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Massage Principles 2

muscle found in blood vessels and some organs Visceral muscle
Thin myofilament Actin
Fascial covering of entire muscle Epimysium
Flat, broad tendon Aponeurosis
Cordlike structure attaching muscle to bone Tendon
Bundles of muscles fibers Faciculi
Ability of a muscle to shorten Contractility
Voluntary, striated muscle Skeletal muscle
Retaining bands of connective tissue around knees, ankles, and wrists Retinacula
Thick myofilament Myosin
Muscles contractile unit Sarcomere
A muscle fiber, made up of actin and myosin filaments Myofibril
Term referring to skeletal muscles and related fascia Myofascial
Ability of a muscle to lengthen Extensibility
Central region of resting sarcomere H-band
Enzyme that cleans up acetylcholine left in the synaptic cleft after muscle contraction Acetylcholinesterase
Fatigue resistant fibers Slow twitch fibers
Cell membrane of muscle Sarcolemma
Muscle causing desired action agonist
Ends of a resting sarcomere Z-lines
Lengthening ontractions Eccentric contractions
A single motor neuron and all its associated skeletal muscle fibers Motor unit
stimulated during ballistic stretching and muscle contracts Muscle spindles
Point where the axon terminates at the sarcolemma connect Neuromuscular junction
Process of motor unit actvaion based on need recruitment
Regulatory proteins that prevent myosin attachment and, therefore , muscle sontraction Troponin/tropomyosin
levator scapulae, pectoralis minor, rhomboids, serratus anterior, trapezius (lower, midder and upper) Muscles of scapular movement
Biceps brachii, coracobrachialis, deltoid (all 3), infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, subscapularis, suprespinatus, teres major/minor, triceps brachii Muschles of shoulder movement
anconeus, biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, pronator teres, triceps brachii Muscles of elbow movement
Biceps brachii, extensor carpi radialis, extensor carpi radialis brevis/longus; extensor carpi ulnaris; extensor digitorum; flexor carpi radialis/ulnaris; Flexor digitorum superficialis; palmaris longus; pronator quadratus/teres; supinator Muscles of the forearm, wrist, and hand movement
adductor (all 3), Biceps femoris, gemellus inferior/superior; gluteus (all 3), gracilis, iliacus, obturator externus/internus; pectineus; piriformis, psoas major; quadratus/rectus femoris, satorius; semimembranosus; semitendinosus; tensor fascia lata Muscles of hip movement
Rectus/Biceps femoris; gastrocnemius; gracilis; plantaris; popliteus; sartorius; semimembranosus; semitendinosus; vastus intermedius/lateralis/medialis muscles of knee movement
extensor/flexor digitorum longus; extensor/flexor hallucis longus; gastrocnemius; peroneus brevis/longus; plantaris; soleus; tibialis anterior/posterior muscles of ankle and foot movement
masseter; platysma; pterygoid lateralis/medialis; temporalis Muscles of Mandibular movement
Levator scapulae; longissimus; longus capitis/colli; oblique capitis superior; rectus capitis posterior major/minor; scalenus anterior/medius/posterior; spinalis; splenius capitis/cervicis; sternocleidomastoid; trapezius Muscles of head and neck movement
external/inernal obliques; iliocostalis; longissimus; multifidus; psoas major; quadratus lumborum; rectus abdominis; rotatores; semispinalis; spinalis Muscles of vertebral column movement
swimmers muscle; actions of shoulder extension Latissimus dorsi
corkscrew muscle; flexes the elbow and supinates the forearm Biceps brachii
contractions of this muscle may cause angina-like pain Pectoralis Major
frozen shoulder muscle subscapularis
neurovascular entrapper; muscles that attach to the coracoid process of the scapula and ribs 3 to 5 Pectoralis minor
christmas tree muscle; oblique fiber arrangement rhomboids major/minor
the two boxer's muscles serratus anterior & triceps brachii
musculotendinous cuff muscle that attaches on th lesser tubercle of the humerus subscapularis
coat hanger's muscle; most superficial muscle of the posterior upper back trapezius
most effective arm flexor b/c of its mechanical advantage brachialis
muscles that attaches to the deltoid tuberosity deltoid
muscles named for elevating the scapula levator scapulae
musculotendinous cuff muscle that does not actually rotate supraspinatus
Muscle that attaches to the coracoid process and the humerus Coracobrachialis
muscle that extends th index finger extensor indicis
muscle that flexes & adduct the wrist extensor carpi ulnaris; flexor carpi radialis
tea drinker's muscle; extends the little finger; muscles that flexes the little finger extensor digiti minimi
muscle that performs abduction of the wrist flexor carpi radialis
muscles that moves the thumb ino opposition opponens pollicis
muscle that extends the wrist extensor carpi ulnaris
tailors muscle sartoris
hamstring that attaches to the fibular head Biceps femoris
Quadriceps femoris muscle that crosses two joints Rectus femoris
muscle that initiates walking Iliopsoas
Largest outward rotator of the hip Piriformis
Strongest extender of the hip Gluteus maximus
