muscle that attaches to spine at (T12-L4) & runs down to the hip socket via the pelvic girdle
gluteus maximus the superficial muscle of the "bum"
hamstring muscles group of thigh muscles on the back of the thigh
biceps femoris hamstring: outer middle thigh muscle
semitendinosis hamstring: inner middle thigh muscle & tendon
semimembranosis hamstring inner middle thigh muscle deeper than semitendinosis
quadriceps muscles front of thigh muscles
rectus femoris middle quadricep muscle
vastus lateralis outer quadricep muscle
vastus medialis inner quadricep muscle that runs from knee toward groin
vastus intermedius quadricep muscle deeper to the rectus femoris
tensor fascia lata front outer hip muscle that runs from the top of the anterior pelvic girdle to the hip joint (tendon continues down to knee)
sartorius muscle that runs from outer hip joint to inner knee
gracilis muscle that runs from groin to inner knee
gastrocnemius calf muscles
tibialis anterior shin muscle
peroneus longus muscle that runs from outer knee to outer ankle
Created by: deb0120
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