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Fall 2010

what numerical BCS system is used for beef cattle and horses 1(emaciated) to 9 (very obese)
what numerical BCS scoring system is used for sheep 1 to 5 assigned in half numbers
what numerical BCS scoring system is used for dairy 1 to 5 assigned in fourths
describe a dairy cow with a locomotion score of 3 moderately lame arched back is evident while standing and walking short strided gait
what is cross fostering in piglets moving piglets into different litters to even out litter sizes and piglet sizes.
why is cross fostering done? to increase survival rates and weaning weights
what is preconditioning in beef calves preparing calves to enter a grazing/background program about 30-60 days before weaning
why is preconditioning done in beef cattle? to promote healthy growth and reduce stress
describe a beef cow with a body condition score of 1 severely thin no fat cover on spinous processes visible spaces between vertebra severe muscle loss in shoulder, loin, and hind
describe a beef cow with a body condition score of 3 thin spinous processes visible but less sharp than a score of 2 less space between vertebra, more fat along entire backbone no obvious fat cover in loin muscle, but more depth ribs and tailhead still visible but with more cover
describe a beef cow with a BCS of 5 average ideal fat coverage over shoulder, loins and ribs spinous processes can be palpated a little, smooth to touch last two ribs visible loin is filled
describe a beef cow with a BCS of 7 fleshy entire animal feels smooth fat filling in briskit, loin, and tailhead more fat over shoulder and fore ribs
describe a dairy cow with a locomotion score of 1 Normal,Flat back Cow stands and walks with a level back.Gait is normal.
describe a dairy cow with a locomotion score of 2 Mildly,Cow stands level backed,but develops an arched back to walk.
describe a dairy cow with a locomotion score of 4 Lame,Arch back is always evident and gait is one deliberate step at a time.Cow favors one or more legs/feet
describe a dairy cow with a locomotion score of 5 Severely 3-legged, Cow demonstrates an inability, or extreme reluctance to bear weight on one or more limbs/feet
what is the flight zone? the area around an animal or group where they dont feel comfortable having another being in. tend to move away from
what is the point of balance? front/back of shoulder left/right of head used to push an animal in a certain direction
3 strategies to improve animal movement through a facility? use curved races for cattle utilize tendency to move from dark to light areas use solid sides to prevent outside visual distractions
what is the most likely cause of dystocia in beef cattle? maternal/fetal disproportion
how can you minimize beef cattle dystocia breeding heifers at an older age breed heifers to sires known to have small offspring
what are 5 lamb management tasks tagging- Identification hoof trimming-prevent bacterial diseases castration-done early to reduce stress on animal tail docking-prevents fecal buildup vaccinations-reduce stress and protect from young age
3 steps of a breeding soundness exam observe general health and structure examine reproductive anatomy check semen quality
what does the letter in a freeze brand mean? the year the calf was born
3 methods of temporary ID ear tagging, neck chains, paint branding
3 methods of permanent ID freeze branding, tattooing, nose printing
why trim chicks beaks? to prevent injury from pecking
what is ketosis? a metabolic disorder that occurs in dairy cattle when energy demands (e.g. high milk production) exceed energy intake and result in a negative energy balance. ketone production exceeds ketone utilization.
how do you diagnose ketosis? with a urine test and keto strips. the greater the color change, the more ketone bodies
why are pics castrated? to prevent 'boar taint' when meat is sold
why are pigs docked? to prevent tail biting and infection
why are lambs docked? to prevent fecal buildup and bacterial infection
what is all in/all out swine production? moving all pigs in and out of a facility at the same time and washing the facilities in between groups to minimize the spread of disease
what is a primary sign of estrus in a cow? the cow in heat is being ridden by other herd members
what is laminitis? inflammation of the laminar tissue. can be caused by ruminal acidosis or the switching of feed too quickly
what is colostrum? a mothers first milk
how can colostrum give immunity? it passes on antibodies from the mother
post-partum interval period from calving until the cow conceives
withdrawl time amount of time between when a drug is administered and the slaughter of the animal for human consumption
retained placenta retention of afterbirth longer than 12 hours. most common in dairy
parity number of times a sow has farrowed
pullet young hen
barrow castrated male pig
steer castrated male bovine
vertically integrated one company owns all stages of production
heifer female bovine that has not yet had a calf
free stall defines resting area but don't hinder motion
rectal palpation feeling by hand the reproductive organs via the rectum
baby pig anemia Fe deficiency in piglets caused by low iron in milk
zone heating localized heating of a small area within a larger room
farrowing process of parturition in swine
why are implants used in cattle? to get increased growth and feed utilization
hairy heel wart digital dermatitis
antigen stimulates antibody production when introduced
pour on livestock dewormer that is absorbed through the skin rather than ingested
"milking" a rooster collecting semen
why are injections given in the neck region to avoid injection lesions in the cuts of meat
why are roosters trimmed before semen collection so the feathers don't soak up the semen, ease of collection, avoid contamination
how do vaccines protect animals from disease? triggers the body's response to a disease so that it can build up a resistance
what is the difference between a toxoid vaccine and an antitoxin vaccine? toxoid vaccines are for long term protection while antitoxins are for short-term protection or medical emergancies
Created by: Rflorman
Popular Agriculture sets




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