Hamstring extender of the hip Semitendinosus
Adductor that forms the letter V wih the femoral shaft Gracilis
Mini-Gastrocnemius; missing in about 10% of cadavers Plantaris
Muscle that dorsiflexes the ankle and everts the foot Peroneus longus
Muscle called the key that unlock the knee Popliteus
Muscle of plantar flexion that attaches below the knee joint Soleus
Toe dancer's muscle Gastrocnemius
Adductor muscle that attaches to the linea aspera and the adductor tubercle Adductor Magnus
Muscle for blowing Buccinator
Winking muscle Orbicularis Oculi
Muscle of mastication attaching to the coronoid process of the mandible Temporalis
Muscle of mastication that attaches to the temporomandibular joint capsule Lateral pterygoid
Muscle that lifts the corners of the mouth into a smile Zygomaticus Major/Minor
Muscles tat is called the pouting muscles Platysma
Muscle tht lies across the fontal bone and contributes to tension headaches Frontalis
Muscle that ataches to the dura mater Rectus capitis posterior minor
Kissing muscle Orbicularis oris
Hip hiker's muscle; elevates th hip Quadratus lumborum
Deepest ransversospinalis muscle Rotatores
Medial erector spinae muscle Spinalis
Abdominal muscle w/ oblique fiber arrangemen External obliques
Main muscle of respiration Diaphragm
Most lateral erector spinae muscle Iliocoatalis
Abdominal muscle that attaches the the xiphoid process and the ribs Rectus abdominis
Part of the transversospinalis named for the muscle many attachments Multifidus
Muscle that depresses the rib cage during exhalation Internal intercostals
Intermediate tract of the erector spinae group that attaches to the occipital bone Longissimus
division of the autonomic nervous system tht creates the alarm reaction; also known as thoracolumbar outflow Sympathetic nervous system
contains the brain, spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid, and meninges Central nervous system
Nerve cell classified as connective tissue that supports; nourishes; protects; insulates; and orgnizes the neurons Neuroglia
A group of impulse carrying fibers Nerve
Extensions of a nerve cell that receives and transmits stimuli toward the cell body Dendrite
Contains the cranial and spinl nerves Periperal nervous system
An impulse conducting cell possessing the properities of excitability and conductibility Nodes of Ranvier
Cell extension transmitting impulses away from the cell body Axon
Junction between two neurons Synapse
Chemicals that facilitate, arouse, or inhibit the transmission of nerve impulses Neurotransmitter
Divions of the autonomic nervous system that is involved w/ relaxation response; also known as craniosacral outflow Parasympathetic nervous system
Division of th PNS that is involuntary, supplying the smooth muscles, heart muscle, skin, special senses, some proprioceptors, organs, and glands Autonomic Nervous system
Fat and protein insulating substance around some axon to assist conduction Myelin
An instantaneous, involuntary response to a stimulus Reflex
Interruptions in the myelin along an axon that increase neural condustion rate Neuron
Special connective tissue membranes covering the brain and spinal cord Meninges
Part of the brain that governs muscle tone, coordination, balance, ine and gross motor movements Cerebellum
When the stimulus generates a nerve impulse, the impulse is conducted long the entire neuron at maximum capicity All or none response
A cluster of nerve cell bodies located on the PNS, typically next to the spinal cord Ganglion
Tendon reflex receptios that respond by inhibiting muscle contractions Golgi tendon organs
Part of the brain stem containing the respiratory, cardiac, and vasomotor centers Medulla Oblongata
The measurement of electical difference between the inside and outside of the neural cell membrane Action potential
A network of intersecting nerves in the PNS Plexus
An area of th skin that a specific sensory nerve root serves Dermatome
Clear fluid circulating around the brain and spinal cord Cerebrospinal Fluid
Receptors for detecting pain Nociceptors
The brain wave state that represents a person who is awake but relaxed Alpha
Stretch reflex receptors that respond by contracting the muscle Muscle spindles
A decrease in sensitivity o a prolonged stimulus Adaptation
General term for receptors responding to changes in muscle length and tension, and body position Proprioceptors
Prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone, master gland Pituitary (anterior lobe)
Aldosterone, cortisol Adrenal cortex
Insulin, Glucagon Pancreas
Thyroxin & triidothyronine, Calcitonin Thyroid gland
Estrogen & progesterone, Ovaries
Parathyroid hormone Parathyroid glands
Oxytocin, contains neurosecretory cells in pituitary, master gland Pituitary (posterior gland)
Epinephrine & norepinephrine Adrenal Medulla
Regulates endocrine functions of the adrenal cortex Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Involved in uterine contractions; stimulates milk ecpression Oxytocin
Decreases urine output Antidiuretic hormone
Decreases blood glucose levels Insulin
Stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk Prolactin
