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6th - Renaissance

Mr. Stickler's "Renaissance and Reformation" quiz 1 flashcards.

What are the years of the Renaissance? 1300 - 1600 C.E. (pg. 137)
What does the word "Renaissance" mean? Renaissance means "rebirth". (Pg. 137)
Where did Leonardo da Vinci get his ideas for many of his inventions? From nature. (Pg. 137)
True or False: Renaissance painters & sculptors admired the work of Ancient Chinese civilizations and used them to inspire their work? False. Renaissance artists and sculptors admired Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. (Pg. 138 + notes)
How is Renaissance art distinguished from Medieval art? (What techniques are used?) Renaissance artists used perspective to show people and objects as they were in real life. They included details when painting or drawing people that they learned by studying anatomy.
What does the word "innovation" mean? An improvement in a cultures technology. (Notes)
What was the invention Portuguese sailors made that put them ahead navigation at sea easier? The Portuguese invented the "Caravel" sailing ship. (Pg. 144)
Name the 3 things that made the Portuguese exploration ships better than others? 1.) They were larger, so they could carry more people & supplies. 2.) They were easier to steer. 3.) They were stronger so they could sail through storms without damage. (Pg.144)
What does an "astrolabe" measure? The astrolabe measures distance North or South of the Equator (Pg. 144)
What led European countries to try and find their own route to Asia? Citizens of Europe wanted to control Eastern trade for themselves. (Pg. 143.)
Why did feudalism begin to decline in the 1200's? Too many people sold their lands to fight the Crusades, so powerful kings took them. (Pgs. 125 - 126 + notes)
Who nailed his list of grievances against the Catholic Church on the door of ("95 Thesis")? Martin Luther nailed his list to the church door. (Pg. 141)
What are "Indulgences"? "Official pardons given by the pope." (Pg. 141)
What is a "Reformation"? "A Reformation is the name given to the changes to the Catholic Church & was meant to change, or reform, religious customs. (Pg. 140)
What Commandment (of the 10 Commandments) did Pope Urban II allow Crusaders to break? The 5th Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill".
Mr. Stickler changed several class procedures for the 2nd semester. Where should you write your Portfolio Reflections this semester? Write Portfolio Reflections in your Journal. (Notes + handout).
How often do we do Current Events this semester? We do Current Events every Friday. We turn in portfolios every week. (Notes.)
How often will we do quizzes (approximately) this semester? Every two weeks. There will be 1 quiz every unit (and 5 units this quarter.)
How will late work be handled this semester? LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED THIS SEMESTER! Only time late work will be accepted is if there is an Excused Absence or if you have come and asked me for Extra Help before the due date! (Notes)
Who supported the work of Italian artists and sculptors? Nobles and the Catholic Church. (Pg. 138)
Who held power in the city-states of Northern Italy during the Middle Ages? Wealthy merchants held power. They controlled European trade with Asia.
What is the relationship between wealthy merchants and the beginning of the Renaissance in Northern Italy? 1. Wealthy merchants become a "leisure class". 2. Merchants sponsored artists & their schools. 3. Artists compete for merchant's money. 4. Religious merchants paid artists to create religious art for their homes.
How did Renaissance artists create perspective in their art? Renaissance artists used perspective (making some objects smaller to appear farther away) by using light & shadow to make things they painted look solid. (Pg. 139)
Michelangelo was sponsored by the _____________________, a wealthy citizen of Florence, Italy. Lorenzo de Medici. The Medici family was a wealthy and powerful Italian family.
What did Martin Luther believe was needed to get to Heaven? Belief in God, not obedience to the Church, was the key to getting into Heaven. (Pg. 141)
What is the difference between the beliefs of Lutherans and Calvinists? Calvin taught that only the Elect of God, those people specially picked by God, will get to Heaven. (Pg. 141)
What was the name of the religious order founded by Ignatius Loyola? Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus - also called the Jesuits - who were known for being teachers and missionaries. (Pg. 142)
Who is largely responsible for the success of the Portuguese in navigation and exploration? Prince Henry, the Navigator. He opened a school in 1419 & invited famous mapmakers, shipbuilders, navigators, & expert sailors to come. (Pg. 144)
Which Portuguese ship captain is responsible for establishing a trade route to India? Vasco de Gama. He rounded the tip of South Africa, sailed around the East coast of Africa, and them across the Indian Ocean to India. (Pg. 145)
Did Magellan become the first person to circumnavigate the Earth? No. He was killed by a Philippine ruler in the spring of 1521. The first people to circumnavigate the globe were the 18 (of 250) survivors of his crew. They made it home 3 years after leaving. (Pgs. 148 & 149)
What is the "divine right of kings"? The belief that God chose the king & that the king was God's representatives.
Who chooses the government representatives in a democracy? The people choose government representatives. (Pg. 151)
What is the name of a king or queen who controls every part of their kingdom? An "absolute monarch". (Pg. 151)
Why was French king Louis XIV called the "Sun King"? Because he is an example of an absolute monarch. He was so powerful that people revolved around him like the sun. (Pg. 151)
Who paid the most taxes in France under Louis XIV? Why? The peasants paid most of the taxes. This was because Louis XIV wanted to keep nobles, merchants, & craftspeople happy & did not tax them. (Pg. 153)
What was the result of Louis XIV's desire to expand their kingdom? Huge national debt! France was at war from 1667 to 1713, which came at a huge cost. (Pg. 153)
Who were the Moors? The Moors were descendants of North African Muslims who had occupied Spain in the 700's C.E.
What city did Peter the Great found in Russia? St. Petersburg. (Pg. 155)
What happened to King Charles I that limited the power of future English monarchs? He said he could ignore Parliament because he had the "divine right" to rule. This started a war that ended with Charles I's execution in 1649. (Pg. 155)
List two (2) improvements Peter the Great made in Russia. 1.) Modernized the Army & Navy; 2.) Improved Russian farming & industry. (Pg. 154)
Who was the Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztecs in 1521? Hernan Cortes. He convinced their ruler, Moctezuma, to surrender. After they agreed, Spaniards killed several Aztecs and war broke out. The Aztecs finally surrendered in 1521. (Pgs. 157 & 158)
What is the "encomienda system" and how did it work? An economic system. Spain introduced it to Mexico. 1.) Spanish king gives land to settlers; 2.) landholder gets the Native Americans as workers as part of the "deal"; 3.) Landlords protected the Native Americans & converted them to Catholicism. (Pg 158)
What is the Spanish word for "conqueror"? Conquistador. (Pg. 159)
What was the "Middle Passage"? The name for the area of the Atlantic Ocean between the coast of West Africa and the West Indies. It was part of the slave trade. (Notes.)
What two diseases did Europeans bring to the Americas? Smallpox & the Measles. (Pg. 159)
Who conquered the Incan empire in 1533? Francisco Pizzaro. (Pg. 159)
Who was Queen Nzingha & why is she important? Queen Nzingha united South Africans against the Portuguese. She & her followers attacked the Portuguese, freed enslaved Africans and close off all slave trade routes through her lands. (Pg. 160)
What is the "Global Exchange"? The exchange of goods & ideas that began when people moved from Africa & Europe to the Americas. (Pg. 161)
Created by: sticklerpjpII
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