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cells and tissues u1


Nucleus headquaters or control center for all cells
DNA DEOXYRIBIBONUCLEIC ACID, blue print that contains all instruction for building the whole body
Chromatin when cell not dividing its DNA is combined with protien and form a loose network of threadsbumpy
Nuclear envelope or membrane double membrane around the nucleus,fluid filled space,various point are fused creating nuclear pores,selectively permeable,passage much freer than elsewhere due to large size of nuclear pores
Nucleoli found on Nucleus small dark staining round bodies. Site of ribosome assembly
Chromosomes when a cell is dividing to form 2 daughter cells, chromatin threads coil and condense to form dense rodlike bodies called______
Plasma membrane _____________a fragile, transparent barrier that contains cell contents and sperate them from the surrounding enviornment
Phospholipids polar heads hydrophilic non polar tails hydrophobic, makes the plasma membrane impermiable to most water soluble molecules
Microvilli fingerlike projections that greatly increase surface area of cell for absorption
Tight Junctions impermiable juntions that bind the cells together into a leakproof sheet that prevent substances from passing thru the extracellular space between the cells
Desmosomes anchoring junctions that prevent the cells from being pulled apart
Gap juntions commonly seen in in the heart and embryonic cells, function mainly for communication between cells
Cytoplasm cellular material locatedoutside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane contains cytosol,organelles and inclusions
Cytosol semitransparent fluid that suspends other elements
Inclusions non funtioning units contain stored nutrients or cell products(may or may not be present depending on cell type
Organalles (little organs) specialized cellular compartments, each preforming it own function to maintain the life of the cell
Mitochondria sausage shaped organelle, powerhouse of the cell. forms ATP for energy for all cellular work
Ribosomes tiny bodies made of protien and one variety of RNA called ribosomal RNA, the accual site of protien synthesis, some float free in the cytoplasm
Rough ER (endoplasmic reticulum) studed with ribosomes, all of the material of cellular membrane are formed either in it or on it (membrane factory)
Smooth ER (endoplasmic reticulum) comunicates with rough ER but does not play arole in protien synthesis but funtions in cholesterol and fat synthesis and breakdown and detoxification of drugs and pesticides
Chromatin when cell not dividing, its DNA is combined with protien and forms a loose network of bumpy threads called_____________________
Golgi Apparatus appears as flattened membranous sacs, associated with swarms of tiny vesicles. generally found close to the nucleus and is the principle "trafic director" for protiens, its major function is to modify and package protiens
Lysosomes appear different in size and are membranous "bags"containing powerful enzymes capable of digesting worn-out or nonusable cell structures and forien substances that enter the cell
Peroxisomes membranous sacs containing powerful oxidase enzymes that use molecular o2 to detoxify a number of harmful or poisonous substances including alcohol and formaldehyde
Cytoskeleton elaborate network of protien structures extends thru the cytoplasm, it acts as a bones and muscles, mad up of microtubules and intermediate filaments
Centrioles paired, lies close to the nucleus, rod shaped bodies that lie at right angles to each other, during cell division they direct the formation of of the miotic spindles
Cilia whip like cellular extentions that move subtances along the cell surface
Flagella/Flagellum the only example in the human body is the sperm which has a single propulsive_____ called its tail
Created by: crackl
Popular Science sets




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