Stimulates ovulation Luteinizing hormone
Stimulates protein synthesis for muscle/bone growth Human growth hormone
Stimulate secretion and production of thyroid hormones Human growth hormone
Stimulates the distribution of melanin granules in the skin Melanocyte stimulating hormone
Increases blood glucose levels Glucagon
Influences mental, physical, and metabolic activities Thyroxine
Local decrease in blood flow Ischemia
Straw-colored liquid that helps transport blood cells from invading bacteria; life span a few hours to a few days Leukocytes (WBC's)
The amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle during each ventricular contraction Stroke volume
Blood cells involved in blood clotting; life span 5 to 9 days Platelets (thrombocytes)
Superior heart chamber Atrium
Enlargement of the vascular lumen Vasodilation
Universal blood recipent Type AB
Genetically determined protiens on the surface of RBC'S Agglutinogens
Superficial artery in the throat region Carotid
These blood cells serve as part of the body's immune system Plasma
Most numerous blood cells and possesses hemoglobin; transports oxygen & carbon dioxide in the blood; life span 100 to 120 days Erthrocytes (RBC's)
An iron based protein that is the red respiratory pigment in RBC's Hemoglobin
Thick walled inferior heart chamber Ventricle
Vessels that drain the tissues, returning the deoxygenated blood back to the heart Veins
Increased local blood flow Hyperemia
Vessels that move blood away from the heart Arteries
Universal blood donor Type O
Pressure exerted by blood on arterial walls during contraction of the left ventricle Blood pressure
Generative lymphatic structure that produces precursors of all lymphocytes Bone marrow
Lymphatic duct that drains the right arm, right side of the head, and right half of thorax, dumping lymph into the right subclavian vein Right lymphatic duct
Groups of specialized lymph tissues embedded in mucus membranes around the throat Tonsils
Thymus derived cells that respond quickly to pathogens, types include helper cells, cytotoxic cells, and memory cells T cells
Largest lymphatic organ; lies w/in the lateral rib cage just posterior to the stomach Spleen
a protective mechanism that stabilizes and prepares the damaged tissue for repair; symptoms are local heat, swelling, redness, pain, and decreased function Inflammation
Type of immunity that is a nonspecific response to invading pathogens Natural immunity
Lymphoid cells in the mucosa or submucosa of the alimentary canal Mucosal associated lymphoid tissue
Filtering stations for lymph Lymph nodes
Immunological response that is diverse but specific and involves lymphocytes Acquired immunity
Lymphatic structure located inferior to the cecum Vermiform appendix
Fluid of the lymphatic system Lymph
Bone marrow derived cells secreting antibodies that destroy antigens B cells
Lymphatic duct that drains the majority of the body and dumps lymph into the left subclavian vein Thoracic duct
Lymphatic sac located between the abdominal aorta and L2; inferior portion of the thoracic duct Cisterna chyli
Generative lymphatic organ receiving immature b-cells, maturing them into t cells Thymus
Surrounding and protecting the heart epicardium
the thick cardiac muscle layer that makes up the bulk of the heart wall; contraction forces blood out of the ventricles myocardium
thin, inner lining of the heart endocardium
receives blood from all parts of the body except the lungs right atrium
receives blood from the right atrium and pumps blood through the pulmonary trunk and into the right and left pulmonary arteries Right ventricle
the oxygen rich blood from the pulmonary veins enters here left atrium
thickest heart wall b/c it pumps blood into the aorta and then thru miles of blood vessels thru-out the body Left ventricle
the amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle during each contraction stroke volume
separate the atria from the ventricles; produce the lubb sound of the heart when they close Atrioventricular valves
right av valve that posesses 3 flaps or cusps tricuspid
the left av valve that possesses 2 flaps or cusps bicuspid valve (mitral valve)
located between both ventricles and their adjacent arteries consists of 3 half moon shaped cusps; produces the dupp sound when it close semilunar valves
When the diameter of the vascular lumen enlarges vasodilation
When the diameter of the vascular lumes gets narrow vasoconstriction
nose > Nasal cavity > pharynx > larynx > trachea > bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli > lung the way air is conducted thru the pathway of structures
Process of drawing air into the lungs; occurs when the diaphram contracts and descends into the adbominal cavity (forced) req's addtl help from the scm, scalenes, and pec minor Inspiration/inhalation
tiny sacs attached to the distal ends of th bronchioles Alveoli
Referred to as the guardian of the airways b/c it closes the trachea during swallowing Epiglottis
paired organs of respiration Lungs
throat or muscular tube shared by the respiratory and digestive systems Pharynx
Process responsible for expelling air from the lungs back to the atmosphere expiration
