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WHAP Fall Mid-Term

AP World History - Mr. Smith - KFHS - Fall Mid-Term Review

1. Describe the predominant economy of the Paleolithic. hunter-gatherers
2. Summarize the most likely social organization of the Paleolithic. kinship groups
3. Paleolithic gender relations? roughly equal
4. Agricultural revolution? Cultivation provided a relatively stable and regular supply of food. [Allowed Neolithic peoples to sustain their numbers better than their Paleolithic cousins did.]
5. First civilization, where? Sumer
6. Lex talionis “Law of retaliation” (Hammurabi’s Code) [offenders suffering the punishments resembling their crimes]
7. Egypt entered its imperialist phase during the _____ Kingdom. New
8. Egyptian monotheism Akhenaten
9. Why is so little known about Harappan civilization (Indus-Valley Civilization)? 1. earliest remains are inaccessible 2. lack of deciphered written records
10. IVC declined because . . . 1. deforested Indus Valley to clear wood for cultivation 2. became a desert (topsoil erosion, lack-of-rain)
11. Briefly describe how the Aryans came to India. nomads [started in upper Indus River, then spread east and south from their base]
12. What was the main function of Aryan priests during early Vedic times? Ritual sacrifices were more important than ethics
13. Mesopotamia=Tigris & Euphrates; Egypt= ?; Harappan= ?; China= ? 1. Egypt: Nile 2. Harappan: Indus 3. China: Yellow
14. Put the early Chinese dynasties (pre-Qin) in correct order. 1. Yangshou 2. Xia 3. Shang 4. Zhou
15. According to the beliefs about the Mandate of Heaven the Chinese ruler serves as . . . head of religion (chosen by heaven)
16. Explain the Period of Warring States. period of violence, politicial and social instability, and decentralized government in Zhou dynasty; ended in 221 bce with the establishment of the Qin dynasty
17. Which society could be considered the founders of Mesoamerican civilization? Olmecs
18. Mayan mathematicians invented what important concept? the zero
19. Popol Vuh Maya creation myth; taught that gods created humans out of maize and water
20. Who might be called the Indo-Europeans of the Pacific? Austronesians
21. The Medes and Persian came from what ethno-linguistic group? Indo-Europeans
22. The Persian "Eyes and Ears of the King" imperial spies
23. Persian governing style tolerant of other’s religions and cultures
24. What did the Zoroastrians believe about the material world? was a blessing to be enjoyed in moderation
25. What did Confucius believe brought order to a society? proper ordering of relationships
26. The _____ philosophy was most responsible for bringing China out of the Period of Warring States. legalist
27. What is Qin Shihuangdi's most important legacy? set a precedent: established highly centralized imperial government (lasted over 2 millenniums (until 1912))
28. How did Chinese society develop as the Han became more wealthy? richer getting richer and the poor getting poorer
29. Who facilitated Indian political unification by introducing the Indians to new administrative techniques? Persians
30. Post-Mauryan (pre-Gupta) political organization. de-centralized governments [collection of regional kingdoms]
31. Gupta governing style shared techniques with Maryans allowed local autonomous rule
32. According to Buddha salvation could be attained by living what kind of life? life of moderation
33. Political organization of ancient Greece. organized a series of city-states
34. Typically, women in ancient Greece . . . 1. fell under the authority of their fathers, husbands, or sons; spent most of the time in family homes; could not own landed property
35. Rome's governing style was most similar to that of the . . . Persians
36. How might one describe the government devised by Augustus? monarchy disguised as a republic
37. What was needed in order to successfully trade in the Indian Ocean basin? understanding of the monsoon pattern
38. Who was Mani? devout Zoroastrian who regarded Zarathustra as the prophet of the Mediterranean world; promoted syncretic blend of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Buddhist elements as a religious faith that would serve the needs of a cosmopolitan world.
