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Week#1 Speech3

Interpersonal Communication

CHAPTER 2:Coming Together & Coming Apart
Affinity The degree to which persons like or appreciate one another
Channel The medium through which a message passes from sender to receiver
Cognitive Complexity The ability to construct a variety of frameworks for viewing an issue
Communication A continous, transactional process involving participants who occupy different but overlapping environments and create relationships through the exchange of messages, many of which are affected by external, physiological, and psychological
Communication Competence The ability to accomplish one's personal goals in a manner that maintains a relationship on terms that are acceptable to all parties
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Communication between two individuals that is conducted via computer channels such as e-mail, chat, and instant messaging
Content Message A message that communicates information about the subject being discussed
Control (conversational & decision) The social need to influence others
Decoding The process in which a receiver attaches meaning to a message
Dyad Two individuals communicating. The interaction may or may not be interpersonal in nature.
Encoding The process of putting thoughts into symbols, most commonly words.
Environment The field of experiences that leads a person to make sense of another's behavior. Environments consist of physical characteristics, personal experiences, relational history, and cultural background.
Immediacy The degree of interest and attention that we feel toward and communicate to others.
Impersonal Communication Behavior that treats others as objects rather than individuals.
Instrumental Goals Goals aimed at getting others to behave in desired ways.
Interpersonal communication (Quanitive and Qualitive) In a quanitive sense, communication between two individuals. In a Qualitive sense, communication in which the parties consider one another as unique individuals rather than objects. It is characterized by minimal use of stereotyped labels; unique, idiosyn
Linear Communication Model A Characterization of communication as a one-way event in which a message flows from sender to receiver.
Message Information sent from a sender to a receiver.
Metacommunication Messages that refer to other messages: communication about communication.
Noise (external, Physiological, psychological) External, physiological, and psychological distractions that interfere with the accurate transmission and reception of a message.
Receiver One who notices and attends to a message.
Relational Message A message that expresses the social relationship between two or more individuals.
Respect The social need to be held in esteem by others.
Self-Monitoring The process of attending to one's behavior and using these observations to shape the way one behaves.
Sender The creator of a message.
Transactional communication Model A characterization of communication as the simutaneous sending and receiving of messages in an ongoing, irreversiable process.
PURPOSE OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION (3 reasons) 1) Identify and Define regualr and systematic patterns of communication through stages of rel'ship 2) Identify comm strategies that attract & repel during building, maintaining, breaking down rel'ship 3) Determine what causes the pace of rel'ship?
Two levels of infomation MESSAGE contains Relational and Contextual
Relationship Message Tells how to INTERPRET the content. i.e. sending a message about a message
When are you ALWAYS AWARE of messages 1. Drastically violates our expectations 2.Relationship w/ high levels of intensity eg engaged couple 3. When disagreement & conflict arise
Ways people talk about their relationship? Work, commitment, involvement, unique or special, manipulation, consideration, respect, game, dangerous, uncontrollable
The involvement themes? Communal, individual themes, and impersonal themes (outside forces that effect rel'ship)
Blending Style of Comm Mutually confirming and overlapping shared rules, interpretations, activities, backgrounds & experiences
Differentiating Style of Comm unintegrated sicussion of indiv. characteristics
Balanced Style of Comm Discussion of indiv. characteristics balanced by integrative hierarchies
MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT COMM IN REL'SHIP 1. Assumption of Consistency 2. Assumption of Simple Meaning (u said it so u mean it) 3. Assumption of Communicator Independence (it wasn't my fault) 4. Assumption of Obvious Causation (i kno y u said that) 5. Assumption of Finality (that settles it)
The Assumption of Consistency Having others "be consistent' highly valued in society. Assists in making predictions of future behavior.Want to be able to change our OWN opinion or behavior; to be both ind and dep. EYE OF THE BEHOLDER
Ideal Relationship Rel'ships in which the participants understand and appreciate the necessity of pos and neg messages
The Assumption of Simple Meaning Pay too close attention to WORDS. Words are used to describe only a small part of the many ideas we associate w/ a mesage. WHO, WHEN, RELATED CONDITION AND HOW IT WAS SAID are Factors.
The Assumption of Communicator Independence "it wasn't my fault" Rel'ships with people as if we had no relation or connection with them.SUCCESS related to interdependence
Communication Interdependence Need for approval, Response matching
The Assumption of Obvious Causation "Can't fool me. Know why u said that" Motivations and causes are complex and well hidden.
The Assumption of Finality "That settles it" If something is "finished" no longer needs attention, effort, concern. Act as if true to set prioiities for available time & energy
Stylized-Unique Comm Dimension Rel'ship evolve in recognizing as UNIQUE individual rather than part of society
Narry Broad Comm Dimensions Evolved: Breadth of Interaction During closenees comm increase amt of talking & variety of topics explored.
Public-Personal Comm Dimension: Social Penetration Process "Depth" of Social interaction. Initial communication reflect public personality. Higher breadth & depth w/ greater frequency direct relation to intimacy. Ex husband/wife, friend, acquaitance
Difficult-Efficient Dimension As rel'ship grows increased accuracy, speed and efficiency of communications.
Rigid-Flexible Dimension of Comm Number of different ways ideas communicated. ex: frown, silence, grunt, etc.
Awkward-Smooth Dimension Other person increases predictability and synchronization of interaction
Hesitant-Spontaneous Dimension New people naturally with hesitancy, caution. Greater "latitude of understanding"
Overt Judgment Suspended-Over Judgement Given Dimension First impression = covert judgments, neg response = little interest acquaintance. Increase closeness increase frequency pos.neg feedback
Empathic Accuracy (stable/varied patterns of comm) The ability to accurately infer the specific content of a partner's thoughts/feelings
Communication Patterns Interdepedency Interdepency means dimensions change in BOTH people
1 Initiating CT "Hi, how are ya"
2 Experimenting CT "You like to ski too?"
3 Intensifying CT "I really like you"
4 Integrating CT "I feel so much a part of you" "Like one person"
5 Bonding CT "Let's get married" "Always want to be with you"
6 Differentiating "Don't understand you" "Don't like social gatherings"
7 Circumscribing "What time will dinner be ready" "Did you have a good time on your trip" Limit breadth and depth
8 Stagnating "What's there to talk about"
9 Avoiding "I'm busy. Don't know when I'll be able to see you"
Staircase Model of Interaction Stages All Stages in Staircase, Movement May Be.....Systematic/Sequential, Forward, Backward, W/in stages,
Created by: confedcwgrl
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