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BR - Muscle Anatomy

Board Review - Muscle Anatomy

Which muscle inserts into the iliotibial band? TFL & gluteus maximus
Which muscle forms the outer layer of anterior and lateral abdominals? External Oblique
Which muscle is attached at the lateral supracondylar ridge? Brachioradialis
Which muscles are attached at the condyles of the posterior femur? Gastrocnemius
Which muscle forms part of the quadriceps group? Rectus Femoris
Where are lumbricals located in the body? Hands
Which muscle attaches to the medial border of the scapula? Rhomboids
Where do you find anterior scalenes? Neck
Which of the following do not attach to the clavicle? SCM, Serratus anterior and rhomboids, deltoid serratus anterior and rhomboids
Where is tibialis anterior located? anterolateral tibia
Which muscle is the most anterior thigh muscle? Rectus Femoris
Which muscle is not attached to any part of the vertebrae/ anconeus
Which muscle's tendons form the achilles tendon? gastrocnemius and soleus
Where is the mentalis muscle located? chin
Which back muscle is most superficial? trapezius
Which muscle forms the anterior axilla? pectoralis major
Which is the largest muscle in the body? gluteus maximus
What muscle forms the anterior and lateral abdominal wall? obliques
Which of the following attach to the ischial tuberosity? Gastrocnemius, quadriceps, hamstrings, soleus hamstrings
Where can you find papillary muscles? the heart
Petrissage that begins just distal to the medial condyle of the tibia and proceeds proximally to the gluteal fold will make contact with which group of muscles? medial hamstrings
Which muscle is not a rotator cuff muscle? teres major
Which bone is one of the attachments for the quadratus lumborum? ilium
Which of the following muscles cross two joints? Gastrocnemius, soleus, peroneus longus, tibialis anterior gastrocnemius
Where do the flexors of the wrist originate? medial epicondyle of the humerus
Which muscle is superficial to the soleus? gastrocnemius
From superficial to deep, what is the correct order for the glutes? gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus
Which muscle has its origin at the posterior sacrum, coccyx and iliac crest and insertion at the gluteal tuberosity of the femur and iliotibial band? gluteus maximus
Which muscle might be a source of sciatic pain by entrapping the sciatic nerve? piriformis
Which of the following muscles attaches to the pes anserine's tendon at the proximal medial shaft of the tibia? gracilis
Which posterior thigh muscle is medial to the biceps femoris? semitendinosus
Which muscle flexes the knee and attaches to the fibula? biceps femoris
Which of the following muscles does not attach to the clavicle? Pec major serratus anterior, deltoid, SCM serratus anterior
Which muscle is part of the shoulder rotator cuff? teres minor
Which joint helps to stabilize the scapula? scapulothoracic joint (false joint)
Where are the oblique capitis superior and the rectus capitis posterior minor located? posterior cervical area attached to the atlas
What is the origin of the Tensor Fascia Latae? near the ASIS
What is the origin and insertion of the piriformis? anterior surface of sacrum and greater trochanter
To what part of the scapula is the trapezius attached? spine of the scapula
Which of the following muscles attaches to the sternum? Pec minor, pec major, subclavius, anterior scalenes pectoralis major
What muscle attaches to the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula? biceps brachii long head
Which muscles attach to the coracoid process? pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, biceps brachii short head
Which muscle has attachments at the scapula, humerus and ulna? triceps brachii
Which adductor has an insertion at the adductor tubercle of the femur? adductor magnus
The posterior, middle and anterior deltoids all insert at the deltoid tuberosity. What is the origin of the posterior deltoid? spine of the scapula
What is the common insertion point of the teres major and latissimus dorsi? bicipital groove of the humerus
What is an attachment site for the levator scapula? upper medial border and superior angle of scapula
What is the location of the thenar muscles? palmer side of the hand with attachment to the thumb
What is an attachment site for the pronator teres? common flexor tendon of medial epicondyle of humerus
What is the general location of the supinator? just distal to the humeroradial joint
In general, what are the attachment sites for the rotators and multifidis? transverse and spinous processes
Which muscle's insertion is called the central tendon and can be described as a muscle inserting upon itself? diaphram
The external occipital protuberance (EOP) is an attachment site for which of the following? Splenius capitis, levator scapula, scalenes, trapezius trapezius
Which of the following muscles attach to the mastoid process? SCM, longissimus capitis, splenius capitis all of them
What is an attachment site for the temporalis? coronoid process of the mandible
What muscle attaches to the zygomatic arch? masseter
The tendons of which three muscles meet together to become the pes anserine tendon? semitendinosus, gracilis, sartorius
Which of the quadriceps muscles crosses two joints/ Rectus Femoris
Which muscle is the medial border for the anatomical snuff box? extensor pollicis longus
Which muscle does not attach to the common extensor tendon? Extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi radialis longus
Where does the quadriceps muscle group insert? tibial tuberosity
Which of these muscles does not insert on the greater trochanter? Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, piriformis gluteus maximus
What is the insertion for sternocleidomastoid? clavicle
What muscle forms the posterior border of the axilla? latissimus dorsi
Which of these major muscles does not attach to the bicipital groove of the humerus? Teres major, teres minor, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major teres minor
In forced expiration what muscles are used? abdominals
Palpation of which bony landmark helps locate the ulnar nerve? medial epicondyle of the humerus
What part of the body is affected by torticollis? neck
Paralysis of this muscle causes foot drop and is frequently involved in shin splints? tibialis anterior
This muscle braces the knee when walking. tensor fasciae latae
Which of the following muscles does not flex the elbow? Corcobrachialis, brachioradialis, biceps brachaii, brachialis corocobrachialis
Created by: Gneblu
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