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Eruption sequence

Helps dental students memorize the proper eruption sequence of permanent teeth

Using the FDI World Dental Federation Two-Digit Notation (international), list the proper eruption sequence of human maxillary permanent teeth from first to erupt to last to erupt. Let X represent the quadrant digit. X6,X1,X2,X4,X5,X3,X7,X8
Using the FDI World Dental Federation Two-Digit Notation (international), list the proper eruption sequence of human mandibular permanent teeth from first to erupt to last to erupt. Let Y represent the quadrant digit. Y6,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y7,Y8
What is the first permanent maxillary tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 6
What is the second permanent maxillary tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 1
What is the third permanent maxillary tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 2
What is the fourth permanent maxillary tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 4
What is the fifth permanent maxillary tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 5
What is the sixth permanent maxillary tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 3
What is the seventh permanent maxillary tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 7
What is the eighth (last) permanent maxillary tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 8
What is the first permanent mandibular tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 6
What is the second permanent mandibular tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 1
What is the third permanent mandibular tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 2
What is the fourth permanent mandibular tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 3
What is the fifth permanent mandibular tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 4
What is the sixth permanent mandibular tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 5
What is the seventh permanent mandibular tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 7
What is the eighth and last permanent mandibular tooth to erupt in a normal human tooth eruption sequence? (Use the FDI nomenclature system, leave out the quadrant digit.) 8
Which tooth erupts first? Maxiallary or mandibular 1? Mandibular
Which tooth erupts first? Maxiallary or mandibular 2? Mandibular
Which tooth erupts first? Maxiallary or mandibular 3? Mandibular
Which tooth erupts first? Maxiallary or mandibular 4? Maxillary
Which tooth erupts first? Maxiallary or mandibular 5? Maxillary
Which tooth erupts first? Maxiallary or mandibular 6? Mandibular
Which tooth erupts first? Maxiallary or mandibular 7? Mandibular
Which tooth erupts first? Maxiallary or mandibular 1? Mandiblar
When a tooth is erupting, the ___ is fully developed but the ____ are not. crown/root(s)
What do you call a a permanent tooth that moves into a position formerly occupied by a primary tooth? Succedaneous
What do you call a permanent tooth that moves into a position not formerly occupied by a primary tooth (permanent molars)? Nonsuccedaneous
The human primary dentition stage starts at what age? 6 months of age
The human primary dentition stage ends and the mixed dentition stage starts at what age? 6 years of age
The human mixed dentition stage ends at what age? 12 years of age
The human permanent dentition stage starts at what age? 12 years of age
Eruption of permanent teeth is complete at what age? 18-21 years of age
Where do primate spaces occur in the human primary maxillary dentition? Mesial (dental terminology, anterior or distal in medical terminology) to primary canine
Where do primate spaces occur in the human primary mandibular dentition? Distal (dental terminology, posterior or proximal in medical terminology) to primary canine
Maxillary eruption sequence: The 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th teeth to erupt are: 6 1 2 4 5 3 7 8
Mandibular eruption sequence: The 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th teeth to erupt are: 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 8
Conventional or canine space analysis was first proposed by____ in _____? Nance in 1947.
In Nance's conventional space analysis, the space available is estimated by measuring the arch perimeter from the _א_ of the ___ב___ from one side of the dental arch to the mesial contact of the permanent first molar on the opposite side . א–mesial ב–permanent first molar.
Premature loss of primary canines in the mandibular arch usually is a result of __א__ and __ב__. א–large succedaneous permanent incisors ב–ectopic eruption
A __א__ shift of the incisor teeth usually accompanies the loss of the primary canine, resulting in a ___ב__ discrepancy. א–lateral ב–midline
A ____ _____ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ can be used to maintain arch integrity and prevent lingual tipping of the mandibular incisors. fixed lingual holding arch with soldered spurs
Early loss of primary first molars can cause __א__ _____ if the loss occurs during the __ב___ _____ of the _ג__ ___ ____ . # א–distal drifting of the primary canine ב–active eruption ג–permanent lateral incisors
Early loss of a primary second molar, especially in the maxillary arch, results in arch length reduction due toּּ _____ ? mesial migration of permanent molars
A what type of space maintainer appliance should be used if the primary second molar is lost before the permanent first molar erupts? distal shoe appliance
Early loss of a primary __א__, especially in the maxillary arch, results in arch length reduction due to __ב__ migration of permanent molars. א–second molar ב–mesial
If the first permanent molar has fully erupted, then what type of space maintainer can be placed on either the first permanent molar )6( running mesial to the primary first molar or on the primary first molar running distal to the mesial aspect of 6? band and loop space maintainer
The ideal guidelines for serial extractions are as follows (specify 5 guidelines): absence of skeletal discrepancies; large (greater than 10 mm) arch-length deficiency; normal overbite; (usually) Class I malocclusion; commitment on the practitioner’s part to finishing the case
What is the ideal extraction sequence for sequential extraction management of inadequate arch length? א–removal of the primary canines as the permanent lateral incisors erupt. ב–Then, the primary first molars are extracted to speed the eruption of the first premolars. ג–Next, the permanent first premolars are removed to allow the permanent canines to er
Which tooth is first to be extracted in sequential extraction management of inadequate arch length and why? The primary canines as the permanent lateral incisors erupt.
Which tooth is second to be extracted in sequential extraction management of inadequate arch length and why? The primary first molars are extracted to speed the eruption of the first premolars.
Which tooth is third to be extracted in sequential extraction management of inadequate arch length and why? The permanent first premolars are removed to allow the permanent canines to erupt in the first premolar space.
What is the recommended timing of referring patients with crowding to the specialists for treatment? The late mixed-dentition stage of development.
When is the Nance Holding Arch space maintainer used? In situations where premature bilateral loss of maxillary primary teeth has occurred.
Created by: omfs1skier
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