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Visual Arts


Rap Elements awesome Tempo, beat, rythm, harmony, texture
Humanities Visual arts, architecture, mucis, theatre,dance,literature,film
Questions to ask about art What is it? How it is put together?How does it appeal to the senses?What does it mean?
Humanities includes arts
Creativity the act of bringing forth new forces and forms
Concerns of Art Creativity, aesthectic communication,symbols and fine arts and crafts
The Purpose of Art Provides a record
The purpose of art gives visible or other form to feeling
The purpose of art reveals metaphysical or spiritual truths
The purpose of art helps poeple see the workd in new or innovative ways
The functions of art enjoyment
the functions of art political and social commentary
the functions of art therapy
the dunctions of art artifact
Stylistic analyst curvilinear "line", pallete, brush strokes
Theatre A place for seeing; interpertive discipline
Theatre Represents an attempt to reveal a cision of human life through time , sound and space
Genres of Theatre Tragedy,comedy,tragicomedy,melodrama
Tragedy unhappy ending
tragicomedy tragedy and comedy
melodrama stereotyped characters implausible plots and emphasis on spectacle
Performance Art includes audience non-theatre artist and a non theatre encironment
Elements of Theatre Script,plot,exposition, complication, denouement, character, the protagonist, themes
Script contains dialogue used by actors
plot structure of play gives play shape
Exposition provides necessary background information
Complication contains meat of play it also comprises a series of conflicts and decisions
Denouement final resolution of the plot and end to the action a clear and ordered resolution
Exposition, complication and denouement comprise a time frame in which the remaining parts of the play operate
Character persons in the play
The Protagonist central personage; leading actor or major character
Themes main idea of play; content of it
Visual Elements Theatre types, scene design,lighting design
Visual elements physical relationship between the actors and the audience
Theatre Types Where audience is sitting;how it is set up
Scene design to create and environment that is conducive to the production ends
lighting design sets the light over the entire production, stage,actor
Aural Elements How a production sounds looks, feels and reads
Dynamics structural pattern of play
the actor through movements and speech, the audience perceives the play
Vocal forms of music Art song, cantata,mass,motet,opera,oratorio,concert overture,
Art song setting of poem to music
Cantata choral work with one or more soloists and an instrumental ensemble has several movements
Mass sacred choral composition
Motet a polyphonic choral work shorter then a mass employs a sacred latin text other then that of a mass
Opera drama set to music
oratorio large scales composition uses a chorus vocal soloists and orchestra
Concert overture one movement performed in sonata form
Instrumental forms of music concerto sonata suite fugues symphony
Concerto an extended compostion for an instrumental soloists and orchestra
Sonata an instrumental compostion in several movements written for one to eight players
suite set of dance inspired movements written in the same key but differing in tempo, meter and character
Symphony an orchestral composition usuall in four movements
Fugue a polyphonic composition based on one main theme or subject written for a group of instruments or voices or for a single instrument
Elements of Music sound,rythm,melody harmony tonality texture form
Sound anything that excites the auditory nerve
Rythm recurring pulses and accents that creat identifiable patterns
Beat individual pulses
Meter regular succession of rythmical impulses or beats
Tempo rate of speed of the composition
Melody a succession of sounds with rythmic tonal organization
Harmony two or more tones sound at the same time
tonality the specific key in which a composition is written
texture the melodic and harmonic characteristics of a compostion
form essence of something, shape, structure
Monophony a texture comprising a single melodic line
Homophony a texture characterized by chordal development supporting one melody
polyphony many sounding;occurs when two or more melodic lines are performed at the same time
Medium used by artists to execute their work
Drawing two dimensional art
Dry Media-Drawing chalk,charcoal,graphite,pastel
Wet Media-Drawing pen and ink, wash and brush
Chalk fairly flexible;creates a wide variety of tonal areas, heavy or light pressure
Charcoal a burnt wood product
Graphite a form of carbon like coal
pastel chalk medium,colored pigment and a non greasy binder have been combined
pen and ink a wet drawing medium
wash and brush similar to watercolor in painting
Painting Medias oil,watercolor,gouache, tempera,acrylics,fresco
oils dry slowly and can be reworked for texture manipulation, durable
watercolor any color medium that uses water as a thinner
gouache watercolor medium add gum to ground opaque colors mixed with water
tempera an opaque watercolor medium that spans history. Comprises ground pigments and their color binders such as gum or glue, best known for egg tempera. Appears almost gemlike. Fast drying.
Acrylics modern synthetic product water soluable uses acrylic polymer as binding agent
Fresco wall painting technique uses pgiments suspended in water and applied to fresh wet plaster
Relief printing process by which the ink is transferred to the paper from raised areas on a printing block
Intalgio opposite of relief printing transfers ink to the paper from grooves cut into the metal plate
Line engraving cutting grooves into the metal plate with special sharp tools
etchings removes surface of plate by exposing it to an acid bath
drypoint scratching the surface of a plate with a needle
aquatint areas of solid tones as well as gradations of tone from white through grays and blacks
planographic process prints from plane surface
litography stone writing
Focal point greatest visual appeal
Pitch quality of sounds, highness or lowness governed by vibrations per second
Value relationships between black and white
Duration length of time vibration maintained without interuption
Baroque late 16th - early 18th century
Post-impressionism late 19th century
Abstract Expressionism mid 20th century
High Renaissance late 15th - early 16th century
Archaic mid 5th B.C.E.
Gothic late 18th - early 19th century
Classicism Ancient Greece & Rome
Serialism mid 20th century
Romanticism late 18th - 19th centuries
Impressionism mid - late 19th century
Greek Classicism Ancient Greece and Rome
Realism mid 19th century
Neoclassicism 20th century
Neorealism Post-World War II
Symbolism late 19th - mid 20th century
Classical mid 5th century B.C.E.
Modernism 20th century
Gothic late 18th - early 19th century
Baroque GioVanni Vanni
Post-Impressionism Van Gogh
Abstract Expressionism Jackson Pollock
High Renaissance Micheangelo
Gothic Chartres Cathedral Jamb
Classicism Mozart
Baroque (music) Bach
Serialism Schoenberg
Romanticism Chopin
Imprssionism Debussy
Greek Classicism Sophocles
Realism August Wilson
Neoclassicism Jean Racine
Neorealism Rosellini
Symbolism Kurosawa
Baroque (architecture) Villa Lante
Classical (architecture) The Parthenon
Modernism Frank Lloyd Wright
Gothic (architecture) Chartres Cathedral
Created by: millerx5
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