Hair like projections on the outer surfaces on certain cells Cilia
Right and left air conduction passageways leading to each lung; total air amount that can be forcibly inspired and expired from the lungs in one breath Vital capacity
Gas exchange in the lungs between blood and the external environment External respiration
Phospholipids that assist in the exchange of gas in the alveoli by reducing surface tension and contributing to lung elasticity Surfactants
Voice box that houses the 2 sets of vocal cords Larynx
Windpipe; a tube from the larynx to the upper chest Trachea
Gas excange between blood and body tissues Internal respiration
The basic filering unit of the kidney Nephron
A small tubular structure that transports urine from the unionary bladder out of the body during urination Urethra
Hormone promoting the retention of sodium, which stimulates the reabsorption of more water back into the blood plasma Antidiuretic hormone
Two slender hollow tubes transporting urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder Ureters
Concentrated filtrate from the kidneys that is 96% water and 4% dissolved wastes Urine
Inner region of the kidney called the urine collecting facility Renal medulla
Bean shaped pair of organs; the major homeostatic organs of the body; located bilaterally in the upper lumbar region of the spine behind the abdominal peritoneum Kidneys
Mechanism monitoring blood pressure consisting of the macula densa and the juxtaglomerular cells Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Indentation in the medial concave region of the kidney where arteries, veins, and the ureters enter and exit Renal hilus
Word meaning urination Micturition
Hormone that stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb more water Aldosterone
Bundles of renal tubules in the medulla Medullary pyramids
Musclar organ providing a temporary storage reservoir for urine Urinary bladder
Outer region of the kidney called the urine mfg facility Renal cortex
Loops of minute blood vessels in the glomerular capsule Glomeruli
word meaning behind the abdominal peritoneum Retroperitoneal
transferring heat energy through circulating currents of liquid or gas Convection
A place where water therapies are administered Spa
Application of ice combined w/ circular friction Ice massage
The exchange of thermal energy while the body's surface is in direct contact w/ the thermal agent Conduction
The application of a cold pack followed by full range of motion of the affected area Cryokinetics
Hot air bath w/ temps ranging from 170 to 210 degrees F in 10% to 20% humidity Sauna bath
full or partial immersion w/ the client sitting in a vessel such as whirlpool, spa or hot tub, or a hubbard tank Immersion bath
Hot vapor bath where the temp is maintained at 105 to 120 degres F at 100% humidity Steam bath
A bath technique where water is sprayed in fine streams from a showerhead under low to medium pressure Shower
A shower w/ water spraying from overhead w/ side-positioned needlelike valves at varying heights Swiss shower
A high pressure stream of cold water applied to a standing client w/ the therapist standing at a specific distance Blitz gus
A deep water pool plunge w/ water temp maintained at a chilly 50 to 60 degrees F Cold plunge
A high pressure stream of alt. hot and cold water applied to a standing client w/ a therapist standing at a specific distance Scotch hose
A shower w/ water spraying from multi overhead mounted showerheads while the client lies on a table; the needlelike streams alt. w/ hot and cold water Vicky shower
trigger points that do not hurt all the time; they are activated by some stressor such as physical activity, emotional stress, or direct pressure on the muscle Latent trigger points
Sustained digital pressure applied to trigger points to relieve pain and discomfort; referred to as trigger point work Ischemic compression
Another term for deep tranverse friction Cross fiber friction
The tendency of trigger points to produce sensations of pain distal from that of the trigger point Referred pain phenomena
A reflexive impulse that causes the affected muscle or an adjacent muscle to fire spontaneously Local twitch response
An injury of sudden onset Acute
Areas that are noticeably painful even when no external physical stimulation is present; they refer pain in specific patterns Active trigger points
A spontaneous reaction of pain or discomfort that may cause a client to wince or verbalize on application of pressure Jump sign
An injury that is long standing; the original cause may not be known Chronic
Any noticeable or measurab;e deviation from the normal composition of healthy tissue Lesion
A group of manual techiniques used to reduce fascial restrictions; techniques include deep gliding, pin and glide, torquing, and skin rolling Myofacial release
Hypersensitive areas found in muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, skin. periosteum, and even organs Trigger points
Created by: kotenkandie
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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