39. Peasant anger in China led to _____ in 184 CE. yellow turban revolt
40. After the fall of the western Roman Empire, Roman authority . . . lived in the Byzantine empire (for about 1000 yrs)
41. Describe the powers of the Byzantine monarchy. had control over everything [highly centralized authority]
42. What was Justinian's most important achievement? de-codification of the Roman Law
43. What happened in 1054? permanent split between Greek and Orthodox church
44. Islam means . . . submission
45. The critical event in the rise of Islam was the _____. hijrah
46. Shia vs. Sunni beliefs Shia – party of Ali; Sunni – one who follows the traditions of the prophet
47. Indian and Persian influence on Islam Indian – mathematics; Persia - literature
48. The most important Sui contribution to Chinese infrastructure was . . . Grand Canal
49. Civil service exams during the Tang dynasty? brought back and used more extensively than ever before
50. Footbinding is an example of . . . strengthened patriarchal authority
51. Vietnamese women vs. Chinese women Women in Vietnam played a more prominent role in society and economy.
52. Political structure of post-Classical India. centralized imperial rule
53. Changes in religious make-up of India due to Mahmud of Ghazni's incursions. brought in Islam while almost eliminating Buddhists
54. Role of Hindu temples in post-Classical India. trade centers; took on role of governments
55. Political structure of post-Roman Europe. decentralized, feudal type of political organization
56. Describe the feudal relationship between a lord and his retainer/vassal. Vassal would get land from lord in exchange for, most commonly, military service
57. Agricultural production increased in Medieval Europe because . . . of the introduction of the heavy plow
58. Long-term effects of Mongol and Turkish invasions. Eurasian integration
59. Environment of Central Asia allows for what kind of food production? they didn't have much; pastoral peoples
60. Mongol empire's effect on trade? Merchants increased their commercial investments
61. The kamikaze were . . . “divine winds” [prevented Mongol invasion of Japan]
62. Mali's wealth was based on . . . trans-Saharan trade
63. What new crop facilitated migrations in sub-Saharan Africa? banana
64. How was wealth accumulated in sub-Africa? number of slaves
65. The primary obstacle to the Holy Roman Emperor was . . . the papacy (conflict with the pope)
66. Crusades effect on trade demand for silk and cotton textiles, spices, and sugar increased throughout Europe as large numbers of people developed a taste for goods previously available only to the wealthy few
67. Demographic changes during the High Middle Ages. urbanization and the increase of women's roles in the cities
68. What phrase summed up Medieval social structure? those who pray, those who fight, and those who work
69. Aztec political structure didn’t establish a bureaucracy over areas that they conquered.
70. Quipu mneumonic aid to help track of bureaucrats' responsibilities; statistical and historical info (SH)
71. Why did Pacific socieities not build large states? islands were to small, so you can't expand
72. Renaissance thinkers and artists were fascinated with . . . ancient Greece and Rome
73. After 1000 CE, eastern hemisphere societies interacted more or less than before? more
74. Gunpowder came from _____. Tang and Song dynasties
75. Humanists believed . . . it was perfectly honorable for Christians to enter into marriage, business relationships, and public affairs
76. Volta do mar "return through the sea" (enabled Portuguese mariners to sail from the Canaries to Portugal)
77. Effects of American crops introduced into Europe. increased human population
78. Western response to trade problems in 1400. traveled around Africa to eliminate middle men.
79. Why did many of the German elite support Luther? personal conviction; religious controversy offered opportunities for them to build their own power bases
80. Most people condemned as witches were _____. women
81. Deists believe . . . believed in the existence of a god, but denied the supernatural teachings of Christianity.
82. Put early modern European intellectual movements in correct chronological order. 1. Renaissance 2. Absolutism 3. Protestant Reformation 4. Age of Enlightenment
83. What was the primary cause for the catastrophic demographic decline of the Americas during the 16th century? smallpox (epidemic disease)
84. Iberian colonial hierarchy was based on . . . racial origin
85. Portuguese became interested in Brazil after . . . Treaty of Tordesillas
86. How did the rise of maritime trade affect Africa's western empires? brought Europeans their domination, and slave trade increase
87. Slavery within Africa was different from elsewhere because . . . to accumulate wealth, you had to accumulate slaves [land ownership didn’t really exist]
88. Demographic impact of slavery on Africa. more women than men
89. What did the Ming do to stabilize China following the outer of the Yuan? return to old Chinese traditions
90. Patriarchy during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 1. authority over women got tighter and stronger
91. China's technological development fell behind because . . . the governments favored political and social stability over technological innovation
92. Social effects of Pax Tokugawica lowered samurai and daimyo classes
93. How did Akbar deal with the inherent religious diversity of India? religious tolerance and "divine faith"
94. Murad IV banned _____ and _____ due to the offensive demands of Turkish moralists. tobacco and coffee
95. Sikhism could be characterized as . . . a syncretic combination of Hinduism and Islam
96. Devshirme The Ottoman institution that provided Balkan slaves for the formation of the Janissaries
97. Primary political and cultural influence on Russia was . . . Byzantium
98. Ivan IV's main obstacle to centralization . . . boyars
99. Russian women had what kind of power? arrange marriages and property rights
100. West European social developments vs. Russian social developments Serdom was decreasing due to the decline of feudalism in Europe while it was increasing in Russia @ the same time.
Created by: punisher42
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